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CHURCH DIRECTORY. BaptUt (luir, li. lliv. s.. JIasi.ï:i.l, Pastor. !!)V4 a, X. and U r. . s in l ii' School nñiT nurnlng iem. Priyet m i -titu rhurduy evenfag at 7J o'clock. Oaihollc Church. Rkt. Fathicr Fíele, Pastor. Low M t-, - .1. v. UJirb M.wb, UVi OKpcrK p. x. Ban l;iy School, -314 r. m. ( 'ouu-rotttioiial Chincli. RlfT. W. li. KlDBK, Pi-tor. S(rtM H"4 "■ . nd7! r. m. Smul iy school afier tnormrur 6Orvice. Pray 1 'Ing m 7V4 o'clock FMsc(i[ml Church. Rkv. Wyllyb Hall, Rector. . 11114 a. . 74 p. m. - ;i(IWl. H p. . l'hurwlay evening t7 o'clock. (tprman Methodist Clmrch. Ksv. C. IIK1.W1G, Paitor. Sib' . , WW k. m. and 7.VJ v. u. Sanday School, ut nine u'clock a.m. l'nyr mf'ftfng 011 Wedaëday, Liiüieriin Church. RT. .loas Nei'kamn. Puator. 8 ibb il 1 servloe, 10 a. h. and % p. h. Smil'1 1. i raoriiiiiK Prajat m-'BÜng, Thur9dayevenin({al.7ü o'clock. Methodist Church. I'MIS Vuili-iTKIt, PUtOT. s 1 t') itri BttrWc4, 10;í a. m. and 7 p. h. 8 r:l 8 hol ifter :nirnin lerrtoo. iuveï:ui, rtnimday crentnir at T% o'clock. V 1 1 u fe jple's 3íeotln, Salurdiiy 7 r. m. Presliyterimi Chnrch. Kev. l-'usn T. Bhown, D. IJ., Pastor. ■'4 a. x.aad 7K p. x. Sumí 1 Si:'i,j )auo h;ulcolan6afler luiiruiug service ir ■ letln :, Ph ireday gveotsfiKl Ba'clöek. V '0 tfeetlng, Sunday cvenini; t vi - OnlUrian Thnrch. Kv. J. T. SrsiiK'ii.vM). l'astor. iiti Mrrlaos, 10 a. m. and 7H p. . Siiiit:iy School ut 12 a. SmiunU' BIble Class at tU5 a. m. Zian LnUiiTiiii Church. Hkv. 11. F. H k! -mt, Pastor. . h ierrlca a) l(i a. m. and 7 p. . . 1 iv School iin'nediai'ily iftor morniiii: service. !t iiiíioii- servicut vVediio-dtiy evonfaui at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. 1IKNIIV K. I1ILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estale Broker, ANO INsriíANcl-: AGENT. OWWliM] o. 1 Opera llouso Klork Anjí AftU'Ht. MlCH. 795tf Jf ;i:o. Ví. BBNWICK, From the lí Rnfriand Con torj of M nirtc, trher 'cal and InninuueiUul Musie und trtikODy. OoQdnoUw of Mhbíc.iI Cohvm ni tnd svoninc cIsmm. M h i i ba .'iv.-u af tHtidetioa "I "' ƒ drew 1'. (. Box 1201, Aun ƒ KM WH. ('. STEVENS, M.D., Physician anflSnrgeonX orrur., .W Washington Street ■ -7 (o 9 . x., 130 . m. t" 12 m., 2 Ín 4, and 7 to K P. X. fíWie-N(l. 10 Grove StruetA MStl I JOHN L. BCRLEI9H, Attorney Counselor at I,aw. orïici : ver Rlioiiul Bank, Ann Arbor. 7941f Vi. II. JACKSON, dentist Ofllce over Ituili A Abel'n. untrancc by Firet Ntna) Bank.X 7Wtl F. S0U(}, Jduss, Sion and Obkímkntái. ƒ ƒ l'iiüTíg. PaperliiK. Ola.iDf, ƒ ■ ;ilding, and work uí every ƒ cripüon done in the heet style. ƒ rtiinti, OUí, and Varnibhos on ƒ ñ íisnd and for sale. 8hop, No. Sí ƒ ,ƒ ííasl Washington Street, Ann ƒ ■ rbor, Vilth. DOStf WfLLIAM HERZ, noOSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL FRBiJCO PAINTER. Vf wrlng, Qlazlng. íiildinif and Calc i lini;, tnil wiirk oluvery dacrlpttonV yluiu' in the besf Btyie, flnd warrante( V.II L'lvc satllfKtlOO. Shop No. -I vVeet V-VaBhiiiK-Uin Street, Ann Arbor.Mich.V THE ANN ARDOR Savings Bank, Ann Vrlx.r. Michigan, TRANSACTS SMALBAmUS BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. Organtzed nnrtor the General BmkrOe o( thle toe stockholdars are Individúan ..r .n, iddUtonal him.iiitii mI te Lfce MOCk held by them Fuiilrorth: $100,000.00. Fonr .-r --nt. itil-rHt i allowed on all onv dullar nnd upwardr accordlniLU)tJiBtnleiiofiheBnk,nd Interest ompoonded -■■ni annaally. tlonc.v to lonn .,,, anlDcumbered n-a! estatü and other (food -irurity. fHrecton- ChriMIan Mack, W. Vt. Wlnes R A Bea] WlUlam Deube), lllim I). Flarrlman Daniel Hicnrk. nnd Wülard B. Smlth Ofllcers : Cgnurtm Mack, l'ri;x W. W. Winto, Vlce-Pre. Chah. E. HidrocK, Cuhler, 915 966 jn o to WINANS & BERRY FOP. M1CIIMT TAIIORIRIG Kor the l'ollo Mie n-itMuiiH: lj!. Oar wnrk Is nll tnt ClMs. I. Mr. Berrjr ! "nlv eutter ir tho 8tt wfao can kIvu oa u parrad fii without trytng on. , "■ W mortanml lo Stato, II leí I Ir,,,,, i, tn ana domeêtic tYooleñeand WortU ■Hl. W MU 1,.-, ,;,.. ,,,,„, MO, We me mu -J peí cent, bolow Dstrolt prlccs. WiNANS A liEIÏKY, MI H)7 No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arhcr. DHÓF. KKÜBEÑ" KKMPF, Haylnglint (rrdaated from Oomnratorr oí Mn(c ni stiiMiiart. ..i-rmitiy, ■„,.,■,. i, .. re1ved a wouíh educatlon, ai ti innractlon. Ib the in.-th.iils oí -,c, Ií now pfe(, I. . ,„!,, M ll ,,!,,.,,,, , „,,,1 ,,„ ,h(. pallo ■tnd Oi-jian. l'l (1 „n reasnnable ternu , lorÜMMt curn.-r ni Main and Llbertv si np-níahs, Ann Arlxir, Mlch. 9i-100U ' JAMES McMAÍIOÑT" ATTOENEY AND SOLÍCITOS, CIRCUIT COURT COMMISSIONER AND INJUNCTION MASTER-Office n New Court Houje. [921-912