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Hbs. (!ko Ghenvii.i.k i imw in San Antonio, Telas. TfcN arrests wcre made lat month by City Marshal Johnson. DüRINQ the past uinnth the suiu of $135.88 was distributed to the city poor. Mr. J. H. Nickels will improve and eularge bis place on State ktnet next spring. ____ On Tuesday Mr. Joe T. Jacobs, and daughter Katie, started on their Florida expedition. Mr. A. M. Bodwell has invented, and is now manufacturing a windmill on hi.s own account. The balance in the hands of the city treasurer, as reported last Mondny evening, was $2,435.93. The pomological society ineets to-tnorrow at two P. M in the court house. Subject for discussion, "Grape Culture." Messrs. Lowrey and Huntwill erecta building (18x24) on the vacant lot adjacent to the agricultura! buildings. Rev. K. A. Spence supplied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Cburch last Sabbath. Dr. Brown preached at Grand Rapidc. Tiierk is plenty of time yet for good sleighing. A few years ago we had two month of good sleighins; after thi time. Mr. Frangís G. Anthony, of New Haven, who has been visiting in this city and vicinity, returned home last Tuesday. The Sunday afternoon bi-weekly address in University hall will be omitted next Sunday, because of the evening meeting. Mr. Lemcel Foster, whoe age is 87 years, has never tuissed voting at a Presidential election since he has been old enough to vote. Mr. Henry R. Cocker, son of Dtctor Cocker, holds the po.-ition of oashier in the Howe Sewing Machine Co.'s main western office n Cleveland, Odi.v. Last Wednesday the reuiaii s of Mrs. David Henning, who dicd in Chicago one year ago, ware brought to this city and deposited in the oemetaiy vault. A ma nameJ Bell, hailing from Dover, was jailed the first of the week íor fast driving on the street. When sobered ofF ho was allowed to depart for hume. Mr. Robert Aimcs has disposvd of his interest in the city flouring milis to Mr. A. S. Peterson, who hag been connected with the mili as miller for many years. TnE "American Almanac and Treasury of Facts," pi ice 25 cents, for salo by A.W. Ames, rontains more stati-tical information of practical importance than is often met with. ______ Fifty trampa domiciled at the county house on Sunday last. Trampa have serious objections to traveling on the Sabbath. We doubt if they are religious scruples, however. A COMMITTEE, cotisisting of Aids. Ferdon, Hutzel, Rops, Keech, Kellogg and Martin, have been appointcd by the comraon council to consider the advisability of using naphtha for street lamps. % - 1 The books of the township treasurer of Superior show that all the taxes have been collected, except on two dogs, the owners of which have moved away. What town can show a better record than this ? Thb nest meeting of the Ann Arbor Scientific Association will be held in their rooms Saturday evening of this weok, at 7:30. A paper will be presentid by Prof. M. W. Harrington, subject, "Tornadoes." Last week Mr. R. J. McCardy, of Ann Arbor township, bad nine valuable sheep killed by dogs. He will receive pay for them from the dog tax. Every township in the county except Salem collected this tax. Three new fire-proof safes have been procured for the county at a cost of $400, the weight of each being 2,300 pounds One has been placed in the probate office, one in the county clcrk's office and one in the treasurer'8 office. Next Sunday evening Rev.Geo. Mueller, of Bristol, England, the founder of the Bristol orphan asylum, and who is well known by means of his book entitled, "A Life of Trust," will give a history of the asylum in University hall. Mrs. Schuyler, the eloquent lady temperance orator, addressed the fifth ward meeting last Sunday, and secured 22 new signatures to the pledge. Nearly all of those who pledged themselves to a life of sobriety wcre young men. Mr. Calvin Wheeler, of Salem, was in the city last Wednesday, looking hale and bearty. He was bom in Ontario Co., New York, in 1806, came to Salem in 1830, and located the farm on which he now lives, of the Government, at $1.25 per acre. Mrs. Madison, wif'e of Henry