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Care Of The Feet Of Sheep

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Sheep that have been pasturing iti low meadowd or uu soft, turfy pastures, may be found io liave overgrown limit'-. The hooi of a sheep hae a peculiar inaiincr of jirowth. If' Degiected, the horn of the hoof' grows over the sole, turns under at thü side am up at the toes : in tuining under, the horn galhers under it and, gravel, dung, or other foreign and injurious niatier. TIn hom of tbe s ile tlms ottwed i kept motet firow.s soft, ilirays. and in its dei: ly carrirs p i-otiuus matter into the vascular tnauti of' the foot. Ioflammatioa ocours, and (1 0 pus oaueed by it, beiug bund in tlio (bol hy the diMased hoof, canoni etcapc, and the intiauimuiion spreads throuyli the t8 W6g unt 1 the aqtirfl f ut involved, ani someliines drops off. Wlion tliis condilion happens, the matter secreied is hifhl} poisonons, and may ba commnnioated bj the aoil to the feet of hia'thy slx op ; or at least those wbioh by ik glect offer " breeding place for the inftc ious mattir. This a uiiilignant foot rot, and it is the inevitable result of' the foregoing sequene of negletí. By tiniely care tliis evil m:iy be avoidea. Every 8heeB should bo ejoteljr examined. Surplus or loose hom ahould le pared ofl', and the toes, if' too lonjf, shortened by the use of' a pair ot toe-nippers, or a pair oi foiimiou, cirpentur's nippers with the bladea aharpeaod. If aay diaaaaad horn is found, that should be soraped away unti! the unlicalihy granulations under it are exposed, th foot Washed wiili caibolic soap, and dressed nith a paste made ol nina tar and pdwiered sulphate of coppei (blue vitrol). The ufFacted Bheep should be kept separated from tlie healthy onea, and tlie reet should bédressed at least once a day. U they an1 kept On a elean board or clay floor, and tlii sprink'ed with air9 sked quioklimc, the itnproveinent wil be the more rapid. Bu( no recovcry need be expeeted if the f'et are expo ed to mud or tiltli in wet yard or uocli an sh da and stub 68,-