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THE FOB 188O. ESIABLISHED 1851. T uolltical oi 1 be New Tor Timo will !.■ ui ipd iiurliiK th Pres -di-ntial y mr t thi un.imiicp ■ bieb bave wun for It the podttoo ol the ior,-nn.-t Repiiblican iicw-pap t li the ' nlled Btatea. - al lue nf Hm raceai conten ii Neu Yurk,nua tbs anb kes Mrl ol Kepnbllcan ictn. - in oihr NimMhtii Btatee whlcli precrded ml cc wt it, h.ivr combinad to demunetivte tiie KúUndui - ■ ! i '■ poeHion "I The Tinne in regard to ihi' queatloiw wlth hlon tb Kepnblaaan paity ir Hll U I1UOU t dMl. The I linea win continue lo plací' Bilí lity to rae inol ii a Repoh leari para ibuva tif porenti "f ii :t'mi (ir private ambitloB. and wlli mad irt-: v mi-u i that iiif iimiii neaa o! inj i-iriy novl ba .-un ii i'v ibe i xu'iii ol Ita devoilo ■ lo thi sul tbeconutrv. In Ihe (ntnre, aa in the , -:, [h al Hada "i ■ e niñea i:l !■ Uii :■- ii ;ihtn iho Republlcan l'h maln t.n ■ '■■■ of the naüonal rr.-ilu ; ibe porlicailuii ol ■ 'il.t jirr%u ; tbe adTikdkCJ Ol all KI ui! reform; tJu'id economy in puiiiic - mil uru ; oppoeltj o eub#ldtee anü corporato III i.iiii-; und thi' piiKvrvntiiiii of , qn i rij hta to all cUtimir, Nortn and Bouih, 111 bc ib mI'vd polnti "i the boIIi j of 'i ba Time ■ i r, i tn De in b dlïüiiKulibed a u .' Ited ncwppiu l'h rknuwk'dKed exö'llenoii and fal)nea of iih c irn ■ ( . . j - ■ : r ti! . H in all rld. lll '■■'■ ml. iiiiu-iy nmlntained, ,1 ,i ... c i:i' ■ KIT COllei llIK i il ■■ .nul li -n-ilin n - ,'i i. ■ xp.iu'ii ii !i nuv! i IncrMeing oa in i iU u om ; iiiu' In ihe ■[ ier of Ulerarj aud urüatlc criti tcioiitlflr, Bocinj ttd k1'1"-"1 dwciifi-lim, Tlm Tlmea ui.i :i idreM iiK;li. a iHiL-uiinri', in ibe apurHiatlon ol the ei oratt'd nd Intel Itrem clawpeí i-i Amerlrjiii peotie. Il iii bi UTrh wltbum belntf ieneaii'iimi, wlttiunt lit-'iiit; conree ; .-il fill limH ii iv. il -iiivc to be learlew ano ladtpviiflenl i" the cbnmiiiushlp of the rtebt. Nut! i-uber'lve . irincip ■ h on hii!; t e BaiMedl.iHe t luniily ríe und ■!).■ ulrteuce ol mclel) ahko n bum will bu pr iinHig it tl In lui ('iiiiiiinif . I li. rimet rejcc uil idvertliemenl ol lolterlee, iï ijn cka ai 'i medica pre li ndei . 'ilh m ■ 1 olhet i v iiicn the Innldloue poton i i lc i ,1 i - in. ii it.'d HiroiiLl.oni MXiletj. IimiIIIi. in ihf i:i tlir pul, an.-Wr-p.per i-.prci:l! J :iclpll'd lo. ; umi readintf. The Sim; Timet li ■■pvclall} liiud to meut i. ■■ requlrementii ..i ihoaa wto íetk niot }■ . urrt-i I ii. ut :it (l flli.ei i rei.t diïiu-ittD th.n are in ibe Feekly 1--11 ■■. I be Beml Weeklj ba ■ itrjr clrcnla ton iro.i ! HLd amo '.- i ■ ptofi 1oual w t-ii! Ibe arte fl'1' ■'-. "' ln.nit' ai h. reduerd club ratm m w "flVr.d f..r n i editlon, i ■ oim irtiy i Bi ín to be lm n h ipcieaw d. I I ■in. i-, r. i.m nl i' wli oud i dli'.rials on ■-, , al ai.rl mui-rul ibtereat f'1 n the c -lumi y liso1 we we!l a a conclwi -i.m in , iieial ui cl lorelitn D -. ''■ dea otli il -i ir mmend II t" ail 1 1 - i pi .i iiilmir.i'.lj fltt.d to in-u te In Hirtton of iba i nfted B( !■ -. it C"iiductor uu fV.