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Mrs. George Smith

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Elizabeth Smith, wife of the late Rev. J i. Smith, died at her home in Ann Arbor, January 10, 1880, of typhoid pneuinonia, after a .short illness of' only eight 'i.iyc-, aged sixty two years and twen'ythree 'i i. Shfl was born al Lakeville, O., December 80. 1817. Her Ruller and mother were Methodilta. Her maiden name was Quick. Her tiit Iiu-t.:irnl, wno-i' name was Smur, died witliiu a yi.ur. Soon afler, slie was toarned to Öeo. Smlth, who was at that liine pTeaobinx in Nastiville, O. Shortly mtemaè, wtaioh was in 1838, they romovud to Michigan, and at the Conference of itnil year lie w;is appoisted J'residinK Eider of Detroit Ditrct. After they catite to Michigan slic entered upon a IiIií iit'h.'irdsliip to whicli sh; was a total straufjer, her paients beiág in very comfortehje circuiB8taooos, iml oonsequently hu liad all the comforts that a iiew country ooiild -upply. Asan itincrant's wif'e, sbc WUB tMiged lo hkivo nboiit from one village to another, and at times actually sufferod for the nccessarics of' lift-. Tlic support afi'orded by the people was mi meagre in that day, tli.-it Imt fbr tlio supplieB wnt them frota ( )ln.i hy hor iarents they eould scarcely have lived. liet liusbaud w;is presiding eider for six terms, in wholeoriu part; aud and of the thirty-five years he passcd in connecticm with tlie ('onforence, twenty-two were pawed in tbs office of' pnisidiog eider, [n the carlier days she was ofien lelt alone with her inf'ant lor a iimntli at a time, with but fc.iBty láre. Of' her charaeter and lab)rs it is scarcely k farther. She was xnvertcd at the age of twplve years, and was ■ ooto&tstent, sMadfast ChrifHiaft I%ogh nIm: liever tu. ik a eonupjcuous part ïu relig OIU serviivs, 1 1 . ■ fu unviir low to BABÍ lest lur lieartlrli interest in all rdigiou wOrk. She was the Bnn support o? lic hosband in bis Kfe of toil, boinj? alway cheerf'uland maintaininir at ttü expeoditur of her uureserved energies the order of th household, and, Martha like, furnUhin, entertainment to the tbrong of Uneraol who canie to seek Dounsd and rest at th house of' the '; prmiding eider." She was reserved, but not coid ; digniü ed, but nevcr haughty ; prudent and saviDg to the last degree, but stil] benevulent an( generou in her feelines and acts. Few men llave leí't a more palpable fcBtjtiim upon Methodinn n this Staie tban Qe . Smith and her hand was in hi.s and her lieart the most Intímate oounsel fae shared, in hi long and influential term of serviue. Since the death of' btr hushand she has resided in Ann Arbor, wherc .she lias ari unduarec place, and devuted hersell to the education cif'hiir children, who are now all secured to an honorable aanbood. Two daughters BCiaaes Addie ad Mattie, are still at the homestead. The other children are : Burt whcisat lloughton; JMrs. 8. M; lltmioii of Bav City; and Dr. 8. W. Sniith, o Port Fliiron, who married Miss l'ish, only OBild of the widely known Il"iiry Fish, late of' Fort Iluron. W'hilc her premnoe wil be greatly missed in tho church which sho has so long and faithfully served, there is one place where the pans; of bereavemen must be especially long feit. As a mother she wa-tso self'-sacrificing, so intelligent ii all temporal and spiritual matter?, that the blow falls beavily upon the daughters who have so long shared her coun?els. They ■isk the prayersof the churoh in this sudden bereavement, which leaves them orphans. " When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. -