Real Estáte Tor Sale. STATE OF MICIIIGAN, County of Waí In the matter of the éstate of Andrew Bush, deceased. Notlce is hereby given, that in pursuance iif an order grauted tu the undersigned, executur ol the last will and testament of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate tor the Connty "1 Washlenaw, od ttii' twentietb day of Jai.uary, A. D. 880, thcre will be .oíd at public rendne. to the hight-st bidder, at the late n-eidence of said deceaseil, in the township ol Sf.line, in the Coanty of Washtenaw, in said State, on Saturday, the sixtb day of Marrh, A. I). 1880, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the deuth of aaid deceaed,)the lollowini; descrlbevl real estáte, to-wit : All of that part of tbe norlheast qnarter of sectil n Ihree, in the townehip of Saline, which lies enntb of tbe Detroit, ilillsdale and Indiana Kailroad. and north of a line running eist and west throiiüh said quarter Bectinu thiny chaina and scventy links sontb of and parallel to north llneof said section three. Aleo, all ihat ptri of the weet half of the southeast quarter of seclton Ihlrty four (34), in the township of Loili. whlch lien M-iiith of Ihe Detroit, Hlllsdale and Indiana Kailroad,- all in Washtenaw County, in the State of Michigan, - contamina one luinclred and twenty-three and thtrty-nine one-hnndredths (123 aud 39-100ths) cre, more or les. KZUA C. KoBINSON, Executnr. Dated January 2üih. 1880. OT0-976 Estáte of Edwin Pettibone. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waakten, ss At ■ session of the Probate Coort for the Connty ol Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Ofllce, in the City of Ann Arbor, onTuesday, the third day ot Febrnary, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and eijfhty. Present, William D. Harrinian, of F'rohme. In the matter of the est&te of Edwin Pettibone. deceased. Truman B. Goodepeed, the arimiristraior of aaid tstate, comes illto court and representa that he i? Dow preparad to render ble final account ateuch adminiptrator Tharanpon it is ordered, that Friday, the flfth day of Murch iiext, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be assigned for cxiininin_' an 1 lllowlBg uch acconnt, aud that the hulrs at law of said duceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are reqmred lo appear at a sesslon of said court. then tu be hulden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, m said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account shonld not e allowed. And it is further ordercd, that said adminii-tratur gi'e notice to the peraoDI ii terested in said estiite, of the oeudency of said acconnt, and the hearing thereof, by causfng a copy of this order to be puh lishedin the Aun Arbor Courier, a newspapvr print cd and ctreu latina in aid conntf, three suecaMlve we kprevious to said dy tif henrini,'. (A true copy), WII.UAM U. HAKK1MAN, Judue of Prnhntc WM O. DOTY. Probate Rccister. 72-97S Estáte of Nelson Osborne. OTATK OF MlCUiGAiN. County of Waehtenaw, se At a session ot Ihe Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor.on Wi ivt'ntycl(ihih day oi .lununry. in the year uov thousnnd eight hundred and eighty. PreMBt, Willmm D. Uarriman, Judge of Probate. In the muiter of the estáte of Nelson Osborne. deceased. Henry Osborne, administrator of aid eslate, comes into court and reprrseute tliat he is DO prepared to render nis final account as such admlnis:rator. Theieupon It is ordered, that Wednesday, tbe twentyfifth day of February next, at ten o'clock in the foruiioon, he asslgned for exnmining ai.d allowing such account, and fhat the hein at luw i r said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estat?, are raqQtrad to appear at a s"?8Íon of Brtid court, then tn be holden tit the Probate ( ifticc, In the city of Ann Arbor, In said coanty, itnd show cause, n any there he. why the siid account shmild not ba ullowed. And It is further ordered. that taid administmior gWe notice to thr p-rïoii! IntarMted in -aiil UUU, nf the pendency "1 Uld account, and thi hearins; thereof, by causing a copy ot th's order to be Dablttned in tbe Anu Arbor Courin-, a Dampapef priulcd and drculating in said county, three sneceasive weeks previous to said day of hcarinir. (A trui copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Jucle of Probate. WM. G. DOTT, Probate Register. 9U-974 T OGS WANTSD. I will pay, at the Ann Arbor stoam eaw mili, íor White or Swamp Oak Logs, from ) 8 to $10 per M Ked Oak Butt boga, sound pw M White Ash - 10 14 per M Whitewood 10 II p. r M Basswood 8 10 per M Ilickory IS per M Hard Mnple VI per M Walnut 40 per M Uuiternut 10 15 p Red Elm 10 per M Will hny lops wlthin four miles of mj mili, if de eired, and draw ibem. Persons havlng logs to sell are requested to cal and nee me as soon as possible. Nov. 4, 187U. J. T. UALLOCK. 95atf QOAL! CO AL! O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlner and Wholesale dealer of the celebrated BRIAR RIDGE C0AL AMO- Dealer tn Hard Coal and Plg lron. Orders prompt! Blled. Office, DO Qriswold street, Detroit, room S. 6&-1004
Probate Court
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Ann Arbor Steam Saw Mill
Coal Yards
Public Notice
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Ezra C. Robinson
Edwin Pettibone
William D. Harriman
Truman B. Goodspeed
Wm. G. Doty
Nelson Osborne
Henry Osborne
J.T. Hallock
O.W. Shipman
Saline Township
Lodi Township