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$100 REWARD ! FOK ANY CASI OF CATARRH THAT CANNOT BE CIKED WITH 6ATARBH Hl Ttals to BO liiimhiu'. No n."l douche. No snnff. Nothint: to Irritiite ihr nasa] citvity, or oVtroy tingente I umi!, ii ( an INTKKNAL RKMÏDY, ACTING 1'1'ONTIIK KLOOI), i-l.-HiifliiiKitfromita lmpurltlea.cailng the puritana muller tobe carried off tlLioutrh the imttiml ebuoala. II it scii'utitic propantion, oed and prMcribed for jtun by one of the tblesi praatittunen in thi country, und has never fnlled to wh6H u'l HCGordlng to directfon. If inji pnon, ifler taktns uur dozen oí Huir Catwrh Uure if nul cured nr bmrjlttd more ih.'ui lour tlmee itx o"-i, wc miII ri'lund tln moner wid. II it doc you rood, ycui ure wlllinj; to pay for jt. If It doe no rood, II coala vm ilii l1. race 7." ci-nts per bot tic. SoM y all clriiiciHlH. Miiiiillacluri'.l by I . 1 C'IIKXKY Jt CO.. Drogffkta, Tniudo, Ohio. Ifyoin (Iru-ist don nol keep it in stook, m-k hlm to L'et it Tor you, or eniil dirM t lo proprletora. and it wil! bc promptlj forvrdi'd. For Hftlc in Anu Arhor liy II. J. BKOWN t CO., Mg '177 Cor. of Main aud Hurón etreete. "OOR SALE. I have a good PLODKIItG HIIX of four run of stonc, that 1 wlll geil or inchanije for property In Waehtenaw ('ounty. Hut HICK A. BEAI.