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Iiusiucs Locaba Wanted- Ncw niilch cows. Address, Waterman & Monror, Drawer "'.(, Aun Arbor, Mich. 970 KK ADINtí NOTICKS. Go and hear Haverly's church choir tonight, at the opera house. Ely't Cream Bulm cures Catarrh without the unploasatit effeota of' enufis or liquids. See advertisement elscwhm:. [925-976] Answer Tlils. Did yqu cver know any pcivon to be ill, without inaetion of the s'onmch, liver or kidney.s, or did you ever kuow one wlio was well wheu eithei was obatructed 01 inactive, and did you ever know or henr of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters would not cure ? A:-k your neighbur the sanie question. Consumption ('umi. Ad old physician, retired frora practice, having had placed in bis hauds hy an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for ConsntDptifm, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthiua, and all Throat and Long affections, aNo a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debmty and all Nervuus Complaints, af'ter having tested its WOOderf] curative powcrs in thousands of ca,-es, has feit it nis duty to make t knnwn to hissuffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suftering, I will send free of charge to all wlm desirè it, this recipe, in Germán, French, or Knglish, with full directions for pre)aring and uting. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. SbEAHEB, 1-19 Powers' lilock, ftochrster, N. Y. 958-980 e o w