$100 REWARD ! FOR ANY CASE OF CATARRH TIIAT CANNOT BE CURED WITH batIíTíbi Thl I no btimhiix. No nifal donche. No snnff. Nothintf to irrítate the miMil mvity, or dt-ftroy Um 2 fmell. It II un INTKKNAL RBMjíDY, 1CTINQ CI'ONTIIS ULOOD, cleanslug it from it impnrlties, cnuainp the pnriform mtttter tobe carried off tlirough the natural fihannalMi li it n scieritltlc j)r'[)aratitn, uutd and prvi-cnln-d fir yofirt by ouc oí the ahlcst practitioners in country, and has never fallert to cure when oned tccordlng tü dlrection. If any pwion, alter takinir onfl doieu ' llall'n Catarrh lure t not cured or btmfltnl more ihmi foar tlmee IK -!, e wlQ rfund tta moBqrpild. II It doe you kikhI, ytiu are to pay for 11. Iflt does no cuntí yon notUuï. mc 75onti per bottle. Sol 1 by !1 drufrci-if. V nmlacMirei by F. .1. CI1ENEY A 00., HrtHTül-tf, Toledo, Ohio. If jour itrugglst doev nol keep it in ptock, ark hini to (iet it for you, or end riirert tu [nirk'tors, and it wlll bc promptly forwardt-d. Kor sale In Ann Arbor by II. J. BBOWH i CO., 985-W77 Cor. ff Main Mtid Hurón ítreete. "POR SALE. [ lmve a good FI.OlKiNG M1LL of four run of stonc, trut I wlll eell or oxchaiiKe for iropi-rty in Washtenaw ('oniity. 9(Htf BIOB A. BKAI,.