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Real Estáte ior Sale. ATK OF MICHIGAN, County or Wafhtenaw, es. Id the matter of the estáte of Ida M. Alexander. minor. Notice i hereby glven. that In pumiam-i o!' an order granted to the underaiuned, Kuurdlan of the estáte uf said minor, ly the Bon. Judg of Probate lor the Connrj of Wasatenaw, "ii thi seventeeuth day uf Deceniher, A. D. 18TO, Inere will be eold at public randue, to ihe hifjliet bidder, at the lite reeiderice of Jamea B. Alexander. deceased. in the township of Pittt-fluld, In the connty of Whtenaw, iu eaid Stat, os WeiUeedav, the ionrih day of February, A. IJ. INSü. at ten o'clock in ihe forenoon of that day, (rabjject to all enrumbrancee by mungage or ot.ierwise exisiiny: at the time of tin sale,) ihe followlng deBcribed real estáte, to-wlt : I he niidivlded oneöfth purt rl 'he Mal half ot the south west quarter of gection number neven (7), in towo threc V3) south, ranjre elx (6) east, (Hittsfleld,) Waehtenaw County, Michigan. COMSTOCK F. I1ILL, Guardian. Datcd December 17, 1879. 65-971 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHUiAN, County of In the matter of the estáte of Andn-w Bath, (!.-(-■ tsed. NoTlce is hereby Eiven, that In ptireuance of an order Rruuied to the twderslgned, exeentor oi the tapt wlll and testament uf tald teeeai the Hon. Jadee of Probate for the County o Wahi. ■!!, uu tho iw(iitic(h dy ot Ju A. I) ISSO, there will be sold at public vendue. 10 th hisjhi'st bidder, at the late reildenoe t said de CMsedi in t tl o town-liip ol .(Jiüi-, in the CiMinry o Washteoaw, in sniii State, on Saiurday, the Kixth 'daj of Maren, A. I) 1889, at ion o'clock in the Ib ol that day, (subject to all encumbrances by mortuaei or otherwiae existina at the time of the death of naid deceaseá)the tbllowini; de-cribed real espite, to-wit : All of that part of thu uortheapi quamr of m ■ ti. i three, In the township of Saline, wlnch lies st'Uth o the Detroit, Uill-riale and Indiana Kailroad. and north of a line running enst and west throiiL'h suid (luarter cecTion thiriy chaini auri nuventy -..ui; ol and parallel to north Uneol said sectlon three AIpo, all ihat pnrt "f the west halt of the nontheait quarter of cectlon thlrty-four (34). in ttie tewnthlp of Lodi, whii-h lief mih ol ihe Deiruit, Hilicdale and Indiana Railrnad,- all in Washtonaw Connty, in the State of Michigan, - containuii; one hundred and twenty-three imd thirty-nine (138 and 39-IUÜÜ18) acre, mure or les-. C. ROBINSO Eiecntor. Dated Jaunary 2U;h, 1S-0. 97O-D76 Estáte of Xolson Oshoriic. (JTATE OV MiCUlUAN, County oi 9 ashlenaw, ss At a íesioti oí the ProbatuOoBrt tor iMOountj'ol W'a-hii-iiMU , holden at the Probate ( Jüi' e In the city (f Ann Arh(ir,o!iVf(lnesda,the twentj elghtb day ol January. in the year oni thuui-iind ei-fht hundred and eiehty. Prweot, Wiiliuui 1). Uarrnuim, Jaduu of Probate. In the matter "f the estáte üf Nelson Ostiorne. derrnx d. Hrnry Orbninr, iiilnñnicii .lor ol mü! esiati', ( on t- Into tonit aud i-'jTi öeiilr thal he is dow preparéd to reuder his flu il acooant as such aitmlnlairainr. Thereupon it I ordered, thut Wdnedy, V e iwi'iiii I fth day of Februaiy next, at ten oVimk in the iorr ihmi, he iis-i'! loi rx iiniiiiiii: ar.d ailowitiL.' auh aseoaiit, m.i mal tl iH'irp at law (l ,iid deceas'd, jind all othrr inleri'-t.'d Lu s.ii'l i -i iir, reqnlred to appear t :i -..■B-ion of s .1(1 conn, theta to he tolden M II l tllfi', in the City of Ann Ar hor, iu sai il connly. aud show ciiuse, if auy there be. rby thei ildaccoaDt should not be nllowcd. And it is fnrther ardered. that sni 1 Rilmiui-lrator give notice to the p.rsons IniereatedJ m said e-tate. of the pmdency ol said account, and ihe hearing Ihert-of, hy causin;ol th k order to he puMNhed in the Auu Arhor (oniier, a uewspaper priuted and CtrCalattBg in t-al'i couiii. three racceelve ueeks previoui lo said dy of heurilii;. (A true copy.) W1LL1AM D. IIAKKIMAN, Juüife of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. ;i: 1 '.'71 Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT o. 4 South liiiu Itreet, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. The oldest nuenry in the city. EatablUtaed a qnartv of a cantar agn, Eiapraaenttaif the tollowlng rtrst-class comanleB : Home Innranoe Co. of N. Y , Asset over 5i.' OoDttnanta] Int, Co. of N. Y., Asete over J-'t.iKi ,O0U Niágara Flre lusuraiue Co., N. Y.. Ataett $l,44ï,0O0 Giran}, or l'hlladeluliia Assets over il I ■ Orl.Mit. of Hartlopl Ass.Ms 1700,000 Conunerclai Union ArüutaDce Co. of Londou Aseets $3,000,000 &J-IM TES LO V. Loss es llbeml'y adjus tcd and promplly pul . H-'JW O. H. ICII-LIJN. JJOÜSE8 AND LOTS FOR SALE. Beren! eood hrtck dwi-ihni; BOMBfi f-urt a unmbei af framed dwellintTs, dfsiiiibly eiUuated, witti one or more lotí for each. for sale, on fulr term and retaosíble credit. Also. flfly city lots. well located, wlth foodtttle, and on long credit. Airo, farms and mortDl sale. Money Kafely inveeted lor liMid.'rs, at ten per cínt. Inqnire of 89tf B. W. MORQAN.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News