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Pentecost And Stebbins

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The evangelista who at present are creating soroe degree of religious interest in Detroit, are thus dt'scribed by one of nur citizens who attendod an evt ning service : Mr. Pentecost is a man of medium height, very solidly and compactly built, with a sligbt ioclination to corpulency, hi.s black hair and beard being cl(el.v triinnied excepting bis tuoustaehe, which is evidontly allowed greater freedom of growth. His dress (which was a dark gray business suit) and whole personal appearanre would indícate an active, thorough-going business man or an cnergetic drummer, but nothing to BUggest the ministerial profession. The sermón, which was entirely exterapore, without going inlo the niinutiae or giviDg the subject-mattei, was practical in its nature, devoid of all firiely spun theories, extremely apt in its illustrations, forcible in its delivery, and well calculated to hold the attention of the audience ai;d convince tliem of the great truths which the preacher was endeavoring to proclaini. As compared to Moody, from whoni Pentecost and others take their model, Mr. Pentecost is evidently bettor read and more thoroughly educated, and his sermón, in a liierary s(ni-e,was more complete1}' finished, and, in consequenoe, well adapted to iuterest educated people ; lut, though his success and extonds to all, still he lacks that wonderful personal magneti.--m of Moo!y, wbich draws the gieat mas-s and filis both kan ed and ignurant witli personal sympathy. The peronal appcaranceof Mr. SteLbins is entirely different from hi.s colleague, being tall, broad-shuuldered, light complexioned, with a digni6(d hearing, and of the two he would be laken for the reverend. He possesses a remarkally rich, melodious tenor voice, with a peculiar velvety softnesf, but withal a con.'pass cnpable of filling tlie largest hall. His voice al.-o -hows careful and thorough cultivation ; neither is he an amateur iu his profesaion. Before engaging as an evangelist, he was leader of a cboir in some of the largest chuiches both in Chicago and Boston. Mr. Stebbins has also assisted Mr. Moody in his services in Chicago, and, after the sudden death of P. P. Bliss at the Altoona disaster, was chosen as his succes.-or. His singing is potable especially in the tender and more sympathetic passages, and in the rendering of every shade of thought by the modulations of voice, and also in the heartiness with which he sings, as if every word was the expression of an oveiflowing heart and toul. Possjbly artLsts who were carefully watching for defects and excellencies, might make one criticism, and that the occasional sliding or running from one note to an other, but all would listen and be charmed. Mrs. Stebbins has an alto voice of fine quality, and in an occasional duet with her husband their voices blend harmoniously, and their singing is not only very pleasing, but extremely effective.