Madison, died in Toledo, January 5(h, 1880, aged 55 years, afier boven years of illness. Mr. Madison was in the eniploy of Mr. R. A. Beal at Dexter for ten years, and subsequently worked for John T. Swathel in this city for several years. TüE8DAY evening Mr. Aretus Dunn left for a trip to Morgan city, Louisiana, to pee his step-son, Mr. Frank Otis, formerly from thia city, who is now 6n-t mate on a steamer. Mr. Dunn will visit Now Orleans, and take in the Mardi Gras. The trip will doubtless do him good. Rev. Geo., of Bristol, Erfland, announced to preach in Germán in Bethlehem Lutheran Chureh, will, instead, preach to the Germans in the Presbyterian Chureh Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Mr. Mueller will also preach in the Presbyterian Chureh Sunday morning at 10} o'clock. _ Last Friday Mr. P. E. Gal pin. of Superior, sold 120 fine wool wethers, that averaged 130 pounds each for the lot, lacking ten pounds. Price received, five and one-half cents per pound. He had been feeding them only since November 25th, and decires to know if any one can beat this showing. Mks. R. Waterman iscollecting money and clothing to send to the Kangas refugees, who are really in a most distressing condition so much so that they are dying off fást from insufficient food, clothing and shelter. Contributions can be left at her house on Washington street. The box will be sent the first.of nest week. Next Friday afternoon the senior class of the gramniar school departruent, will give a public exhibition in high school ha!l, commencing at two o'clock. IhcexmiaM will of essays, declaruations, retMtaiionp, the reading of the inevitable sí'lmol paper, etc. It promises to be quite inUTtv-tiiig, and parents should turn out and encourage the teachers and children. Til E fire depurtment has made a requisition on the comuion council for 1,500 feet of L'í inch rubber hose, and an engine to take the place of Vigilant engioe, which is aseUM ; also that provisión be made for paving the firemen for each fire they actually attend, instead of $5 per year, as nt present; also ihat provisión be made for transportation of apparatus to fires by teams. Wl are wdebted to Recorder Clark for the following statement of expenditures and the balances in the city funda for the year cnding January 31 st : KxpeoditorM. B]ftace. General fund_ $6,034 89 $ 650 27 General street fund 2,490 72 IS 03 First ward fund 435 27 373 37 Second ward fund 86171 "22 45 Thlrd ward fuud 992 44 8 07 Kourth ward lund 1.U&2 69 1 01 Fiftu ward tund 99 91 287 70 Slxtn ward fund. 1,051 06 56 87 Contingent _ 8.047 89 2,508 00 Flrerae'i's 745 00 'lty cemetery (flfth ward). 12 50 44 88 Int. on court house bonds.. 8,314 00 Mr. Milo Pulcipher (telegraph operator) says that the Western Union Telegraph Co. has done more business during January than ever before. The the telegraph business of this place is nearly all transient, as outeide of a few grocery houses and manufacturera, not a business finí) uses the wires to the extent of $10 per year. In this respect it is questionable if it is not false economy, because the sale of the goods delivered, if once placed in stock, niight many times pay the extra expenses incurred by telegraphing, before they could be procured by letter. Mrs. Mary Spoor, wife of Mr. Chas. Spoor, of this city, died quite suddenly on February lst, 1880, after a short illness, aged sixty-five years, one month and twenty days. The cause of her death was disease oí the throat, lungs and liver. Mrs. Spoor was an affectionate wife and mother, and was tenderly attached to her fainily, to whose welfare she devoted her time. She leaves, in addition to her husband, three daughters and one son to inourn her loss. