County Items
...John McLaughlin died last Friday. ...B. W. Waite has returned froni a business trip to New York State, and is looking well. ...Mm Piedty, of' this village, received last week the suno of 10 pounds of English uioney from her uocle in England. ...Joho N. Bailey, of tho Ann Arbor Argus, was in town on Monday, and wbile here paid his genial correspondeot a visit. ...Robert DeviDncy and wife, of Lansing, are here visiting relatives and friends - they are the guests of our friend J. F. Honey, a brothor in-law of Mr. D. ...Mrs. Dr. Howell has been quite ill for some days past. She inhaled too much chlorine gas which she used in bleaching. We understand she is out of danger, however. ...Qeorge Arnold, formerly of this place, but now living in Mentorville, Minn., (not Illinois as local papers said) is visiting his sister, Mrs. George Pratt. From here he will go to Connecticut by way of Montreal. ...Church "social-," are rife in this vil lage. We have not space or time to notice all in detail, neither have we the desired information should we wish to do so. Don't forget to inform the scribe of such news, readers. ...Prof. Lou Hoffman, well known in this vicinity as the inotr- .-- -' ■' ter Lornci ranu sume time ago, ts spoken of as again bccoming its teacher. Negotiations to that end are in progress. We wih the boys success. ..."A grand social at Costello's Hall, Dexter, on Tueday evening, Feb. 10, 1880, given by C. H. Minnis, benefit of the Dexter Reform Club," is what the hand bilis read that are stuck up around town. The R R. club has adopted the Ann Arbor club's mcthod of giving socials. The program me U good and varied. ...The Episcopal social at Mr. Bennett's last week is said to have been a very pleasant affair. The M. E. social, or old folks' tea, at Mr. Dennis Warner's was a success, over 175 persons being present. Baptist social at Mrs. O. M. Smith's Wednesday night. Ice creara, music, tablaux, etc. At this writing, Wednesday morning, we cannot speak of the attendance. ...We have oftcn seen sleepy and drowsy people sit and nod in a room W of cujpti ness, but tor a horse to go to sleep while standing at a hitching post is so ludicrous ihat your reporter cannot refrain from mentioning it. Farmer R. eame to town with horse and buggy last Tuesday and hitcbed his horse to a post while he carne and chatted with your scribe. When he went out to start for home, lo, and behold, his horse had gone into the land of nod, fallen down and broken off the thills. Imagination can supply the picture. 8TONY CREEK. ...Rev. Fisher delivered an address at Moreville last Sunday evening. ...Rev. W. E. Dunning has a groop of light Brahma fowls which are much a 1njired by the passersby. ...Theyoung men are having good debates at the Walters school house. They show a talent for speaking. ...Miss Rundie, of the London district, is to have retorical reading of' interest next week, on -Friday anemoon. ...Mrs. McGrew has sold her farm to Levi Rogers and is to sell her personal property at Ann Arbor this week. ...Dr. Webb sought to retire from practicc last fall when he returned from the east, but has been pressed into the service almost every day sinoe. ...The entertainment given at the M. E. Church at Moreville by the young people of Augusta Church is said to have been a decided succes. Receipts $20. ...The quarterly meeting fur Augusta church has been announced for nezt Saturday and Sunday. Tha presiding eider, Bro. W. II. Shire, will oficíate, socially, was the donation visit at the M. ...Pcrbaps the most interesting evening, E. parsonage, for the benefit of Rev. W. E. Dunning and family, the visiting oompany completely filling the house. It was the largest gathering there has been there for many years. All enjoyed themselves very much and paid well. Receipts, $55. This does not apply on salary. YPS1LANTI. ...The cominon council have decided that the county, must in the future, pay for tramps kept over night. ...ón Wednesday evening, February 4, the Musical Union gave the farce, "A Cup of Tea," and the operetta Paulopc. The price of admUsion had been fixed at 25 cents, with opportunity to reserve seats, and gallery 15 o nts. The entertainments of this union are very fine and worth attending. MISCELLANEOU8. ...Mr. Wm. Druse, of York, hasobtained a judgment of $82 the T. & A A. railnad, tbat being the valué placed on a oow killed by tha road.