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CatarrH NEVER-FAILING RELIEF AFFORDED BY SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, 1T I n fnrt tliat ran be subetnntiatrri by the moit retpectabla testimoníate over otferud in favor if any proprtt'Ury medicine, tliut the Kakhai. Cvkk fok Catarrji Uwé i ti every cuo afford lnitut umi perinmu-iu reik f. No matter of how Iomk landing, or 1kw MToro the dltowo, 1 b fli . ■ ch eviucncc of luviilue In tha tit-itiiiK-iiL ofCalarrhaJ affeaUoM thnt confldonci' is at once feit ín He ahllity to do all Unit ! clftlraed for it. Thi teatlmony f phyulclaim.tlrurKlM-s and pHtiontH is naanlmona ih this n apect, umi ihe n ciiinulftttii',' PTÍdenoo fs In point f rwpectabültjr iodc rlor to ftnv ovur b ifore ohtalnod Én fitvor ot & popular rwnedy. The proprtctore, iherefora, my jiiüy feel proul 'of tii" ; : Miir i. i'rnx hou attalocd, umi Ik i U' vr [f vorthy oi Itt ivpumlou. 10 VEARS A SUFrEHER. From Hon.Thco. P. Bogcrt, Bristol, R. I. ■NinpPiN. Wrpkh A Pottfh: ftntltmsii.% - FeclinfC thuroutchly ouovlueed oi 1 it eíüicy oí Sank.-hhn . i'i..i i ,i;i;ll,Imn liiducuilto tlrop TOO i I..H' to y thftt oltbougn I ' ivo beouKoptlcal oru trums dv rtlBV'l ri "radical curts," I liavs : il. ui unt!iihK thni proniUöi mucIi ullei and l [ liavtï ben aülu-tcd witb thll ïnadful dir: fr : m iii yv iis, riuI i i ntly i juKl l : .1 1 pfrseventwitli nnf nnitl I r0 tho U-tter of Mr. HlH RT Vki i . m d can trutlifnliy pay tlmt nftcr v bottfei i mu Ihoroag'tily co iTtncd of iis earntlve propertloi. Uonlnv thal otbn similurly afillctcd llUfl tuytelt u .n be Intiuottd tu maLu thu trial 1 ün.ifunfh u n, vi i y truly, etc. THEO. 1 1JÜUERT. Bbistol, K. I., July 21. 1VT7. CATARRHAL AFFECTiONS, Snch na Bore, Wvftk.Infiamcd, Bed. and WatervEyps; - T liiftamntatton ot ttie Ear: iilnjrhitf Koisel In tlus Urna: I ■ , tion of tlio t'tnla a '1 sw. lol Tam '8: Kurtous Mciulnclie, Ncnralaift, Dlszlncss, Cl iud I im ry, Lom of Nervons Forcft) I' irsf-ion oi' Bpirltt, - uro all carrfulty ani naliy treutod with IQla remotly acooroinjf t m v . i,( !i aeonnipaoy 6scn huttle, or will bo mnil-'d to n:iy adrii I fstunp. Kiich jp;i':;.'ij:o cuntaln- In, bnnfnrd'a lmprored Inhaliníf Tnbfl, wlth fi. foF nu In all cusca. PiIcl-Ii.W. SoM bvuil Wbolwnie and Itctail Prnnrtsts ■ ut Thn Uniteil Btateo and ( anadns. 'vkeks 4 l'ul'li.i:. Oenerai Agenta and A'holesulo DruKgi&ts, Boston, Mass. VOLTAIC PLASTER Is Uio most .trraicfol rel laf In Rhumatisiii, ATak Sphir, ïitjii Pktiw, Nerrooi Afftrtlon', ï,'cal JlhfuiiiiUism, Tio loulonrexix, NltvoüI i:iiii, Aílccíiaii 1" tito lvila'ys, rd BHM A:V. otlon i of tlio Chcst, ('oldg and Couirïifi, Injurlps of thfi Hack, SLimIqh anti Bruisos, AVcak l?nok, ?