
CHURCH DIRECTORY. ;{;ilist Church. Rky. S. Hakkeij., Pastor. Sibliith sarvicaf, 10 a, m. and 7H "■ ■ ganda Seta k] after morntnK servlcu. !'r lyr ENMlog rhurfday cvening at 7H o'cloek. Catholic Church. Rt, Fathkr Fikljs, Pastor. Low Mm, 8 i. m. UU'ii M.iss, 10K a. H. Vesper p. . Sun ly School, t% p. m. Oongreeattonnl Church. Rkt. W. H. Ktdsr, Pistor. StblMCti '.Tvlces, 1014 ''id T6 v. ti. u n.l iv .Scbool ider morning ecrvice. Prayac UI Ing rhuraday eveuiní? at 7Ví o'clock. Episcopal Chnrch. Rkv. Wtllts Hall, Héctor. 4abb nh " -rvice, 10 a. h. and 7 P. u. Suuday School, i% p. a. rvicoa.Thiiríday eviulng at74 o'clock. Germán McthoilUt Ohnrch. Kev. C. Helwio, Pastor. t i ■'.■rvice, 104 a. u. and 1% r. u. Sao i iy ácliool, ai nlue o'clock a. m. Pi':iyor meeting on Wednesday. Lutheraii Church. Kev. Joun Nbühann, Pastor. ■vibbith servicus, 104 a. a. and 7 p. a. Siiii'liy ic.bu 1 alter mornln service. Prayer maetinir, Thorsday eveningat 7H o'clock. Methodist Church. itev. Johx Alabi-tïk, Pastor. SiVuüi wrvice. 104 a. m. and T% r. u. S indiy S.;i,i.i after morniDK serTicc. í, f'.Hirsilay uvouini(at7M o'clock. Yjun,' kple i Meeting, Satarday 7 p. m. i'roshyteridu Church. Ukv. füED T. Brown, D. D., Pastor. s ib'M h - r v:c M, l% a. m. and 7H p. M. iim1 iv 4oho I .nd íiiule claesaftermoruingpervice t'nv ir 'i v.;'?q,', ThurBday evenfnír tit 8 o'clock. Y.nt il; Pcaple1! Tíeetlni?, Sauday evening 6V4. Cnitarinii Chnrch. !{V. í. T. SUKDERI-AND, Paítor. illi aervlcen, 10 a. m. and 'y, r. . Sa iJay School at 12 n. Sin lenta' Milile Clase at 9:18 a. h. Xión liiithoran ('hiircli. Rbt. H. F. Bm.sEB, Paxior. ii B -i vir.'s al 1UV4 a. t. illlíi 7 P. a. s mil iv s,;h'ol Irtimediatfly ífter mornint' ('-rvice. Rellgioiu Hervici's Wedm'-ilay t-vniingat 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. HENRT It. HILL, attorneyatlaw Real Estáte Broker, AND INsUttANCE AOF.NT. ornen : Vo. 1 Opern Houxe Illock Ann Abriik, Mk u 7)l5ti (JKO. W. RKJiWICK, From the New Rnpland foryof Mosttt, Bastos. Teacher nf i i VoÍeA tad Instrumental Music and i ƒ Harmnny. ƒ Conductor oí Musical tfont a mi evt'iiinu clftl ƒ ƒ Prívale Irar-onn fll bo giveo af ƒ tíie rMldsoe "i pupil. ƒ ƒ Adilres I'. O. Bom 1901, Ann ƒ Arbur. 061 íSd ƒ WIT. STEVENS, M.IK, Fhysician and Sur[6on . Washington Street. Oflff Hourt-1 to 9 . m., 10:30 a. m. t l' u., 2 to 4. and 7 to 8 i'. . Tlfltidence - No. 10 Grove Street. S13tf f JOI1X L. ULKLLIUH, Attornf) I Counselor at Law. orrici : ƒ Over Xational Bank, Ann Akbob. 7941 f I W. H. JACKSOS, DENTISTA Oince OTr Uacb A. Abel'. 