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Dr. Chase's

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j RKC118TRRKD IN V. 8. UQZT b -- . [ AND CAS ADA. S& ' FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlginator of Dr. Chase' Family Medicina Is aathor of ir. CliUe'i Réelpca : or. Informal ion for KvitjIkmI.v. and other Recipe Books bearlng hls nnme, ancl ware brought about through the Inqnlries of many of the purehasers of hls Books for Omethlng to meet thelr llngerlng and complicad 1 dlseased condtttons, whlch they dtd not Ilml describpd In hls Kook. Tbe proprletorshlp of the Medióte, and the business management of the Mme, having paused lnto the hands of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE C0MPANY WITU- HEADQUARTERS AT idir,. c:b:.a.s:e's STM FEU HOUSE A AKBOK, miCII., We would say to the public, that ihey eau raat assured that I)r. lias.-H Fainilj M-lioiii-M wlll Klve (.hem a greatei ttUtttotion than any others, for the Dlsenses for wblph thelr ñames Indícate tin in t have been prei'"a wni tmhai ,, (ijg ,„,CS „v,.,. a oiher books of a similar character. as shi.u n by tlnir salea, whlcli hwva exoeeded the (álesofaDy other, reachlng over one millioii copies. Olve them a trial, Iherefore, aml kaOw ftw yourselves. Is alt we ask. DR. CHASE'S Gough and Wound Balsam Has been found tt aiókeal and nnst oèrtaln cure of Coughs of any preparatlon In use; also (lulrkly rclicvliiK Hparaeneaa, Sofèneés of the Throat or Limi;. Tam orTlghtness atfopl tinChest, Bronchitis, Olergyman't Throat, and Consumpt.lon in all lt.s earller Whooplnji Ooügh, Croup, etc. Prlce 1 per Uottle, or Bottls for ",. DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevenís and cures the Pain and Distress of the Dyspeptic after meals. umi for Purlfjlng nnl Henewlng the Blood, iiuukly toniiii; up the Stomach, and Invlgoratlng the whole System Price 1 per Bottle, or Bolt les Tor $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver I Anti-Bilious Pilis For curlng the ÖlpeasM of the Llvcr, aiul iirrectlng Bllious conditlons of the System, U well as for all Cathartlc pnrposéa, Su_'arODftted; selllng for !Í5 rciit per llox, or 5 UoxeN, poMtpaid, for SI. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT - - AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-streugth Liulment, iradicatlng lnternal or exterual Pain qulcker and more permanently thau any other in use. Two sIzcr,- 5O .iiIn and Wl,- or O lurgu Bottles for 5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLAST ER Is put up in Roll or Stick Koi m, whlch wlll spread a dozen Piasters, glving a xtreogthenlng aud heallng Plastrr for tw. crnis n,,i qoaled by thosefor whlch you pay two sliillings ; silllugforScentMper roll; tive rol)B, lostpaul, M. Dr. CHASE'S CAÍARRH SNÜFF Is for the qulck cure of Cold.s In the H.inl.' and dolng all for old Chronlc Catarrh that medicine can do. Belling fbr 50 ét, pet bottle. i OKii:itiN; Anyorthete Medicines, (Ifyour Drugglal lias init got thom,)or tur any rortber Information in rt'latlou to I Inni, addn ■-. th Ur. A. W. CHASi: MKIMCIVE COJIPANT, Ann Arbor, Mliti. iüötf