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Real Estáte for Sale. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Washtenaw, as. ín tbe matter of the eptate of Ida M. Aloxandor, minor. Notice is hereby given, that in pui nuance of an order granted to the underfliffned, guurdian oí the estáte of eaid mtnor, by the Hon. 3nág9 of Probate for the Couniy of WasMenaw, on the seventeentb day of Üecemoer, A. D. 1879, therc will be sold at public vendue, to the highet bidder, at the late residencu of James U. Alexander. deceate, in the townehip of PiUnflelii, Ín tle county of Waehtenaw, ín said Sute, on WedneBdav. the ionrth day of Kebrnary, A. D. 1880, at ten o'clock in ihe foro noon oí that day, (subject to all eucumbrancet by morí gage or otaerwise xtsting ai the linie oí the sale,) the loilnwint: dcscrihcd real estáte, to-wit : I he undivided one-tlfth part of 'he east hatt' ot the -mi' t. west quarter of pection niimber even (7), in town three (3) snntb, rango six {fij eaal, (PlttsfleídJ Wiwh tenaw County, Michit?Hn. COMST(CK F. HILL, Guardian. Datcd December 17, 1879. 965-971 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHKíAN, County of Wahtnaw,8e. In the matter of the estáte of Andnw bnh, deceaued. Notice is beroby trivpn, that in pureuance of an order i;iiti;it-d to ihe underpiiM-d, exeeutor ot the last witl and testament o! taid decMtsed, bj the Hon. Judge o! Probate for tbe County ol Wasbtenaw, on the t wen tiet h day ol Jai uary, A. D. i8H), thcre will bc sold at public vendue. Lo the hightst bidder, at the late reuidence cl -aid de ceaced, in the townshfp oi S&noe, Is the C(auty ol Washtenaw, in aid State, on Saturday, the pixih day oí Mtirrh, A. I) 1880, at ten o'clock iu forSD-OOI of that day, (subject to all encnmbranc by mwCgsec or ntherwice UMtlDK at the time ol the death of uld dwamid,, the followin: desfrlbeJ real er-uu-, to uit : Alt of that pari of northasi quarter ol BCÜ D three, ín the township ot' Baltiie. bieb Ñw anuth ol the Uetroit, Hill-rtale and Indiana Hailroad. and Dorth of a line running eaet nul went throuh iin! quarler section tliiriy chaint and ecventy link soatb of and parallel to the uorth line of said Mctlon three. .-ifo, all tiat part sf tin wot hall of ÜM aonthual quarter of eectlon thirty-four (4), in the tOWushlp oí Lodl. which lies suiub of Iip Deiroit, HilludaUand hnliaiin Itailroad,- atl in Wiwhtenaw Ooaoty, in the State ol Michigan, - containint,' bundred anti twenty-three and tliiny-iiin' out'-liundredths (IS and 89100ths) acrp, more or ! - KZttA C. UOMNSON.Exerntor. Dated Janimry ÜOib, 18ííO. V7D-978 Kstiit' of AdcliiK' Imitaron. T ATB OF MICHIGAN, County or Wanhtenaw, es. At a seaeioD oí the Probate Court for theCoontyöi Waebtt-naw, holden ai the Probatr Office in the citj of Ann Arbor, ou Muuday, the rwanty i.mtti day ot December, in the yearone thoOMDd slffbt lnmdret! and Beventy-nine. Present, William D. Harriman, Judee ot Probate. In the matter nf ihe enlate of Adeline LeBaron dec-MM, tl. Annetta D. Plielp. adminietrutrlz offtASd enlate, comee into court and represent thut she in now prepared to reinier her account a sucb admtnlKiralrix. Tb e re 0 pon it io ordered, that Monday, tlie twen ty-eixth day of January ncxl, at ten o'clock in the foreiioon, ba aeigned lor exuniiniiur at d allowlng sucü account, and that the heïre at law c( said deceaeed, and all Otter persons imereelrd in said estáte, are required to appear at a D of uaid court, then to be holden at ihe Probate Office, in the city of Anu Arbor, in taid county, and nhow cause, ïfany there te. why iheuld account Hhoiild nol be allowctl. And it ie lurther ordered, tbat said administrutrlx jive notice to per IOM !iueried iii i-niil estáte, of the pendency of 8ftU ii ■iniiit, and the hearlug thereol, by caueinu' CÓpj olthis order to be puliisried in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newpaper printed and circulating in .-ail county, three tfiiccumaive weeks previuus to said day of hcariuir. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. W7-'J70 Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT . 4 smiiii iiniii uwmmt, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. The tililfut aKency in the city. Kslabllehed (jnurti r of a century ago. Kepregeuilnft the lolIowídk lirjt-class coiui'auies : Home Insurance Co. of N. Y , Aixo't i.ver ifi.000,000 t:ontlnenwl lux. Co. of N. Y., Aawtl over .00 ,iki Ntauaru Flre Insurance Co., N. Y.. Aséete $1,448,000 Olrard, of Phlludi-lpliia Aaseta "t 1 (Mant, of llurtlonl A.-ls SÏ00.000 Commercial Union Aeturance Co. of Umdon Aseets (3,000,000 f 7} ATES LO W. Lobbcs llberally adjustcd and prompt ly nalü. 8C4-V76 C. H. 1WILLEN. PioUpru Utwi. (Fallllgof the Womb.) A WsadorM Cure. - NJna arn my wfft aoflred wltb thte terrible complaint. öi ewns attenéed by doctor aftcr doctor, weot to the dlftraai haapluut mhm [mal ar trented; tilcd them all; wore and pMriex with only ti'mjxirary relief. Her wat mtow able. We applleil Dr. Ullte' UalüMBt Hw reliel waa immedUtu. Sli U aan ell. li MoDÏRMOTT. 40 Weit lUth utreet. New York. Sold by all druKKinte. Send for ptropklet Da Q bi ■ 120 Weit Broadway, N. Y. Trial bUc 25 cent. 967-971