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To My Friends And Patrons

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I would say: Do not be alarmed about high prices, and the great advance in Goods that is so much talked of to happen in the near future. It is mostly talk; for any rensonahle and thinking person will see at once that there is no excuse for it. THE PIECE GOODS FOR READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SFRXÏTC A1TD ST7MMER WEAR Were purchased by manufacturers last Fall, when there was scarcely any advance, and, with the great competition in the United States, one can easily see that there is no reasonable reason for an advance this Spring. As I intend (if not in person) in reality to remain in the Cl! Hal, Cap, ai Mili Gé Ti In Ann Arbor, I will have something to say about prices of merchandise in my line. I might add here, that I have not made as absolute a change in my business as I first desired and thought I would; but, owing to present circumstances, I am glad things have shaped themselves as they have. By having my Clearing Sale, my fiiends have not only received a benefit, but I got my stock in better condition than 1 otherwise would have had it, and will have, during the coming year, more NEW GOODS to select from than any House in the county, and would advise all to inspect my stock before making their purchases, for I am consummating arrangements by which I will buy my goods at less profits to the manufacturers than 1 ever did before, and will sell accordingly. During my absence my store will be managed by Charles A. Hendrick and Tniman H. Wadhams, assisted by Theo. A. Beyer. Thanking my friends for many past favors, I am, very respectfully yours, Joe T. Jacobs, The Clothier. v ARROR, January 30, 1880. yr