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Dr. W. H. Smith has gone to Detroit. - lxuiuiiiat iniiM in the uicdical department occur next week. ...Exatuinations in the literary departmcnt commenced last Monday, and continue through nezt week. ...The laws have began to receive their clas8 photographs, and they are well pleased with the anislic wtrkmanhip. ...Mr. iMueller, founder of the Bristol, Kngland, ürphan Asyluui is expected to poak in Uuivi rsity Hailnext Sunday evenniog. ...Fart of the meteorológica! instrumenta Ordered by the Kegeuts on ihe recoiiitmndation of Prul'. Barrington, have already arrived at the observalory. ...A W. Burnett, editor of the literary ■oteé of the ( 'hronide, has baiifnfed hin poitioti, and ü. L Dubuar bas been elected to supply the vacant plato. ...Prof. Winchell delivered a lecture before the Young People's Club of the Unitarian church last Wednesday evening. Subject, "The Life of a World." ...Prof. Siowell delivered a lecture before the medical students lyceum last week, on tlu'l'hysiologieal effect of alcohol, illustrating his subject by stercopticon views. ...The game of foot ball played between the pickeii teams of the juniorsof the niedcal and law schools resulted in a score of threr to noibing in favor of the medio?. ...The VVestchester, Pa., papers i vea very favorable account of a recent lecture in that city by Prof. C. B. Coehrao, a former grad uate of the literary depai tment The subject was chysemys picta or the painted tortoise. ...A new featuic of attraction is now to be seen in the physiological laboratory, its efficiënt manager (Dr. Stowell) haviog secured a pair of guinea pigs, the habits of which the boys are very much interested in watchiiii.'. ...The Chronicle Association held their annual eleclion in room H last Saturday and elected the following editora for next semester. Independente, C. A. Towne, F. A. Townsend. Society men, Willis Boughton, Beta Theta Pi ; and Max Zinkheisen, Chi Psi. ...Some cf the Democratie students wish it to be understood that the men belonging to their party in the Universiiy may be diTided into two classes, viz., Demócrata, and Maine Dumoi-rats, thelatter term referí ing to those who endorte the attempted steal of their party in the Pine Tree State. It is needless to add that the Maine men are not numerou-, most of the students having intelligente and honesty enough to repudíate that disreputable piece of business. ...The Athletic Association have challenged Ráeme to play a game of foot ball here some time this spring, on the same ternis as the challenge from them was played last year. At the last meeting of the A.-.sooiaton a committee con.'-isting of four Hts. to molk's. and two deots. were au thorized to be appointed to make arrangementa for the annual tournament, and the comuiittce on finance instructed to correspond with Kas'ern firma to see about fcecuring new uniforma for the foot ball team. ■ - l ' '■:■ , siblo, to have a game of foot ball with Cornell college.