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Th.' power of arreating disea?es disulajed by thlí pri'paration is honorably acknouledrd by hfl medí cmI faculty iu ever; teeUoo whert: it han been intro. duccd ; and the larie sale Is the best Rnarantee of the stflOMboa in which it i held by the public. The Syrup will cure Pülmonary Consumition In the tirst and econd 8tate,will give grcat relief and prolong lile in the third. It will cure Ahthma, MiioNcniTis, I.AitYNonis and OOÜ0HB. It will cure all AseMèi ort'inatinif from want of Muscular Action and Nsiivous Forcr. FOK THE EFFECT PRODUCEÜ BY Fellows' Compou&d Sywp of Hypopkphites In DltenM of Um Limes the Inventor is permutad lo r''icr to the Medical Gentismen of St. John, N. B , -iL'imturea art; attached hereto. WILLIA3Í BAYARD. M. D. FD-WN BAYAKD. M. U. THOMAS WALKER, M. I). JOHN BAKRYMAN, M. I).. Ed. DR. JOHXS l'ON'E. l.r.c 9., Ed. GEOKGK KEAiOK, M. D. W. II. nARDING. M.B.C.3. J.D. WHITE, M. 1). T. W. CARKir, M. D. I, Aar:in Alward, Mayor of the City ofSt. John, n the Provine1 of New Br une wiek. havii'.r: xmbIum i.. -;. t. .....- iiimiini Hi tnc fnreffttma pi'rmit ol referencei hereby certify thatl belit-vu thern all nume. 1 eau alo testify to the hifh ndue of Fellowt.' Cmnpnund Syrup ol Hypi.phospli (insidir it deeervtng of atteution by the profe?ion rwiiiTally. ■.. In t'ftimony whi'ri-or I havi liert-unto ' i" ' -"'t my hum), and il my b , Qreat ,♦ Mayuralty, at the city t-t. John, t'us (Uh ril. B dy of Fenruary, in thfl y-ar of oor Lord ' ' o e thourand eht hnndred and sixty♦ ♦ 5S9 eight. AAKUN AJ.WAHI), M. IJ. Letter l'roiu Itev. .1. Huliuon. Jl. l. Chipman, Queen's County, N. B. I can pafeiv and coiiMHti-ntly recommend your inalii'tbte prcpariition in a varirty ofcttsea, ecpecially - Diseuee, havlpe Bcceeaftilb preerfted it n Itronchilin, A!l)mn. Dehllity from I.ivcr ('urn UalDI. Debllity from Peven, and Dcliihty from lmtoverished Blood. I am, ir, yonrs truly, JA NIKS SALMOK, PractlcinK fbyoician uu] ë'ur(reon. SDI.D BY AI.L UHI;GGI3TS. M 97S I.. S. L,prch, Agent, Ann Arbor. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN VUUBLE & BEAÏITE UOIÜUEITS 'bc public Ie lnvitt'd to rail aml examine ppccimeui of tbt1 colelrfttod (NOXVILLE, TENN.,MARBLE f wtiirh wc have a nupply of ne lt'jignrt. It ta per tor i any iurb! in ImvmUv hi,(1 dnrabl ily. ml t tbc iilace of Sc tch Círuii i te. 'RICES LOWERTHAN i:VKIt. WOKK ALL WAKRANTKD. hop- Cor. of Petroit and Cniherine Sts. ANN ARBOK, MICIHOAN. WSlf MACHINIST. DOES ANY WOKK IN 11 IS I.INK. ■ , Airrirnltnral MxMinrriltawlnx rl .iix'il I,((■k repaircd. rurnlntf, Kr-:ittii l tmd ftitdÍ fifortipt done. Kcip n .'mul iifhrtmenj ol iitlcry, Locka and Tool, wblch will ■ (.i.l . I No. 36 South Main Street, A.NN AUHOH. ll kimU of ll.M.i. Binding .I..11, ut Courier onioe n Hhort notiic