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A Bugaboo

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The effect oí the ambltlon for arlstoerntlo ■oclal relations, now pervaillng the rtcheNt olaiw in America, muit necesKarfly be projudiclal to the prenervation of our free and equal rtpubllcan lustltutlonB. Thi la urent Intliif nee vrhlch opérales In favor of Grant and a thlrd terra. AU ach people ure ftnxious to approacli a monarchlal and notedltary government a rapldly au posslble. The New York Weekly Sun of the 21st inst. cootained the abovc, whii-h is but a satnplu of the articles that cmanate from tliat paper touching the third term question. Every possible of the question, do matter how far-fetched, is made to do duly toward one object, namely the crushing out of Gen. Grant for the third terra. The term "," and all that it implies under their plastic pen, is proraulgttêd with untiring vigilance, in order to rHfhtM pow (imid souls into the idea that we wuuld surely dnft into a monarchy should the people presume to elect Gen. Grant to the Presidcncy for a third terra. Aecordiug to their interpretation, tliis would be a fearful calamity - one that would engulf the whole country in ruin. The idea, becau-e one man is placed in the Presidential chair for the third term, that be can thereby seize the reigns of government, and arrógate to himst lf the powers of a despot, in a country liko tliin, when every man that is a man values and glories in his freedom as his lifo, when coolly viewel Irom a non-partisan slandpoint, appears childish and ridieulous. Neither Gen. Grant nor any other man, would have an army with which to enforce bis edints ; neither would he have a people at his back to support hini in any such un'awful ambition as depriving the people of their liberttes. Rulers govern by the enforced or tacilurn consent of the governed, aai in tbis case it would be neither. Admitting that tbere are a few foreignb rn snobs who would rejoico to see this country governej with a court, with all its tioseled appendages and ceremonies, their number and influence, when compared with (he intelligent mastes, is mal, and they have not enough leven to leaven the wholo. This country embraces too inany highly educated, intelligent and anibitious men, many ofwhom aie striving for political preferment, who could successfully appeal to the educated people chould it be possible for such a sentiment as that referred to, to make itself feit. It has been claimed, and it is a libel, that the wealthy men of this country preferred a monarchial form of government. Now nothing is further from the truth, for they do not favor anyothcr than a Kepublioan form of governineut. Under its benign influencc and equitable law.s they made their fortunes aod realiïe that they, their children aad their childreo's children, can have all the rights that the term American citizen implies, whether fortune favors them in the future or not. Should they meet with advere circuuistances, they well know that they can console iheinselveá with the thought that not only they, but their progeny, can aspire to the highest places of emolument and trust that the country affords, and that no distinctions of birth are nccessary to admit a person to the highest ranks of both social and politie! life, providing they have the ability, and are worthy to walk therein. We fail to aee why it should follow, as a natural sequence, that because a man i. elected for a third term, he would thereby use his best endeavors to overthrow the government, which he has given us every asurance (both in words and actions) that he loves dcarly; neither do wc believe that the Sun thinks so ; it is merely a bugaboo set up by them with which to overthrow a Republican candidate that they know full well would be elected, if once placed before the people as a Presidential candidate ; and that he will be thus placed, will be determined by the Republicans according as they think it necessary to impress upon those Southern Demócrata the fact that the re8ults of the late war cannot be reversed. Did the Sun not fear the great popularity of Grant as a Repubücan candidate, they would not beso assiduous in their attempts to poison the public mind against him.