ANTÓN EISELE, DEALKK IN MáEBLE Si ERASITE MDS'JMENTS A The public is Invitad t cal) and examine specimens mí the tv.ilrntiMl KNOXVILLE, TENN., MARBLE li we huw a ínpply of new designe. It is mí)m rior cu any ín beantyand durabtlity, and 4 Sc tch Gntnife. Mu8i iintrn tou ever. WOI1K LL WAKHáNTKD. Sliop - ('or. f Detroit and itlicrinc Sts. ANN MiHOK, WIcálOAN 15lf H. JV, WSTJHOFF MACHINIST. OOKS ANY WORK IR HIS LIX'E. Kii'MiH'F, A(;nnilturiilMachlni'ry,ScwiiiKMaoh1ne8 ■i (I Loaks ropain-d. TurninK, Küy-flttliiK aud Krindin_' prompt!} done. Keept a auna aKortment of i'inirri, Cachi mi Tacto, nMrtí wiil i old cbep. No. 36 South Main Street, AKBOK. 98-9 lti.,.1. :■.■ Jb Prlntinc. All klmls or prlntlng and Job work wlll be done Ht Tmk i'oi'kikh ollli'c Id bettertyle and at oheaper raten thuti at any otlier oIBoe.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Anton Eisele
H.A. Neuhoff
36 S. Main St