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Real Estate Sales

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The following real estáte sales have been recorded n the register's office since our laM report : WAR11ANTY. Anson Ilarnion to John [1. Warner, lots 7 and 12, feution 10, village of Saline, $3,700. Joseph EUelo to J. Jacob Knapp, 2 acres of land, seeiion 35, totfnship ot'Sharcm, boundeu on the north by Augustus Bohmidt, $33.25. John C. Winans to Gen. W. Richards, lot 4, block 11, Elisha Congdon's first addition to the villaje of'Cholaea, $1,000. C. H. Feit to Alfred Brown, 5 acres of land, ,-eciion 3 (ownship oí' Sharon ; bounded on the east by land owned by Janies Milehell, $300. Abraham 0. Voorheis (o John Schaffer, the weat fractiunal part of lot 1 isection eleven, village of' Saline, $2,100. Charles H. (iowles to Ishi KeUey 20 acres of land, scctiou 8, township of ï ork, $1.150. Luciu D. Watkin to John Braun, 33, B8 lontli aerea of land, section 7, townliip ofMsnehetfer, $1,900. M. M, iL 8mikh to J. Jacob Looklinrdt, Iü3aanol Und, Neciion4, lowtihlup of Bridgi water, $8,000 David L Gates to Albrt Blaoss, land in the township of Ann Arbor including tt stoam saw rail!, eider mili, circu'ar wood saw, and all othnrümachinery ooDtained in ,-aid mili, $1,5(10. James B. Gould to Greo. A. WiJliauiBon, r(i acrus cif' land, section 24, townhip of' York, $2,300. Jonathan Siualliy to .Inlm Smalley, i5 acres of land, Bcotion 35, township of Man chewler, $4,300. Osmond S. Bart to ('has. J Burt, land joining lot 12, citv of ïpfil ld, Johu F. Beuzbee to Martin Deway 63 aerea of land, sections 18 and 19, towMhip of liridgewater, 14,660.30. Alf'red lirower to Thomas Engan, land in the (ownihip of Mnnclii t'T, $1 l.T'K) Abrain B. Runyan lo Jo pli Staite, 80 acres ot' land, nectiou 4, U wn hip of liridgewater, $4,628. Douglas& llunt, trusice-i, John Aruibruhter, lot 9, block 3, uorih oí' Hurón slreet, range 4 oat, according ti lhi recorded plat of the villiige of Ana Arbor, $2,000. Wn. Duncan to Tnuurei School District No. 4, Salem and BÚperior, I acre of land, on section line betweon section 1 and beotion 12, an the Ann Arbor and Plymoutb road, $50. Peter Sulnuid to Sofaooi Distriot, No. 7, Lodi, 1 4 are of land, muííoii 2U, townsbip of lxiï, $100. Edgar Bogardus to HenryThotupson, 20 acres of land, section 32, tovrnahip of Augusta, $300. Jamci C. McQee to At n J. Mede. all of his laod.slocatjd iu town.-liip of tjharon, $2.000. Major D. Wa'Iace to David Fislier, land on Adauis htieet, viüage of Saline, $500.