The Succoss of the Scrlbncr Magazines Ihning tho present séMOO is without precedent in the hisiory ot periodicals. The February numbers are unusually brilliant and interestiug. St. Niehola.s rontains two child-songs (with music) contributed by Tenuyson. The conlents of The Mldwlnter SiTlbner, ofwhioh 125,000 copies havo alrrady b&en printed, aro ol' a widcly popular diameter. Here bogin tUe .--pleudid t-eries of illustrated historical papers by Eugtne Suhuyler, on Peter the Cireat, with frontispiece portrait of I'eter. Also a new novel by Mrs. Burnftt, author of "That Laas o' Lowrie's." The fiist fully illustratcd and authoriztd account of Edison's Electric Light, a paper full of novelty, f'rcshness and nwurest (uniquely illutrated ) ; Bicycling by a Bicycler, "The Pülitical Outlook," a non-pariisan arliiile of gieat inipoitaucc ; " Present Pilases of Bundav School Work," by the Rev. Edward Eggleston ; a biographical sketch of John linght, a short stoiy by Boyesen, " Success with Sniull truits," Farm Fences," " Notes of a Walker," wit other contribuiions, make up a number which has uot adull page within its covers. Priee Í1 a yoar; 35 cents a number. SCHIBNEB & CO., H8W Yoik. Tlie Word "Sozodont," Wliich has algeady become a housohoK word, is derived frotu the Greek, and oomposed of two words, Sozo and Odontes, "Sozo" translated, means to prnservp, am "Odontes," the teetl]-"SOZOI)JNT,' a preserver of the teeth. And it is truc to its name. It beautiSes atid purifies th teeth, hardens and invigorates the gum and corrects all inipurities of the breath The odor of this pure preparation is so de jightful that it is a luxury to apply it. I is as harinless as water. Süld by and perfumers. 'JT-'-ÜT.1) Castoria MIIHons of Motliprs expresg tlieir deligli over Castoria. It Is natore's reiuedy fo assimilating the food. Unlikc Castor Oil it Is pleasant to take, and unlike Morpliiu Syrups, it is harmlcss. Castoria regulóte tlie Boweis, destroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC and allays Fevcrishuess. What give health to tlie Cliiid promoles rest for th Mothcr. Cliildren try for Pitclicr.s Cas loria. It is the most rcliable, cfiective an popular article dispensed by Druists UEVER Hinco lioaliu rt-im-Uk's huw Ih:-u Q4d0 'y surrEniNG otan han lbore buen knwn micí ubsniutf Paia-reliev CENTAUR I.INIMENTS i:uts, WouiiriS, (ialu. oui s,in, liroke liicaoie and Sore Nlpplaa : CUKK- Pain in the Back, H'iinnitism. Sctatlca LamhftgOi NeuialLri:i, Karu-he, Teit9 , Plinpie Itch, Salt Klieiuu, and all Ui-wh, bom1 and Maacl ailrccnts of Animils; SI'IIUI K Iiirliiiiimiiiiou and Swe.lint;; Bont, Felona, Ul,-er9, Sofa Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Qnlpay ; BXTKIOT-I'ain from Uurn, Scalde, Utingu FruMtbiler", Sprains and r.rm-i ■,. The uiperielice ui cvulurlca ha made Ihe CENTAUR Xiinixnents the moxt peedy and fflfctivc curativt, H'i'lilr. lor JUAN and BEAST the world hile ever kuown. The Centaur JLINIMENTS have relleved more be rlddrn Orlppleat li. al. ( mor.' frliclilfiil wolluds, nrt wivcil more valiiHble aiiimaU tlian all oiher limim-nt, oiatmi-nu, oil, i'xtmct, piaster and o-calkd "ain Willerö" and "sklo cures" combined. fliynlrdtllN ng :■.,.., „. ,,r llw ,.„,,,„..„ the Centaur LlniinciiU ; mlllloim , f mon, womon and children in all countiïe use Ih.iii, and Ilouaokeepcr, biruu:ri, riautiTs, Tmvekr, LIverymen, Teamsturs and Stockrgrdwen, nre thcir patronn, Thcy are clean, thoy are liniidy, they are clieap, and they an rellable. There Ib no aclie, pain, or awelllng which thcy will not alleviate, subdue, or cure. Sold throuirhout I II i: HABITABLE (LOB8 for 50 centH and $1.00 ■ bottlc. Trial bpttln, 25 cent. Catarrhal POISON Wel e ITIeyer'K TrratlHe ou C'atarrh explaing the followinfi Important facta : 1. Ifiai Catarrhal Volds bccome a loísoiioue tnfection, at flrxt local, and tlnally ctmxlitutional. 1. Thai, Mna Coustltatlonal, thp infBctlon 1 be yond the reach of mere local romedie. 3. Thai Imp'uitirx in the n.wtrils are necensarily twallowed into tlio stomach aud inhalid latu the iwiflMhil imiacmimj the Dieative, Hespiratory and GenitoUrrnary oriians. 4. Tliat CatarruU virut followe the mucons membrane and causes Deafnets, Dyapopsia. Chronjc Uiarrh.ea, Bronchitis, Leacqrrnna. and i'onuinu tioQ. 5. Tlial Smokte, Douchos.Inhalatlons.and In-,,lu ble Snull'í, camol potsibly remove infectlou InOtmmatlon from the organs named. 0. That an antidote for Catarrh muat poeacn an an inocula'lve afflmty for, and the quallty of belne absorbed by, tiw. jnrnleut nmeuuu wlurcoer located. Bascd upon theso plaln thenrles, Dr. Wfi De Meyer's Catarrh Curo has proved to be infalllble. It not only relieves, It cures Catarrh at aiiy stage. Home testimidii} : Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! W. D. Wood, 4 Broadway, N. Y., Uured of Chronlc 1-atarrh. F. J., sr.i Hroadway, N. Y., 4 year CaUrrh. O. L. Brunh, 4 W Itr.mdway, N. Y., 10 years CaUrrh. s. Byntdict, .Ir., Jeweler, 1!I7 Br.iadway, N. Y (ladv Iri.ndi, cur.'.l ol fhronic H.iy Kever. Mni. KmraiC'. HoWM.DB W. Wanhtneton Square, N. r., curad1 of Wjraii Ohronlc Oatarrh. RT, 00. A. Rala, M ,I„V st., Brouklyn. " It retnnl me lo my miiilstfrial labor.'1 Rcv. Ub. J. .1 j, New Brlghton, s. I. " Worth ten time the cext." R.-v Alx. Free,Oalro, N. Y. "It h wonilers ni lx case In my puiish." LF Newman, 5 Polton Br., BrooUrn cured of t ycirn Onronk t'atarrh. Mn...r.Swart.,Jr.,2()ll Warren SI ,,I,.r,., Cily, cured f is y.-ara Chronlc Cütarrh. ' cc. Ac. Ac. A ronl pure Tor thia terrible malady fe the most Important dlecovery fur the rullef r humnn wunVrins: since vnroii.iitlo,,. . M(.yfr „ Ca" tarrh Vare i ld bj all DniRgbH, or delivered by D. B. Dkwiï A (Jo., 40 Dey 8t., N Y., for WI.5O ! % packase. To Clahn, sl.x pickage for 87.5O. lr. Wi-i !■ nyr'H Tr.-iif U.-. wltb full ,-xplinattoiii aml oviTwhciiiilni.' prooft( li poHt-pail and sflnt tr- lo nn.yboil.t . g jg mu- cow AH klndH of Iluok-Kiniliiijc lone at í The Coartar office on ahort notice. I