A Borrowing Man
" There goes my best coat," sdiloquire' Brown, despondeutly. "That fellow Smit] will be the death of me. He borrows al niy clothes, and yet he patronizes me, an( teils me I ought to dress better. My 'lolly pop' tells nie the same thing, and liolds u Smith as a sample, as the pink of' a well dressed man, as the button hole bouquet o elegance. lJlazes! l wonder how long I' have to stand it. It was just day bufor( yestcrday thnt the fellow invited me nmrn to see hw library, and - me if' lio didn' have half of my books in it. Suiith wouk iiorrow liiiyilmiL'. If I had ■MrjNRMf c mine that he's got I could tet u a st-coml hand store to-day. Now I can 't Jnd decent coat, a olean tthirt, a rmpeotaèl collar, a walking stick, un mnbroMa, or in only pair of' good Bboei Smitli's gut 'en all. And be pulled the coHat "t bis ol coat over his soilod j-hirtlnml, tucked uj dis pants over his worn-cut shoes, am sallied out into the rain.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier