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Gastona Hüiions of Kathart oxpraai i i-ir toilgfet ('üstoriii. It is nadire's iTiuedy for ssimilafiíi the food. l'nlike ('iiMor (til, 1 jspli m-umI t1iM',lud un ke HorphlM s) sliarmliss. CWtorU rflguUtM he Kowcls, áeatrojri fforms Cure SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, mul nilays PévferfthMM. rtlmt nives lenltli lo Ihr Chile! iMomotcs ivl Tor the HotlUT. ('llMilien (TV fcr Pitclier's (';isorin. It istlicinost rclialiii-, and oiular ariu-lc Mwnnai i tvgtty. NEVER siiii-i' lualiii ipmadlet bave be n n-'-il "y SUFFERINO OTAN ,i 11, baas kimwu rock absolute Pain-relievng agenta ai tlic CENTAUR LINIMENTS. Thoy sootho. hoal and curo. Thoy nu, rtoimil-s (uK Oíd ion, li ki Breasts and Nlpplw ; K7BB- Pata Id tbl imattonu S'iotli-a, Lumbago, NanraUrfa, Kancha, Tette , Pimpla, [tch, snit RrTanfn, and all flash, I and másele iiili,i-nts of Ai inuls ; SVHOUK IiilHmin.-ulon od 8we : Huil, Felón, Olean, 3ori Itifoat, BronchltUí ' "' P and (Jnlny; EXTKACT l'.iii' frmn Hum-, Nr.ilils, SHnge, Proet-bltse, Bprtlni nd Brntaea. The azpariauoa of cantarle bai mdi the CENTAUR Xdinimonts the most Bpeedj and effectlve emotivo it'fíito lor OTAN and BEAST tlu' wiirlrt lias erer known. The Centaur LINIMENTS tmm r-lli-vrtl ilion' rlddfii 'rt p 1 ■ ; In-al. 1 mora Irlttllllill iviiiuiil, inil avcd nmri' VHllliilli' MllIlialN thnii 11 mh.T ' ' : ] i ■ ■ t - - tntmi n'M. D!i-, extracte, pisaron írod bo-c&11 d "poiu blMa" and "-kin niraa" oombln4. 'liyU'.an and Vi'icrui-irv BnMteom andore th ('eiitaur Llnlmeotal inillioiis romen and chlldran Ifl all coonttiee u' tli , maelnepera, Fartnem, Plantar, Travul'-r. Uvcryni.-!;. rtanwten and Stocet-MCre, aM ttaelí patfoos. Ti;.'! ar.' -lcaii, i!,.y ai ■ liaiuly , Ihej are clieap, and thoy are rclluble. There adíe, pain, or Rwclllni; whlch thé'j will nol e -il1.! ie, or o re. Solí tMromrhom 1HK ..4BITAHLK tilHK for 50 lenli nnd $1.00 ■ bottle. Tr ul titules, '5 C4-I1IN, Catarrhal P0IS0N Wcl De Meyer's Troatlne on Catarrli explaina the followinif iraportunt faets : 1. Tliat VatarrluU. Cvldx become :i poUonouê n.i flr-t local, and ínally constttuOonal. 2. Tll'll. hrill,' ('oi.-titut.ion l', iiilrclion i be ijn,,,i rtarli of man Utal nme lia. 3. That ii'i'n ii.x Ib nottrili iré neceesarllj mxiUovhJ Into tni; ttomach and ínTuiitd Into the Iti'iys, ilni pMsontñff Üw Dtsasttvei Kaapfratorj and Genito m .. -p, Ibllowi tha r ■ ■ . mi brint' j, 1 1 I iii-'s f ,■ xv, iKit-..t. ühronic DiarrioM, Bronchitis, Lsncorr oí, nd Conniimp Son. .r). That V"Áv.v, Ddiifhi'i, I hiil-iLiOü-, and hiolu ble Snnff, rninint potHbiy remove lnfteciluua ii il im ination i;nm the iraiiH mimcd. t. 'A.1 'i" üKttSoii for Datan - - fn . and tbi t"i i'v ..f kelnü absoibtd bij, til-1 purtiU-ut mac idi " '■ n ver Incaled. Baxed opon tliosp plaln (iworics. lr. Wel lo Mcycr's (!iínrli ('lire had jii-ovcd to lir iitl'allildf. It n)t onl.v relieves. 1 cures ('aljirili .it niy sinirc. Humt' Icviimoiiy : Cured! Cured! Cur.d! Cnred ! V. Ii. Woofle, 187 Hroudwny, N. Y.,'in'd I Clkronic ('ai;nb. P, J. Hwlett, Wí Broadway, N. Catairli. (i. L. Bru-h. 4tó Brnadway, N Y , [O r '' t.irrh 8. Benadtct, r., Jelr iH7 Hr Bdmiy, ■■.v.d.idy ir:ndi, '-ur d ol I !br tnic II ly I' Mr-. Kiiun i ''. Wa-liii.:-Y , oired uf :ii) ya t Ohfonk itrh, Kcv Qeo. . Rala 189 J ■ '' It n -fr'(l me to my minlst lia1 1 Ki'v.Clii. .1. .l,m-, -i w BH 'i'nn. s. I. " Wortli ten the fn-t " Kev. Alex. Pree, Oalrn, N. Y. " It h is .vork il wwidun in ali ei i i h ' L. P Newmm, 303 Folton 8r., Bruotlyu. coced m I yaari Chronlo Catarrh. Mr?..7.Swartz,.'r.,_'iMi Wrrei Bt.,JvnH Ulty, cand oí 18 yeare Cbrunlc Catarrl &c. Jt.-. .te. c. ir. A rnl ciiri 'or ;hi U nipiiriaiii dis ovi-ry for tlu' i fof bnman eunVrln Inca vaTÍniition. We lt' llcjcr' nturrll í'me is H'Md hj nll Drn :-■ . o " by D. I!. Dkwky & ÜO, 4l IVy St., N Y., foi U.M a packsge. To ('lu'is, i packajze for SV.SO. Hr. Wel De Meyer'o Twallne. ltn planations ann ovt-, tad tad l-r tn nnj -lMMly. 'M ín ■ n ThP powpr of arri'.-' iti.' dlaraeé dtpplayad liy thipreparation is tlobDiablf acknowledvud ty tti. m .1:c 1 1 faculty in avery bi ctton where ii has bvcii -utnidncad; and the lar:," ' i ttw best Ria' the esiimation In whlct it la beld liy tbé pnbll. The Syrup will cur'! PtTLHoiTAKT CoNêimrioii in the flrst at d si-cond itaicaa,wtll Jvt! grai rilit'J and prolong HU' in the ttiird. Il will curi: Ahiiiha, Iïkis( iiiTiH, Labtrsitu ;mil CbjJBBS, It 'ill turo uil tiniaaa ortglnatini; trom wanl of MusenXAB ArrniN añil btaBTOOl I''" FOK TUK EFFECT WLptfífCEb BY Fellows' Compound Symp of Eypopkphites In Dlieaaat of the I.uiil.'-, the ir. to ntiT to tlie Med.i i1 ol St. John, N. B , ii;nature.i urc attached liereto, '■ il I.AM r. n ARI). M. D. D ÍN BATAKl), M. l. THOM 'S AI.R! lí. f. I). .HillS BARRY.VIAN, M 'i HU. .In [N8TONE i, i. c - Ec I.KHK..K KKA IOR, M. 1). U. II. IIAUDIMi, m.u.c.s. .1. II. WMI l'l , 1 '1'. W. CAJUU1', M. II. I, AáB'iif Alward, Mayor ol theClty'ofSi Joto, In ih' Provino ol New Bradwick,ha9ng .xani'ued the funitiii f ..itiiilird to (he peraiit ol rifiTfin i', hri-h cartlf] i! dem allírenulúe. I ean alai he Iiil'Ii therapeutl" of Felluw-1 Compnund riii n l!y ponatder it de ittentloa ij tha pte (tenenilljf. ........ In t--timony wberenf I !i ia hereanto i" i' -■■' un band, nnd itlix d my B Qwat B líaym ( . . ■ ■ r t. .i , .■ . , rival. Sida oí Fohrnary, li beyuarol uflird .' ■' " i' thoiisaiid eirln hnndred nnd t-ixty "' ♦J" i.-i(;lit. l.u. Al. AKn, M. II. Léttér from Kcv. .1. Mnlinnn. M. I. CBIPHATV, i,1 i K'-N i'INTT, N. Ti. lean nafeiv and ounxlatently retoninsnd hva'uablí on In a varlaty ufe ic. qspeclailj m Cbeal UlaeaaaB, havlnfr -nn..iih in Bl DJ1 t-, Kl l;m:l. llr',11 t) I IIOJ : i.r l'. m Debillty from Peef. and In-hintv i . poverlubed I lood, I ani, 'ir, n ii y. ,JIES S M M"N, 1'hyniciiin and Sin: . ,,i . S(ll.l) BY AI.L liHÜQQrSTij' li-!7H L.. S. 1,t-Ii, .,j,nt. Ann Arl.or. QOAL!COÁI. ! O. W. SHIPMAN. Mlnw and Wholesale dealer of tha oaMbtated BRIAR RIDGE COAL. A1JO D'-airr in Hard Coa) and Plg Iron. Urden promptly Aliad. Onfee, M Orttwold ttreot, Detroit, rooai 'i KS-10M All Of llool, lloil llt The Conrler olHre on Mliort ui ■■■■.