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OLD ANO RELIAffin Kk. Saxfobd'b Liver iN-vmonATORt is a Standard Family Remedj f„r ♦ (liscascs of the Liv.r, Stomaoh Oj ♦ and Bowcls._It is Pmcly fl ■_ Vegetable.- It never %fl ni i Dobilitntos-It is yf II éM Catliartic nul "1 V 0 %%%% m BIIBiIv' '" Ul-V Poetice 'M mK"" ""a 'w t'"' pul.lir, $11 J % . r '"'"''■ t;illl 35 ycurs, íl" 'ltil " Il: riHults' Jr SEND FOB CIRCULAR S-90 t. 8. LKK. H, AGKNT. PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLCBCYMEN AND THE AFFUCTED FVEHYWHERE. THE GREAïEtff MEDICAL TBIUMPH OF THE AGE. lUl IO TILLO iwd.dincoml.nfKirin CURE SICK HEADACHE. ?"■ ' TIITT'O Bil IC teir. cure dIpS B ""' ' tURt DVSPtPSIA, Thelr flrst appnrent -..--. . -..._. aflectii to tncreaae tk j IUI I U rSLLO food to properly aCURE CONSTIPATION. tatflata. ThnetheBjetem ia norn .-In d, aiid TÜTT'O P'i I O hY thi-irtonicaciionon lUl I O I tLKÖ 'h diEertlva oreaos, CURE PILES. t," TUTT'S PÏLLS du ssë CURE FEVERAND AGUE. gM'fl.EM"!i!Sif TI'TT'Q Pil IC Pffl. todSS tbdr ■ '111 W TILLO daplability to nouriih CURE BILIOUS COL1C. lh(' 'x1). henee thcir i Iliricy in curing nerTüTT'O Dll 1 C v0"!i dcbiliy. mcianI Ü 1 I O rlLLO choly,dyBPepa,wa8tCuro KlDEYCophlnt. 'T TÜTT'S PILLS IVESES CUflE TORPID LIVER. süwfvei7wh? TÜTT'S PILLS M3C, IMPART AFFETiTE. kkw yowl ____ im-li)0." The IIOP PAD will cure wherp no othrr rfmedy or medicine will, and do it la a harmlcLs, pluuaat aini sure way. It iswora by tbepatlrnt next the skin nwr whero the cii&easo or ailnient Ia. Tlio curallve elemeutá of the remedies in the Pad are absorbed through thepore1, jifrincatlnKOvcry libre, nerveand Umii neutra' ing and de.-troylug all diseaseor cause of dLsease in tne Fystem and driving every vestlgc of ■ o orraulády, of wh.itever namo or namre, cntlrely out of the systcm, learina thn patieut wlthynuth-llke, permanent, rohuitheaiih. Tho Stop Pad Ia ns eaily wom as a watcn or locket, and prevent.i ilckaMM, re tri ros perfect h cal t b without havinir to swallow pof snnous dru' ', no-.tru.rus or dangcrous mtnerali that nevercurf, but onlr scupc-fy, uaiLeate oud dtótroy bealth aii'l llfo. No o:ie phould rest a moment tW they hare a Hop Pad ready to prevent or car. i orsalo by all best drugglta. ScnU for Circular. HOP BITTimS SIFU CO.. RocHESTEa. N. Y. For ShI In Aun Arbor by II J. Itr.-w n éc Co., and i', feberbacb A Son. M I'yüuan a . Uw itrmiuof tt yourdntio, vroid stimalantsaiü] uie m if yoa are a man of letters, toiling over yoor midoiiit Work to restore brain nene nnd vaste, use ïf yon r. re younjf and autrtriiifr from anyindlsn-tloa i;! yon are inarrtcd orsii prlc, oM or ?youBg,sutIcrinetro:n poor (ualtti m inff on a,lM-d ■■ TM Whoe vr tou are, wherorer yon are. wbenover you f eel Uut your v--r mrror stiiu'llatliij, Wltboat it.t':ricatnig,tuko W n.iri you rf'itpepsitx, htdnef or vrinary coviplaint, di ea&cof the komkuA, bowelc, bl'-od,lixmer,ornervEêt VÍ Vou ül be cured if you use If you oro sinr1! wenk and low Bpirited.tryltl Boy lt■ aponlt Youv drojfglatkMpalt It odvc your llfe. It haft asred hudr4. -. UthiwwUt,ifitn.!bt. Aik cklldnn. The II f i'rit rorStOnaca,LtW n.l Kutney,itprríortoU otber. Cvh by ui - rpOom, II liprfac"t. Aik drugf UU. D. I. C. If ui abtoíiitftDdÍTTUUbUcure fr lruokmru.QMof pfftKJ ' I ' OHn -, N. Y 968-971 Upad PI IR FC Wabetw, Brtght'i Diieasc, fatarrh of Bladder. Dropn, (iniv.l, I'aininl l riuatlDK, iliKh Oolond Urine, luabilily t Ketain "i )i) the l'rirv , PAIN IN THE UAl'K. Mervom Dcbtlfty. Female Weaknatr, and ■ f tbe KIDNKY8. BI-ADDKK and l hINAkï ul(AN, h n can. I Cl ,U Hl IT '"r Imiiatlon?. Ask for and like LUUi UU I oiUy tfaa DöT PAD. Fotïtleby -. or !■■ nl bj mail free im nci'tpt "I price, $: .;:. I nlUcaln of runv nd our book " Hu Lift; mu Saved1 iebl od net ipt ol your adérese. I)AV KIDMV l'.VIXO.. TOLKDO, Oliio. BiCH .v 8ON, Ann Arttor, ge6rl Metrtb. dtlDR Ageata Tr Wa-hii-imw üoanty. t)-!78 It will bo for your Interest to KnowThat CASPAR RINSEY LaU from a ffTholMsle Ororer Houm in IV'troit,) lias oponed a GROCm AND PRD7ISIDS STORE Al .o. 16 Kui Iliiron Slrrol. He will aKo ki'i'p In Ptock FLOIJB, l'KKl, TOBA( ( 'O AM) ( KiAKS. All ffOQdl are freb and new, and, bt'ine purchawed ut the loweêt bolesale Cab I' lce, will le cotd at ■atw ■'rri'-p ■■ndhiirly low. 4'nnli pald for all kind of ('imiiiIi i Prodiuf. 931-985 ASPAR RINSKY. DANDELIOÑ Hr. ' hltê'i 1 u delion Alterativo, (Jreal Blond 'urIBeraiid Baoorator. A ppiciilf fot I. vit i 'urnilaini. i. i ■ ■ P-lj nl . n ,-:i-i, Hh'Miinüilsin and Uiretlpaill or hc B iwel. linni uimptett and pallpwiuM frwin . , ■ li ie pnn-ly pi rfrcthr I l' t 0 Wka, i ut i...l f 1, tiiii pvery bottle warraulflPri.MMXAHIA,- til-, l'i lii-, A-ilim.i. llron liin-. 'H'iil'i gCuu h mul li ripl ■ut i.nsiimili"ll. rlll i-I' r ottl i. Uirge bottl. il, aml ivitv hotilc rarrauted. For eale in Ann Arbor by Kberl ■' on, aïid'ilruL'itH t-vt-rj wtn-re. Hoi-K'iu