íor ons Paiu ot' tho Ilowels, tramp ín tho Stoiiiach and JJinhii, il part , Tfti';i, Ealargml Bptottn BrvlMt and Vuii. iurrs, iilu umutNKi f the rlsts and ArmSf A.-tïu:in, ;uií, Local mul leepsratcd l'aius, I min In th Ohoct, ftilcfa Lu Um parir. l:in in tho IIii, Varic v; or Unlargad . Cvirk in tho Back mul N ck, Pin anti V 'MKnesfi in SMe and ünck, Haursoness, Sorc Throat, L,ambcgx, AVlïojlnj; Cough, Shaxj Palns in thu Brcast, Ileart Diacaso, Quinsy, Diabetes, and for Lauunos ia any part of the Body. Trleo, a"S Oexita. Ask for COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER. Bold by all VholeMilo :iml Rotall DmiHtfl tljroiilnnit UM l nitfil Mate- and Canada. i'.:h by WKKKS & FOTTKll, PropHetor, ii.lon, Mass. Warner's Safe Kidney and Urn Gure. ( Furmt:rly Dr. Craig's Kidney Citrr ) A vor'T:ihle preparntion nul the only snre nimil.T ui the World for llriiflit UUriue, iH;itM u ... uncí AU, lUduej , Li ver, aud lrin:ir,T Iiat?ase. iTustiniuiiialsoi" the hfghcst order In proof of these statements. ftö'Fnr thf euro of Diabetes, cali for War ö'Kor the euro Of llrliflit's nnd thf otlipr disaas.', c.i II for Wai'uer'a .Sale Kltlney jtud LiverCoro. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Itts the best Bloort Purlflcr. and tiniulateg errry function to more healthful actiou, und isthus a benefit in alt diseases. It cures Scrofulom mul othor kln Fmtn tiom und iitascs, iucludiüs (iiuirri, Linr, nnd otlu-r orrv ! Mm-%iji. WchUhpu of (lic Atomseh, CiiüRliualiun, lizziiit. jt-iiirl l-iiic... ., .ffcTi a il jt-titM'í?iirrH;uifir tome. Boules of two sizt'S ; prices, 50o. and 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quiekly gives Itest and Sloep to the suffen nj, oun;3 ll'ala-lie umi Keumlgin, prvveuts l pilfpticKii, and relieves Neivoui 1'riMt rut ion broufiiit on by excesslve drink, overwork, mental shocka, and other causes. Powerful as it is to stup pain and sootlip diaturhed Nerves, it never Injures the jBleiii, wht'ther taken in mail or larie doses. Mutiles of two sizi's; prices, 50c. and 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an lmmediate and active stimulus for a Torpld Liver, and cure Coiitveneit, Dyipepilk, BÍ1I VTÏiniVn A iüuineia, Bllioui Di&rI K2mIP9 tllua - rhcea, Malaria, FtTtr I PrTfr 1 fcatTr-l llÉi ud Asue' ailtl nhouid IlmÉP4K3 H 'h' used vvhenevcr the I IpSKLIZ3 ICB tmwels dn not opérate lir"i!