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WATCH FOR The Students' Lecture Association Ad. in this srAca. W. TREMAIN Iisnce Aien OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Norih Brltlsh Inituranco Comp'j(of London and Edinburgh,) CaplUl $13,000,0UU, Oold. Detroit Flro and Marine Ins. Co. Cuh Aséete 1600,000. Springfleld In. Comp'y. oflNaM., Cub Asseta $1.800,000. Iloward Int. Co., of New York, Cuh Aasets $1,03(1,000. Agrlculturnl Insurancc Conip'y WATKRTOWN, - NEW YORK, Cuh Asaeta tl. 200,000. Losscs libcrally adjusted and promptly paid. yr The Colossal Bronze Statue of Vlctory Which Btnnii In the Park at Lowell, before the tomb of the first toldicrs thtt feil In the revolutlon. I a laetlng and boautifnl tribute of art. lt 1b oue of the Arm objects Booght hy atranfera vtnitlnt; oor sister city, whii'h Indeed many vleit, pnrpoeely to ece thls eUgant object of hifh art. It wan obtalned from lbo King of II .varia liy Dr. J. C. Ayer, to whom Hl Majesty was eepeclall; gracioue In ackDowkdgmenl f what hls T' medlee are reputed to have done for the siiffcriiiL' alck. It ■ donatod by the Doctor to the City of Lowell aa a permanent and epeaking ero blom of the victories both of Science and Arm-, - I li ■. r-i.iwii (Md.) Prets. 9W Áirabout TPYáQ S E N D K ofa'r 1 IJ AA of the CAZETTEER èi CUIDE, whiob oontalns full ïnrormation on 11 matten of interest relat Ing to thm " Lona 8tr 8tt-," and ft nw oorrect oountjr mp of Texas, BO x 35 tnob. JOHN ROSS l CO., GEN'L AGENTS. ST. LOUIS, mo. lllillTFnA0ENT8 TO8EULTEA, I Uil I U PHOKITH FIKBT RlTt Outfit fr-e. T2-10L3