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Pennsylvania Convention

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The result of the Pennsylvania Republican Convention is before us, and shows that Don Cameron's strength, while great, ha8 been in a measure overestimated, for while he was sueoessful in getting a majority vote for his presidential candidate- Gen. Grant - itis not large enough to be very flattering. The test vote of the convention was on the following resolution : " Rmtimd, That the delegates eleoted to the Republican National ConventioD from this State are hereby instruoted to support for the presidential nomination General U. S. Grant, and to vote as a unit on all questions that niay come before the convention," which vote stood 133 for and 113 against. Those voting against it were Blaine men, thus seeuiing to show tbat he has more strength than was thought posible in this what bas been considered a strong Grant State. They adopted resolutions rejoicing over the return to specie pnytuent, and in opposition to any attempts at financia! legislation, which tbey thought would be unwise. They say : " The country is prosperous under our financial systcm, and we knowof no good reason why the system should be now dUturbed." It is probable that this clause foreshadows a plank that will be incorporated in the resolutions to be adopted by the Rcpubliean National (Joovention. The polk'y of letting well enough alone ia a good one, on general principies, especially as to the Republicans belongs the honor of inaufiurating the era of good times. They reaffirm their adherence to the principies of a protective tariff; object to foriuing a new one through the medium of commercial treatie.o, believing that, f any revisión is made, it should be through a cotuffiission of capablo men, after a patiënt and thorough hearing of all parties whose nterests are iiivolveJ. They also reaffirm those sterling Republican principies relative to the protection of voters everywhere, without regard to nationality, color, or religión ; the purity of the ballot box and an honett count, without any at tempt to defraud the people of their choice through technicalities. In respect to principies the Pennsylvania Republicana can be counted on every time, but, we think, Uameron will experience some difficulty in contro'ling all the delegates in the National Convention for his candidate.