ÍHBl" frocly and regularly. IrTinFlmrfl M ■■■i "i rr thoruuxh ■■LIJmUhI B?!9 X'irk. Vrirt 'i cl. ■ bol. ■ Vn7ÏMTal 1 rnT' Sfr llrnrillptlri I MéIUmHÍhJ ■■ Bul(1 ''? UrufrxUU DalM 9 U in ttrrywbtn. Li7LSW ROCH ESTER, N. Y. and Trktiraonfaii. f THE ON L Y MED I Cl NE I J That Acts at the Same Time on Í, 3 THE LIVER, I 1 THE DOWELS, G I andtheKiDNEYS.F m Th"r jrrcat orans are the njitaml ij pj era of tbc eybU-m. If thcy work wi-il. ln'aitli mi m wlll b" terfect: If they becomc cloxced, m '■ dieadi iil dlaeaaos aroiure to followwltU y i TERRI3LE SUFFERING. B RIUoiHneas, Headacho. DripepRia, li 3 (licc. ( onstipation nin! Pilpfi, OrKidM ncjr Conifilnints, OraTel, Diabotes, Sstliinont in the Urluc, Mllky I or Itopy Irlne; or UluuS matic Pains and AchoR, ■ M re devoloped becase tho Mond in polurmfd JA m wlth Iho humors tliat tüoulü Lave ljceu M 1 cxpelled u ALuiiilIy. i I WORT T wil! rtvtore the hoalthr actlon andalltheBe M m icatru .nti evKs will DR buui-ihed ; Iicglcc: W% m theni aod you will Ilvo but to iuHer. kj 1 Thoufjar I'1 tjiiveljeenured. Tryttandyon M a wtllmld onei.iore to ttie nrnnber. Takelt f 1 ifl ndlitalthwlllonceniorosuddenyonrlnart. IJ I Whysuftor longerfromthe torment Ij T Of r.r notiln.-j ack ? h Why boar auch 1ltres from h m 8tlra:!o:i and Pl'es? pi Why bo co fearful b6causo of 1 fl orticred urine ? S Kns'y-WORTwIH corf yor.. Tn-spaci. i W nge at odcg an5 1 ■ m land ï Onpl'a'!iiiïer.iaI;eRixiaurtsoi Mcdirinc. k r ■ 0r i to i . 864-1006-ch ■ w hut Tv n' mío _ _ BB_. IIiint'N Remody. n M O l# ■ 77 A" ■:-' -■■-" tliukidBE S I [ I nevs.l.luilrlcT.llvi-rand DHUIVi ïrif ;&.""-'■ ïri't l diseafa ol ÜM Udnfly nd Inoondn9c6 corea b; 11 uiii'.s ICrnidy. lf la prepared EXPRES8LY iur thee disCamama Connty, Central lVnnsylvania, DairrwooD, Nov. is, isT'.i. j Hr - 1 miirt m; IICNT's HKMK1IY has ' tlM d' ;ut. It ruied JM from tbe (h-ad lor the doctora had Biven me up to in si" 101 l.s, and M had all tlie ponjile. My frlomls cal■d in Cbêpiinst lo prepare me for dcath, and hu alxo Jd I m doomed. Thej iH had dm dead, bnt d ms, uriil I am alivc to-day mimi! and curedofdl H. V. TKI 'Dm Rov. K. O. injior, I). 1)., Patti i Kirt ;ipii-t Cbnrobi Providence, tí. I., Jan. s, 1879: I i-uu lea ifv to tbe rlrtne of HCNTs KKMEHY in tney iiteuf from actual trial, bayln ■ been eroatly by Ka twe. E, G twi.ok. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■. ■ aaa ■ tx iiimt'H itiiiiiii IITIP1" '■'■" "'■ 'y t.-imnl IR! I X ; ;""-■'■' - ' lUIW mM cars. It has ncvnr bna Icdowb to Dril. It is a ule. siire und % ft ü ■■ "% %# ■ I'l'n'l-V v.'''.''ahl.-. All ë b U ■■ I I Y l" " --ood . Iwl I 'x-allli. S-nd pain■ ■i ■■■■■ Br ■ pfciet to VN, B. i ,■ jx i - Ptonvma, K. i. I sll km nll nvriSta, and Dj Farrand, Williams 4 Co., Detroit. 924-OT5 IILLIAM W. NlCHMLS.a DE2STTIST1 flBSÈ IncccBBOrto O. W North. Office, I South Main ■eet, oppoeltc Natioual Bank. Resldcnce, 27 Ubi y tUreet. Mitróos oxide gas adminlstered whes lueeted. 663U 1