Dr. sANpoh,s larra Jwi.onm,.5 is a sta,,, lul Pan tor %; .W-uw-Hof tl„. [,lv,.r, Btuumoh JA ïiKHiowc-lH. ItisJ'urcly SJC Vegetable. - It, uevor ,%fl Debilitaos- It is %%#8I I ir Í ! Cutlmrtic uud S Uf IJ 1? iiïl il .' i II W I ■# '" "■'■ l'racficuj I ■ ■ IT 1""' ''.v tlK' pnblic.S IIV 5% tor i,„ Vc t!i , rs, 1 ■ P, w'"' il' [" :■' hiilts. S " SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 2 SiT.w SñSFnRn u n IM bradwy, i 1 1 ii oHiirunU) MiUm níwyorkcity in aKremirr win, tem. yo! rrs mn-; títio. S 93!)-9!iU L. S. LIBI H. A.CBNT. Turrs PILLS IKDORSED BY MHYSICIANS, CLERSYMEN AN3 THE AFFLICTED EVL3YV'HERE. THE 8REATÊST MEDICAL TR1UMPH OF THL A8E. UI 10 rILLd eedcdti CURL SICK HEADACHE. 'ht'se P:Us '.'" h'r' - forp ■ i TtlTT'O DU IC ''"■ I J I I O rlLLo '' "J -- rnnr mvcdcdci sna Tornt. CURE DYSPEPSIA. T ;„rcn. -■■-in tu., eff-it is t 1 1 TUTT S F LLS w '" IMI I W I sLLü fOgd to properlv afCURE CONSTIPATION. Thn! I tea is p ii ,.;!■ (, and I J I I O il 1.1,0 ;i CURE PILES repiluraiíd bll% e vnouaUoM ra pro TÜTT'S PiLLS j& siöa s5 CURE FEVER AND AGUE. OMfUWrtSS AL I U I I O I I LLd daptability to nouriih CURE BILIOUS COLIC 'h'1 budy, henee ihcit . icy in curiiig nerTllTT'C DU I C TOBB UBj, nit-lanIUI I O ilLLO fholy, dyípppña, watturo MUritYjLomflaint. amt 01 TUTT S PULS andimpartOÍ!hiakhá CUflE TORPID LIVER. Bold Lv.-r, wber.. TÜTT'S PILLS 33 "31e, JMPART AF?LTITE. míw Y0HK. tói-iijö ThO HOP PAD will cure wherpnoothrr rTnedr or mnrllcine wiil, aud üo it in u liariii., piuueuut and sure way. It Isworuliy thp patlont uPTt thpFMnnearwhfro the (llseaso or allment U. lh curniive e)ri. of tho remalles In the Pad are absorbed tl'thepore, permeatlngevcry fcbre, nervesnd tl neutra' intt anddestroying ml dist ;iseort' dlsease n tno f vtem &n arli ing erery tc.' db;ease ormaladr, of whatever nnme or n. entlrely out of the Bestem, l ■ Ltleut with uthOIt:e, pcnnaiH'iit, robusto The Uop Pad in a- eaally %v(jrn ai a watch or locket, and prpvpT-ts Blrknei, tv í'tps perfect hLalthwIthonth;iviiii:t.)sv:'jowpr,iFonustiru-.i, nustrumnn or dangerous mfncrals th.nt never b:it f.iiy titupciy, üuuouie oud Uualroy beaitk JUld Ufo. No cíe ehonld rest a moment f til they havo a Hop Pad readv to prevent or cun 1 oréalo by all best drugglsta. BcnJfvrClmilar. HOP BXTTmtS UJTU EO.. BOOSBRIA, N. Y. For Salo In Ann Arbor ï) II. .1. lirown & Co., and V. Kberbacli A Son. l The Parestand list Medli ,:, .' A NmMntloa cf Kop., Bmh . and la tivc i est 1 ; i . . .1 ' Nodi ■ , r whirell.'pl antbairopei w."i Tij (Ir nrw Ilfo nnd ïtwr íft fhc n;f d and laflrB. To dl the '''■■ els ei i App ti: r, 'I axoiuvuliui!.; vleutlnjt No raatt'T v. ï .,■ W)l .t I tantwaltuntUyoaare i had or nU'rahl ... savoyourhlv. liï.r . ' ' 60mllh,r.'u.lf ..,nor aclp. Do nol ueandurgei nTi raa.!(.; nu persou orüuu,.. Hop Couoh CVbe b( . ,, ] Jt Aak a The nop TaD f or Sfrii ftartoalloth, ■ .!;tD- L C. b n alilut.-andtowbublïcaiv fordnmk■ '■ i PURpc of OUnCOth.' Bladder. Dropsy, linn 1, I itlDB, High Culored arlne. fnabili lo Rel the Orine, PAIN l.N THB l ■ IM.ility. F, mle Weaknee. and .f the VS, BLADDER ■ J i IGAN8, whrn nothine etoe can. I Oí II Hl IT '"r Iini'Htiuiis. Ak r.rnn.l inkf LUUI UU I onlj the i' . ! a j ■ '-, "r sent h muil free on recclpl "I prlce, S3.0C. i of i uree nnd om book " Uot( i.ii.' w is Btved," Mot on rec( Ipl ot yi DAY KIDVET PAD CO., TOLRBO, Oliio. BBBRBACfl .v min, Ann Arhnr, irt-nera) .'■■ ntliiK Ai;ent for Wiehtenaw Uonnly. :■" It wlll bt for oiir Interest to Know I int CASPAR RINSEY (Luto from n ocarfl Boa in IV-uott,) bei oponed a CRDCERY ASO HOU STORE Ai o. i Baal Union Street. Be wtll fl]- keep iü -i FLOLK, FEED, TOBACCO AM ( 'KÍAUS. All ."oils are freah and pew, and, belng porckaied al the loweal W boloi Ie ( ash l'i es, w I rwpondlndy low. hIi pald Tor all kind of ('oiiiitr'y lrxlu'. 9'il-HM ASPAR K1NSKY. DANDELION Dr. Whii.-v DtndoHoo A He rat We, ih.' Grit Blod PiirilU'r juifl Reoovator. A epecific Por L vur ( omplttnt, BillonenoH, Chilla and Kever, ll.-; ep-ia, Kidre Dfsease, RhenmatiHin ai the Bawelt. Bemovefl pimplee and eallowoen from the ikiH] prodncfnA h 1 1 it pnirly e. perlbci Ij banu i - IMui bottlei oiily $1, and evwy btüe wnrraiiK'l PULMONARIA, : i Coogh, ivi.l-, Aslhma. Itron. Whooptnc Cou h iitul [nclplenl Oonnrapt1"D. Klitv bottle. Lurge bnttlis $1, nl ivitj warrautcd. Por nle In Ann Arbur by Kberlicn 4 Son, ftlid druffiils everj ■wlirn1. satt-WlU