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Wm. A. Hatch and Mrs. Wm. McCreery, and had been a resident of this city 42 years. The faculty and students of the Honnrapathic department say that no such assembly of illlterate aud uuraannerly snobs ever lnvaded the sacred grounds of the university aa those who trespassed upon their precincts last W lUon was just In the mulst of his professional exerclses before hls classes wlieu the visitlng naeiubers of the press were announced. He at once stopped the exerclsen, extended the most cordial receptlou to the vlsltora and made one of those happy and fellcllous addresses upon the occasion, for whioh the professor enjoys so envlable a reputallon. The llterary snobs seemed tickled and gratlfled but that was the last of It; no Hcknowledgraent of Profeaaor Wllson's courtesy appears In any of the powerful and brllliant organs whose more brllllant editora rushed in upon the professor's privacy A petltion praying the professor tu excuse these unhappy meu upon the grounds of insular lgnorance and pompons egotlsin and selfworsnlp, will very llkefy be presented to him in a few days.- [üetrolt Bociely News. In order to ascertain the truth in regard to the above article, we personally called upon Prof. E. O. Franklin, dean of the homo3opathic faculty, Profs. S. A. Jones and T. P. Wilson and assistants A. R Wheeler, M. D., and Charles C. Huff, who denied any knowledge of the paternity of the article. The statements must there fore have origioated with the correspondent who wrote it. _ G. W. C. T. Wilson, assisted by Grand Lodge officers Kamsey and Sessions, installed the following officers, last Tuesdav evening, at a meeting of Ann Arbor Lodge No. 320, I. O. G. T., for the quarter ending May lst, 1880: W. C. T_ Jonathan Bprague. W. V. T Mrs. N. H. Plerce. W. 8 C. C. Holland. W. A. S Walter B. Pitkin. W. F. 8 Willlam Hllton. W. T O. O. Kinsman. W. M Herbert HackstafT. W. D. M Marton Brown. W. U P. D. Woodruff. W. R. H. 8..Mra. M. J. Reynolds. W. L. H. 8...MÍSS J. A. Woodruff. W. I. Q C. Q. Wilson. W. O. Q Henry Murphy. P. W. C. T...J. G. Prlce. After installation tbe W. C. T. made a few remarks relativo to the increasing prosperity of the Lodge and the regular attendance of officers during the last quarter ; the W. C. gave an epitome of the Lodge history, stating that Ann Arbor Lodge was organized about fourteen years ago, two of the original membera being present ; and the W. V. T. made pertinent remarks on prohibiting the manufacture of intoxicating drinks. The will of the late Hiram Arnold, now on file in the probate office, inakes tbe fullowing provisions: Edward Treadwell and Noah W. Cheever are made executors with full power to convoy real estáte and personal property without obtaining license of any court for that purpose. The executors are to erect a Scotch granate monument on his cemetery lot in this city, the cost of which is not to be lesa than $1,000. He next bequeaths to his granddaughter, Luella Beaman, $1,000; to Clay Green, son of Byron, his heirs and assigns, 57 acres of land, township of Ann Arbor, section 27, that lies north of Huron rivcr. Mrs. Sarah Bagley, his houfekeeper, receives $2,000, and Josephineand Georgina, her daughters, $1,000 each. After the payments of all debts, the expenses of the HCttlements and administration of the estáte, and the above legacies, he bequeaths to his daughter Escálala N. Green the use and interest of his entire catate, both real and personal during her life, exi'ept as hereafter provided. When his granddaughter (Luella Beaman) ohall have become 35 years of age, the will receive one-fourth of the real estáte and personal property ; and when bis grandson Clay Green shall have Lecome 30 years of age, he is to receive one fourth of all the real and personal property ; and after the death of Escálala N. Green he devises and bequeaths to her children and grandchildren all hts real and personal properly, the use of which i.s above bequeathed to her, to be divided equally aniung tin m, share and ahare alike. He then makes provisión that his son Kugone B. Arnold receive from the proceeds of the estáte from Í400 to $600 per year, but this is changed by a codicil giving hira 150 acres of land of the Scio farm, to hold duriog bis life, and after his death to revert to his heirs, and in addition to this $500 in cash, to be invested in team and fanning implemcnts. The executors are to keep the money invested in good, safe interest-bearing securities, and to pay to tho legatees the same yearly, if possible.