ALL FORMER YEARS OUTDONE. 356,432 Q-IEIN-CTIIlSrrE SINGER SEWING MACHINES SOLD IN 1S78. HEINli 7.,(2O More Thau in Any Previous Ytar. WE WARRANT KVKHY MACHINK sol. BV U8. SOME VERY HAED NUTS T0 CRACK i-r. Totn p;m u's Imvc Bprnng op In even part of tin l ni.'n lor ni.ikniL' Hn "Imiliitton Sinifcr M.'irliim." ' nut Hml ■ ■ fartned for tnakuiij ftmtntïoiii of other ■ neê f The public wil] draw owd Inference. Gold i$ contiutndly count erft V til ; brast and tin net-er ! Jd. Hm Btagvr hiu tAko the pukt Prixe ovr all compotltortmore tbtn uro Bi hdbbo tixm, Wliy Atirr tlie ('hicai)Firellu' Keliei umi rlook t) roraisb Mwtng nucfalBM to üw Dedy omton of tlifit city. ApplïcftDti MTinit't'd to Iroin r-i d iiU-i fin kimin oí machina. 2.M11 applfcauts ware tarntshtd wlth ducUhob; -.127 chosu Sinptir Machinee, and .ri7 dtotrlbatd ili'ir choice antons fio othar klnda ol oiacbines. Tbes1 jiirls Wên t KAKN TIIB1R l.IVINU (n tliKSÖ DlHChlUeti. Why dld ilif take SlngerH Fot turthcr particulart cali on AT THE SINQER OFFICE, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Who will 11 yon a Sewlnu; Machine chcnpur ttinn any Other man. I Uu aient alen tor the DOMESTIO iiiui lo: the N KW WHITE, the most popalar oew in:u in the world, havinp jjained a ni!-' ezceeded only b the Slager, in the ntiort epacc ut two taan. KKP AIKINi; j Speciilty-Sinuvrs Mt as Good as New. Sötr I. L. G1ÜNNK1.L, Ann Arbor. HÜBÜSP 'I h" powcr oí arrcsting disensos displaycel by Ihie preparatlon ie honorably ackiiowledged hy the medíCííI faculty ín every sectlon where it has been inlroiliK.d; and the large sais i the beet guarantee oí tha ■ ítimation in which it Is held by the public. The Synip will cure PtTLMoNAnr Cossumption ín the flrst and eecond stajres, will Rive t;reat relief and proloog lile in the third. It will cure Arihiia, BhoNi iiitis, Laringitis and Couoiis. It ill cure all dlseasCB originjxtin from want of Action and NKllvoua Forck. POK THE EFFECT PRODUCED BY Fellows' Compsund Syrup oí Hjpophosphites 1 ti Disi'apcs of the LvBfge, tlic Inventor is permutad to reter to loa Medical Gentlemen nf st. John, N. B , algBrntam iw stteohad béreto. WILLIAM BATABD. M. D. H) I IH1 AKI, M. I). l'llcnl S WAI.KKK, M. ii. JOHN HAliln AN, M, !.. Un. l)l. JOUNSroNE i,.H . -., Kr. i.Ki iií.l. REA ion M. í). W. ü. IlAKDIVC. .R,CA .1. II. WIIII'K, M. 1) T. W. l.'AHKI i', U. I). lwabD Mayor oí tlw Ctty ofSt .Khn, tn the I'rovince of Rew Brantwlckt luivm zftmlned ttat) 8 aitach'-il tu i foreKinM i"'rrait ol i r, bereby certlf) 'íiii I believe them all enuIne. i cu alío lactlA to iho hiah Iberapeatlnl ralu oí 1 i üowí' í'ompimnd Syrup o' Bjpoübopbitw, - conaidef it destírvlii üf utuntion tty thr profwbloii ■ r.lly. ,k .. In teBtlmony wöereof f have heretmto ;■ a..i iiiv hand, nnd affixtd my seal of . Brcil . Mr. r.iity, ai city st. John, t'Mü Uih , Seal. SJduy of Febrnary, Ln inefear f i.urLord .T #.t ' e thoianl eitrht hunrirol mul ilxty ....