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A Wonderful Nevada Valley

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Captain Rhodes, ot' EameraUa Oounty, wli i in in i bi iMiy, is ownerol n hat is known ■ Khndes' Sak MaraH, hut whioh is a xrluct laliumtory of mineral wealth. Tbs ;iil'- coi.i aius 4.140 arres II is quite ■vel, and is siirrounded on all iida witli lili vnlöatiic ruountains. li ia situated IkiuI tiftc en niiles noi thwe-t of (J iluiu'u-. n ibis litile vslley a snUirient Hinoiiul of jlt to .iiipply ali markets of the United itates, it nut the whola woild. A lont or wo below ihe surtaee in foui.d a SO id fio r I' pure rnck salt, as tinn and a.s transpiirent s ice. Indeed, wlien the tand thal cover he lorfaoe is ttrippod H' tbr a)t !■ low )ears a ei'y olote roJiemblanoe to a fiold of ce. In many places little streatns of watrr )ubblo ilirouili tlie uiass ot salt, and very rriiehtly ciiM i pools are föuod wlueh li"ik ut like tlir air linios in ■ fin ni lake. Tlie alt uiade at the inarsli is peifbctly pare. When a traet of ground lia.s been Blripped if tlie snil'iei' Boil, ilie 8:ili water risa over he bod of salt lo tlie deptj of a fooi or two. 'I'lien ciystil.s ni .salí ckíii to forra in the surlaoe of the water, and ns they brui they sink to the bottoni. lf the sah 8 to be fine, lor table use, wnrknien Htir hese crysials about with shovels as they settle to the bottom, thus breakiiif; thein up. For use in workiog BÜver ore ooarae sak is ;is ifO(xi ns fine, and the olid t'niinaion niaybuduK up with (lickfit necesaary, )ut the lo' se crystals uní more readily landled, and as muoh sak of that kind is oniied as eau lie disposed of. Not niily are there inexhaustihle stores of salt in the iitle valley, but iinuiense storesol' bnrax. Phi bnrux is i 1 ihe fitust quality known, and twoor türée cents per pound more can je obtained tor it in Kurope than for any other boru wol to that maiket. Splendid specimens of tincal, or natural crystali of mr x are feuud in the mar-h iinbiMideiJ in the clay iiiar ihe sinfuce. Iinineiise ijuan tities of xulphflte ot uiagneia (epsom salt) and sulphaie of Mtd [glatier Balt) in a pure state are al.-o lound. Nitrate of p" tassa (saltf.etre) is found, bui the exteiit f the daposit is nnt known. Coiniiion pntash 18 found in great abuüdanoe, and amoiiL' the curious specimens to he obtained are what are caüed "cotton balls" (borea'c of linie) and fibrous crystalline bomx. Alo, there is lound an abundante of an noknown mineral. It i.s sonn'tliinK deserihed in nniie of the bo'ks. It does not appear in the shape ol'cry-tals, yet has a regular fnrui of its nwn, urcaentiDS the appearanoa il branches of ooral. It is thought that tliis tuav be some niw salt. A quantity i f it wiil shortlv be sent Kast for ezaminatim.