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Ann Arbor Courier

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IFOTrl. 188O. GIVENAWAY A Book To Every Subscritor Who pnys for THE COURIER In full for the year 1880; or, If now pald beyond January, 1880, oue year addltlonal subscrlptlon al SI. 50. THE HOME GUIDE A BOOK BY 500 LADIES, A volume oí 160 pages, embraclng aboat 1,000 Practical Recipes and Hints ON Cookery, Thé Household, Toilet, Sick Room, etc., coutrlbuted by over 500 Lmlics during the pust three or four yeurs. It contains more lnformatlou 1 hun do the 1.50 and n cook books, besldes possesstng the important advautage over all oihers of belng Practical Experienees of Practical "Home" Keepers. Tliese select, original and practical contrlbutlons from so many 1 ad i es have never before ftpprm 11I In book form, and thls volume ts the HrM and only comptlatlon. We liave exclusive control of the Book in this Locality. It can be obtaincd ■mij througli This OlDce. Somethlug of real and practical vaiue. The ladies wlll be dellghted wlth it. Mnke up yuur subscrlptlons now. If your neighbors do not take TUK COURIER, teil them of thls offer. They all want the paper and the book. You get the Bkst Newspaper, and a capital, practical, useful Book of one hnndred aud sixly paeeB, for the prlce of THE COUK1ER alone. PREMIUM NO. 2. FOR TWO DOLLARS Every subscrlber, who pays os above, wlll recelve THE CGURIEK for one year and NEW WEIGHS DOUBLÉ 1-4 Ib to I % SPRING II 16 Ibs. E Tbe superlorlty of thls Scale over any and all othera Ik In lts simplidty ; there belng only four separate and dlstlnct pieces. Doublé Kprlng unlted at the lower extremlty makes the ad)u8tment complete, and the tensión Is so perfect that Uil Scale will last a lifetlme. Metal Cap and adjustable Dial the whole Scale can be taken apart alinost Insiamly. It In made ot the best material, witli great care, and flnlshed In the most modern style of workmnnHhlp, )apanned and ornamented In colore. There it not arwther Scale in the world to equal il, and par licularly none that welghs from one-fourth to slxteen pounds. 4V This Scale alone Is worth th money. PREMIUM NO. 3. FOR TWO DOLLARS Every subscrlber, who pays as above, wlll receive THE COUKIER for one year and IDIR,. CHASE'S ImproYsdRGcipsBook OF (Wt I" M.l.s. It embraces all the valuahle Recipes of the Old Book, with the Improveraents and dlscoverles In the arts. sclences and medicines of the lasteight yearsadded. The new editlon glves In plalu language full dlrecllons for the snccessful treutmeiit of all the leading diseases to whlch man, woman or chlld are heir, aswell as those of horaes and cattle, and are the results of long experlence of some of the most sctentiflc physiclans of modern times. The publishi-r has adopteü the Refonned Practlce of Medicine, and many of the Recipes In thls department are more preclous than rubíes. They are prlceless. No mother should be without thls book, as lts " Advice to Mothers" and " Rules for the l'reatment, Care and Management of Cblldren " alone Is worth ten times the prlce of the Book, and should make It a Welcome Friend In Every Household In thls broad land. " It Is a (tuide in Health as well as Sickness." The publlxher has also added several new and attractive departmenU, vlr: " Rules for the Preervntlon of Health ;" "Accidenta and Emergencies ;" "Advice to Motherx ;'' Hules for the Dress. Care and Brlnglng up of Chlldren;" " Cold Water Cure;" " HlnU on Housekeeplng;" "Amusements and Indoor Ubidw for the Young;" " Bee-Keeplng;" and OneTbousand Household Recipes. The New Book is complete In all lts departraents; but especlally so In lts "Medical," " Mother's," " Farrler's," and " Colorlng," and contalns over two thousand Practical Recipes, for every thl ng and every body, upon almost every subject and branch of mechanlcal industry, and Is adaptd to all dassen and condlUons. Tbls book alone cannot be bought for 'ess than (2. N. B.- The above premiums wlll be delivered at thls office. If otherwise ordered, by those livIuk "t a distance, postage must be sent as folIowh: Kor Home Gulde.slx cenU ; for Recipe Book. flfteen cents. The Scale can be sent by uxpress, party paylng charges. THIS OIIKR OF PKEJIIIÜHÜ WILL REMAIN OPEN üntil February lst, 1880. HUKRT UP! nd Take the Hoort Things Whüe Tbey Are olnif, and Theu Teil Your Neighbors.