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Real Estate Sales

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The following real estáte sales bave been recorded a the register's office since our last report : WARRANTT. Orrin C. Burkhart to Willard A. Johnson 13 acres ot land, section 14, township ot Lyndon, $500. M. J. Noyes to Alonzo Conkright, lot 8, block 2, in James M. Congdoc's first addition to the village of CMsea, $550. Alfred Miller to Kmmet R. Gates, north one-half of lot 5, Bennett'a addition to the village of Saline, $100. Charles M. Tiohenor to Daniel Tichenor, lots 1 and 2, block 2, of James Congdon's second addition to the village of Chelsea, $100. John Falconer to William M. Campbell, 66è acres of land, scction 29, township of' Sharon, $2,600. Wm. Campbell to John Falconer, nouth one-half of lot 5, block 8, Brown & Fuller's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, $1,500. Weiley Hicks to Clara N. Overshire, lot 80, in R. 8. 8oaith'8 addition to the city of Ann Arbor, also a lot directly north of;iid lot, $1,800. Clara N. Overshire to Wesley Hicks, 12 acres of land, formerly owncd and occupied by Nancy Felch on the Dixboro road, $2,400. Keuben Kempf to John H. Feldkamp, 148 acres of land, scction 33 township of Lima, and section 4, township of Freedom, $7,000. John 8. Sindlinger to Frank Finker, 20 acres of land, section 17, township of Lodi, $1.700. I). E. Smiih to A. F. Van Etta, the undivided one-half of lot 4, block 3, villago of Salem, townRhip of Salem, $750 Gottleib Schaible to Micbtel Schaible, 80 acres of land, section 19, townatiip of Lodi, $4,400.