8utnaca liy Fr:H National Bank.X 7:tf F. S0K, I loUBI, SlSN AND UltNAMXNTAL ƒ i'aintbb. Paperlng, Olazlng, I ƒ iilding, and work of every -rlptton done In the best atyle. h'aintfl, Uilp, and Varnlsheo on inrt and for sale. Shop, No. 33 I Sast Waehinifton Street, Ann ƒ Ij Ubor, Mlch. OStf WILSAAM HERZ, ÜOUSS, SIQN, ORNAMENTAL FKB3CO PAINTBK. papurlui;, Olazing, Qllding and CalciA Vniniiii;, and wurk of evury decriptlon doneiu the beBt Btyle, and warraDie tc ?lve natisfactlon. Shop No. 4 WcbA VVaahlnKton Street, Ann Arbor,Mlch. ttttt THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, ll)iiican, TRAN3ASTS G-NSSAL 3ANKIN5 BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organized ander the General lian kin e Lw of thie State, the Btockholdir are Iudivlrlnally Hable Tor nn iidditlunal amount canal to the stuck held by them, Ihareb; crt'atini.' a t.narantrr Fund for the ii.ii.ili ut lriOMitorN f $100,000.00. Kur per cent. intereHt I allowed on all Bavinei l).)„-it .! on dollar and npward, aecordhe ralMoith liink.and Interwl rompounded semi annually. Money to loan on uniucumliered real estáte and utber j(ood xecurity. Mrectort- Chritlan Mack, Vf. W. Wlnes R A Beal Wllliam reubl, Illiam D. Harr'lman Daniel Hlneock, and Wlllard B. ömlth Oflleern : Christiah Mack, Pres. W. W. Winï, Vlce-Pres. Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashler. 9J6-9M Q.0 TO WINANS & BERRY FOH MBRCUA1VT TAILORING For rullou uk reaHonn : Ut. Our wurk is all Orit cla. i I. Mr. Borry I the onlv cutter In tho State who can Ivo yon a perfect flt without trylng on. ad. We have the largcm ar.ortment In the Ptate, hnvlns over tylcs to select from in fOrHfftt mui .. „trêllc Wimleiu and WorUeds. ■Ui Ji nat oooa iat fimKlaaii tnmuilnu's. Jth. Wc are full M pat cast. baiow Detroit prices. WINANS 4 BERRY, '' H un No. 11 Soath Main Street, Ann Arbor. pilOF. RKUBI5N KKMPP, ■ lost ijraduaUd from the Oonncrvatory of Mnflc a' Siirtitart, ■rminy, where he recelved a thorouKli uducalion, and 'nstructlonn in latt metboda or tuachin'.' mulc, la prwparrrt to gire bemona In Ifurmoiit , and ■■ the Flnuo aiidOrüan. PUdos on razonable terma. Kooma, normaaal corner rl M ir. and Liberty xtreets uuutaim, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 949-lUOU ' Tl tilvrrllarrn, The Ann Akbok C'oukikr has doublé the olrculatlon of tiny other paper publUhuU in the county.
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Rev. S. Haskell
Rev. Father Fiele
Rev. W. H. Ryder
Rev. Wyllys Hall
Rev. C. Helwig
Rev. John Neumann
Rev. John Alabaster
Rev. Fred T. Brown
Rev. J. T. Sunderland
Rev. H. F. Belser
Geo. W. Renwick
Dr. Wm. C. Stevens
John L. Burleigh
W. H. Jackson
F. Sorg
William Herz
Christian Mack
W. W. Wines
Rice A. Beal
William Deubel
William D. Harriman
Daniel Hiscock
Willard B. Smith
Reuben Kempf
No. 1 Opera House Block
32 Washington Street
No. 10 Grove St
No. 4 W Washington St
No. 11 S Main St