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THE ptw ijotlt Simes. FOB 188O. ESTABLISHEL 1851. The politica! coure of 'J be New York Times will be Luiaed during the Presidential year by the sanie principie whlcb have won for It the posiilon of the foremotU Repuhlican newepaptr in the Inited States. The succesiul isnue of the recent contest in New York, and the unbroken series of itepublican victories in uther Northern States which preceded and accompanied it, have combined to demónstrate the auundnees orthe poeition of The Timet in regard to the questions wlth which the Republican party ia called npun to deal. The Timen will continué to place fidelity to the interests of Ihe Repnblican party above the purenit of personal aims or private ambition, and wilt sieadiacily ineitt tbat the usetulness of wny party must be luuauurtd by tbu tzlut ui lis devotion to the honor and welfare ol tbc country. In the future, aa in the past, the attitude of The Times will be that of independence within the Republtcan party. The maint-'f of the national credit; the puriflcation of the public service; the advocacy of all seasonable projectH of fin cal reform ; rigid economy in public rxponditures ; opposftion lo subsidies aud corporate jobiu-ry in alt lts fonun ; and the preservation of eqmil rhrhts to all citizcns, Noith ana South, will be tbe salient pointe of the pollcy of The Times. The Times will conti mie to be dfetlnguithed a. an mtOTprltiftg, accurate and carefully-eniU'd newspaper. The acknowledged excellence and inlliif-w of lts corrftpomU-nce by mail and telegrnph, fr in all parts of the world, will be adeqaateTy mainttunt d, ui, il nu fticilities Tor collecilng domeetic and toreign DOl wiil be expandc-d to meet the increatting de' mande of our time. i In the phere of literary and artiotic criticlam. of . -en'imfu:, social and general dincuatdoD, Tiie Tlmea will audrees itneM, at ntretofore, to the apureciation ii the edur&ted and intelligent rlacces of the Ameri .ui people. It will bu lively without belnt; nenra tKMial, agireesive without belug coarse ; at all limt-e it will rtrive to bc iearlesc and independent in the champiouflhlp of tbe rleht. No theories xubrereive of the priucip tH on which the eacreduees of tainily tlep and tbe exibtence of society alike repoee will be promulgated in its columne. The Times rejccu all advertlsement of lotterles, of qu'cks and medical pretendere, and of all other agencit-s ' y which ttte lnsldioue poinon of vice Is di-ft minuted througtiout society. It will be In the 1 future, aa in the paat,anewttpaper especia) ly adapted for famfly readinif. The Semt-Weekly Times ie especially fltted to meet tbe requlrements of those who beek more ■mpk details of current newa and fuller installments ol eurreut di6cuslon thn are furnlehed In (he week] y Issue. The Öemi-Weekly han a large circula , tion abroa!, and among the profeetonal and mercantUe clMMt, outvlde of the large ciiles, Ht hume. I At Ihe reduced club rates now offered for this edi. tion, iis populariiy ought to be greaily increased. The Weekly Times, conUinlng selected editorial on topics of nationa! and general interest from the colmnns of the daily Issue, ap wel) as a conciso Huminary ot political, social and foreign dcwh, bfgldes other features which recommeud it to all claoeee uf readers, i a paper ilmiraMy fltted to circuíate in every pOTÜOD of the United Stalen. lts conductor will spare no eflbrt, not onl j to malntain lts we 11eanird supremacy, but to make its popularfty still , moru decided. TKRMS TO MAIL 8UBSCRIBBRS. Postage will be prrpaid by Uie publihns on all I editionê of TUE 'HM ES ent to suhscriberê in the United State. The Daily Times, per annum, including the Sunday Bdition $12 00 The Datlv Times, per nnnum, exclusive of the Sunday Edition 10 00 The Sunday fidttion, per annum 2 00 TUE SEM1-WKEKLY TIMES. i Single copies, one year % 2 50 Flve copies, one year._ „ 1% 00 l'en copies, and one iree for Club 20 00 THK WEEKLY TIMES. Single copies, one year w $ 1 00 Ten copies, and one free for Club 10 00 Subsciiptlons forslx months, 60c; three moutht,40c. Thc-Ke pfftoM are invariable. We have no traveltng agento. Hemit in drafis on New York or PostOnice Money Orders, if posible; and wbere nelther of thebe eau bc procured, send tbc money in regittcred letter. Address THE NEW-YORK TIMES, %5tf NKW-YORK CITT. 1 To Inventors and Mechanics. ! Pateuta and How in Obtaln I : PamphlütB of 81) paees fre, npoo receipt of itampi i for poetare. Addr-H OILMORB, SM1TII CO., Siiltcliwr of Patent, Box 31, 929tf W8hiDgton, D. C. i -"D F. BÜYLAN, Real Kstate A(rnry, Farms and Honses bought, sold, rentcd, ni airc.i l and luenred. Office at WOLVKRINK 8TORK, tf Coruer of Huroo and Flfth Street. COFFIN8 AND 0A8E8 l VÜLL STOCK AT MARTIN' 8. AU orden promptly attendedto.