Closlng and Opening of malla. Mails leavlng Ann Arbor, Kaat and West, wlll olose as fullows : GOINO WEST. Way Mali - 8:3 a. m. fhrough aud Way Mali west of Jackson 10:40 a. m and 4:50 p. m. Way Mali betweeu Ann Arbor and Jackson - 4:60 p. ra. Chicago and beyond 7:30 p. m. GOINO KAST. Detroit pouch 8:80 a. ra. Througli aud Way Mail 10:25 a. m., 4:50 p. m. Kus! .-in Mails distrluuted al 8 aud 10 a. m., VI m. anti ti:lo p. ui. Western Mali dtstrlbuted at 6:10 p. in. Cnlcago Mali dlslrlbuted al N a. m. Jackson Mali and Way Mail beiween Jnckson and Ann Arbor dlstrlbuted at 11 a. ra. Mali bv Toledo Itailroad doses at 1LÍO p. ra. Toledo Itailroad Mail distrlbuted at 8:00 a. ra. The raall to Whltinore Lake, Webster and BrlKhtou leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at i) a. m., aud Is noelved Iroin these places Moudays, Weduesdays aud Krldays al foaro'clock p. ra. CHAS. G. CLARK, P. M. Travelen' Uulde. Tralns arrlve aud depart trom the Mlculgan tidiitral Depot in tuis city as follows: TKAIMS EAST. Atlantic Kxpress ï.05a.m. NlghtExpress S.f a. m. Jacksou Aocommodatlon 8.45 a. ra. Orand Itaplds Kxpres 10.85 a. m. L)ay Express 5.10 p. ra. Mll 5.80p.m. TKA1NS WK8T. Mali 8.40a. m. Day Express lliioa.m. Grand Kaplds Express 5.20 p. ra. Jackson Kipress 7 35 p. m. Kvenlng Express .38 p. m. Pclflc Express. 11.20 p. ra. All tralns are run hy Chicago time, whlch ik fl ''en mlnules slower tlmn Ann Arbor time ►'rlenrtn of The i'ourler. ho havr biiHlii.-H at the l'i air 'ourt. wlll requext JuUice Harriman to end thetr Prlntlnc to thif olnoe.