-it. i.o' onh to niHii lalii ll# w. 11 - pr. 'in . y, Imt to m'ike lu popn'arltj ftill B3OI '■ .' ;.i. .1. Ti.KMS TO MAIL BÜBS0RIBBB9. I hr prepnid bv tt' publitherë n "H ■ ant "i 'nIK IliiKS nt le .wítcribert in the Bittod 8taU . Buil) Ptniua, p r .u.lriui, incimliiii.' th' ■JiliMliiy Edltiim lü OU I h.' 1 l.ii. Tiiii.-, pi-l .'üiii.i, -xcltisivr Of tbe diilun Hi ut ThuSn i , p' r HMiim 2 00 TtlK SKMI-WKKKI.Y TIMKM, ■ "pp-, on yi'r 2 6U W OC i d dii" iri'r for t'lu' 2U 00 1" I '.VIKKI.Y T1MKS Bli I' copie, nne ,r t 1 JC '1 ,-n i :..r Club 10 ;1 "■■ . tl n-e ni.'i.ih-, 10c Theee prlc"? are Invariable. We have no h mti In draPa on New Y. ru or I'oi ( 'tin Md -V Onci-. 'T powlble; an.i wberf neither ol th h in'i be procurtd. eend the moniy In regislrcd . Addret-B ÏHK NEW-T0BK TIMES, MÍW-YCKK CITY. ALLFORMER EARS OUTDONE. 356,432 a-EHTTJIlSrE SiNGER SEW1NG MACHINES SOU) IN 178, BEtNO 7-.O More Tlmn in Any Provioiis ïear. Tl WAHKANT KVKKY MAOQ1M1 Stll.U BY U8. SOUS VEBY HAED NUTS TO CEACK lt. Coropuiefl bavi sprang ap in vcr art of th n '■ lm I tari d bilí l" r Machine.' WAs ' '''' ■'"'""" i' ■ '" "" d r ('■ mttalïonê oj othei Sewihf Möchintêt mili (Iihu ü- o .11 Inlerence, Oo2d i contihUiillij countêrft ï' ; braêë aml tin never ! A, Sin-'i hM tak ii Ilif PM T Prize ov'T Ai-i ■ -o Hl N Dit KI) TIVI,. Wil Í Knv i h Keliel 'ommlt e Biid rUMik tofarn ib sewlug mnchtQtotbe i eedj f Mifït city. AppUcrtnt werê penalued to cboos 'rum ix (ii!lcri[it kindi oí mHCfafDM. 2.ÍH1 appti cai 0 ivere hiruished wlth macblite; 2,447 cho( m ■■■ i Dea, and 517 dUUtbotd :lu-ii ohota amos Uu ii' b otb6r Indi "i macblnei. Tb ei eirli (Tfl t" KAKN TIIK'H I,VIN( Ofl tt.ene QflClllDat Uhy iitii ttaej Binara K--r iiiriht-r pajtlcnUui chiI us AT 'IIIK SI ,i.,l( OKF1CE, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ■ itl mII y l i a Bewlog Machino cbf'apw ttiar niy other man. i m n i alao for the L)OMB8Tll ■mi loi 'I"1 "■ h W WRITB, the mót popuUr n-w machino tn the world, tiavisg sainwd a ailr exeoed lnly bj n th siiori r-piuv - two yenre KU'UI'.IU i Sm,;,) -Silgenllde as Uil as p I. L. (iJd.NXI-.I.L, Aun Arbor. FOR CHOICE HÜII lililllllllj O TO THE Mlllli: OF C. 13. HERRICK AT No. 39 SOUTH MAIN STREET ■letter Known as the City Arcade. TEAS, GOFFEES AND SU&ARS t raporlof grade, and nt more reaponable price ihuii UiJf uther place in the city. i. TOL1 nüArifDTrC ALWAYS LINK OP UrXiUUÜlJalÜib IN STOCK FRESH BREAD AND CAKES ALWAVS ON HAND. Rpmcinbrr, that in oonncctlon ivith this Store is the best BESTAUBA1TT in in' nty for obtalnlng a gooá square Meiil, at all lionrs of the lay. !fitf FERDON LUMBËR YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufarturer mul Dc-aler in SACINAW (JANC-8AWBD LI1HBKR, LATH AND SHINGLES. Invite al! to gwc U a cali, and examine ou stock before parctuwtiift alaewbars ALSO AtiKNT VOli JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND UBI KIKB BKK'K. JVMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. Hl.i:(ll. Hupt feb.lS.'79 pOFFINS ANP CASES . t'ÜLL STOCK AT MARTIN' 8. A.11 ordera promptly tttanded to.