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TOST. Janoary 14th, between Lower Town and my residence in Northfleld, a buffalo robe, hearing the name Qulgley In four places. The flndiT wlll be snitably rewarded by leavlng the samo at the store of Frank Heiz, in the flfth wrd. JOHN QUIQLEY. "OOR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres In the western part of the State, valaed at (6,000, which I wlll exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BKAL. TOll SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, with a good dwolling house on it, one ruilu frora city city limita. Enqulre 965tf At THE COÜRIER OFFICE. "POR SALE OK EXCHANOE. Ten acres of land, wlth flrst-class buildings, ncarly new. Barn, 80x30, stone basement. Land nnder good state of cnltiration. Siluatod on Liberty st., west- Just outalde of Corporation. Wlll sell cheap, or exchange for flrst-class city property. Address, JOHN LOWRY, 966-97 Ann Arbor, Mlch. TTOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE." Scveral good brlck dwelling house, and a nnmber of framed dwellings, deelrably sttuated, wtth one or more lots for each, for sale, od fair torms and reasonable credit. Alao, flfly city lou. well located, wlth good tltle, and on long credit. Also, farms and mortgages for sale. Honey safely lnvcsted for lenden, at ten per cent. Inqulre of fSt ft W. MORGAN Proliprai 0tri. (Falling of tbe Womb.) A WonltrM Car.- Nlne years my wife sofl'ered with this terrible coiupluint. 8: e was iittuded hy doctor after doctor, went to the diffureni hoppitalM whero témales are treated; Iried them all; wore IwiillJII aii'l pi Mr ries with ouly temporary relief. Her Ufe was mlser ble. We applled Dr. Glle' Llnimeut. lier relief was Immediiiic. Sh Is now well. B. McDEKMOTT, 40 Weat I3th slreut, New York. Sold by all drujrglet. Send for pimphlet. Du. (iiLKs, 120 West Broadwar. N. Y. Trial lUe 23 cents 17-1172 "POR SALE. k NBW MtDCH ('OW, HIX TRPRS OLD, nd No. 1. Worth 50, bot les money will buy her lf offered oon. C. M O8QO' D, 971 S Milei North of Ann Arbor.