♦♦ „ gjrht. AARON Al, WARU, M. D. Eiettec Troiu lii'V. J.Maliniiii. II ■. l'MirMAN, IJlhKN' CntlNTY, N. 1!. I can safe'.y and iim-i-tcnily rucommecd yoar In■ I"; prepfttatioii in a varu-ty ui caet, eapctally üt;d it in ïïrm ctiiM-, A ■tui]-. heblliTy frnm Com plilnl, Dab lltj rom : even, nii Debilit) hom ImMjod. I am, hir, vonrs trniy, .. i_,"w.Cí...í -.t.Kr' BY ALL DRUGOI6TS. 988-878 I.. S. l..i h, Agent, Ann Arhor. "ÖINSEY & SEABOLT'8 HAKERY,GROCERY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We ke;p conntantly on hand, BREAD, CltACKKRS, CAKES, ETC, FOK WHOLESALE AND KETAIL TRADK. We ehall alio keep n injply of BWOT DEÜBEI.'S BSST WHITE WHEA1 PLOUR. DELHI FLOUR, HYK FLCXK, BUCKWHKAT FLOUR, COKM MEAL, FEED, &c., c. At wholeeale and retail. a general stock ol uiun i:hi i; i provimoxs c.)nf tantly on hanil, whlch will be nold on as reaaoc tprray ae i t any other house In Ibe city. ■ tn puid for Butler, E;gB, and Coantry Prodac yencraliy. EtTOood8 delivercd to any part of the city wltt out extra charge. yr KIN9ET A SKABOLT. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT Vo. i om ii nuin SUèet, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. vncj iu the city. üniablisl cii a qnarter of a century ago. lieprMentinjj the iollowinj; llrst-clasK conipanies : Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Asueto over f6,0dO,OO() Continent! int. Co. of N. I v-er W, 00 '.000 . Klre Insurauce Co., N. Y.. AshcIs ?1,-H2,i)ni Qlrard, 'ir PhiladelphU Aaseta m-r il i)".: ii ürleot, "f Hnrtu.rd sTIXI.OUO Commercial TDiuu Annrance Co. of London „..Ahiets $3,000,000 tSTÜATES LOW. Lotl :Hjnstcd and r puld. 884-W6 C. H. TILtBN. FERDOHLÜMBERYARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., -'annfü'-tnriT ind Dflalérti SACINAW umwm lünbgr, ' LATH AND SHINGLES. W Invito all to give n a cali, and examine oni a stork belbrcpurclj.i re. ,. AlXi AüKNT POK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO,, ' AND NKI.I. F1RK BKI'K. Jj JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. „ T. J. KKKCH, Mupt. Til ü JL SAWINQ THE LO0. THE GREAT SUCCESS iWW ffOMHFÏÏL IïPHOVED XJÜC LaborSavIngUIAKTRIDIN.SAWnAniTVK - s fully demunstntifd by tüe number In UM and tlie present demand forthem. It smws Luxh of anv stof. 1 On man ran hhw mir loa or OOTa wood ín oue lur and fuJT itmn iwo men ran the old way. It vill aaw u tffo foit log In three minutt's. Fvry h'mriiifr needa n. Towiinhlp af-nta Wniiteu. k'fld i'or Illiistriiteii ('irnjlar uw] TVrnu. M AddreM W. ■ BOST WH 'K .1 CO.. atr 178 Kim !.. iimiim-,1. O. [ V9ê9té WW rej
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites
Patent Medicines
Rinsey & Seabolt's Bakery Grocery and Flour & Feed Store
Insurance Agencies
Ferdon Lumber Yard
Jackson Sewer Pipe Co.
W.W. Bostwick & Company
Farm Equipment
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
I. L. Grinnell
L.S. Lerch
C.H. Millen
James Tolbert
T. J. Keech
17 S Main St
No. 4 S Main St