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CHURCH DIRECTORY. ;{;ilist Church. Rky. S. Hakkeij., Pastor. Sibliith sarvicaf, 10 a, m. and 7H "■ ■ ganda Seta k] after morntnK servlcu. !'r lyr ENMlog rhurfday cvening at 7H o'cloek. Catholic Church. Rt, Fathkr Fikljs, Pastor. Low Mm, 8 i. m. UU'ii M.iss, 10K a. H. Vesper p. . Sun ly School, t% p. m. Oongreeattonnl Church. Rkt. W. H. Ktdsr, Pistor. StblMCti '.Tvlces, 1014 ''id T6 v. ti. u n.l iv .Scbool ider morning ecrvice. Prayac UI Ing rhuraday eveuiní? at 7Ví o'clock. Episcopal Chnrch. Rkv. Wtllts Hall, Héctor. 4abb nh " -rvice, 10 a. h. and 7 P. u. Suuday School, i% p. a. rvicoa.Thiiríday eviulng at74 o'clock. Germán McthoilUt Ohnrch. Kev. C. Helwio, Pastor. t i ■'.■rvice, 104 a. u. and 1% r. u. Sao i iy ácliool, ai nlue o'clock a. m. Pi':iyor meeting on Wednesday. Lutheraii Church. Kev. Joun Nbühann, Pastor. ■vibbith servicus, 104 a. a. and 7 p. a. Siiii'liy ic.bu 1 alter mornln service. Prayer maetinir, Thorsday eveningat 7H o'clock. Methodist Church. itev. Johx Alabi-tïk, Pastor. SiVuüi wrvice. 104 a. m. and T% r. u. S indiy S.;i,i.i after morniDK serTicc. í, f'.Hirsilay uvouini(at7M o'clock. Yjun,' kple i Meeting, Satarday 7 p. m. i'roshyteridu Church. Ukv. füED T. Brown, D. D., Pastor. s ib'M h - r v:c M, l% a. m. and 7H p. M. iim1 iv 4oho I .nd íiiule claesaftermoruingpervice t'nv ir 'i v.;'?q,', ThurBday evenfnír tit 8 o'clock. Y.nt il; Pcaple1! Tíeetlni?, Sauday evening 6V4. Cnitarinii Chnrch. !{V. í. T. SUKDERI-AND, Paítor. illi aervlcen, 10 a. m. and 'y, r. . Sa iJay School at 12 n. Sin lenta' Milile Clase at 9:18 a. h. Xión liiithoran ('hiircli. Rbt. H. F. Bm.sEB, Paxior. ii B -i vir.'s al 1UV4 a. t. illlíi 7 P. a. s mil iv s,;h'ol Irtimediatfly ífter mornint' ('-rvice. Rellgioiu Hervici's Wedm'-ilay t-vniingat 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. HENRT It. HILL, attorneyatlaw Real Estáte Broker, AND INsUttANCE AOF.NT. ornen : Vo. 1 Opern Houxe Illock Ann Abriik, Mk u 7)l5ti (JKO. W. RKJiWICK, From the New Rnpland foryof Mosttt, Bastos. Teacher nf i i VoÍeA tad Instrumental Music and i ƒ Harmnny. ƒ Conductor oí Musical tfont a mi evt'iiinu clftl ƒ ƒ Prívale Irar-onn fll bo giveo af ƒ tíie rMldsoe "i pupil. ƒ ƒ Adilres I'. O. Bom 1901, Ann ƒ Arbur. 061 íSd ƒ WIT. STEVENS, M.IK, Fhysician and Sur[6on . Washington Street. Oflff Hourt-1 to 9 . m., 10:30 a. m. t l' u., 2 to 4. and 7 to 8 i'. . Tlfltidence - No. 10 Grove Street. S13tf f JOI1X L. ULKLLIUH, Attornf) I Counselor at Law. orrici : ƒ Over Xational Bank, Ann Akbob. 7941 f I W. H. JACKSOS, DENTISTA Oince OTr Uacb A. Abel'. 8utnaca liy Fr:H National Bank.X 7:tf F. S0K, I loUBI, SlSN AND UltNAMXNTAL ƒ i'aintbb. Paperlng, Olazlng, I ƒ iilding, and work of every -rlptton done In the best atyle. h'aintfl, Uilp, and Varnlsheo on inrt and for sale. Shop, No. 33 I Sast Waehinifton Street, Ann ƒ Ij Ubor, Mlch. OStf WILSAAM HERZ, ÜOUSS, SIQN, ORNAMENTAL FKB3CO PAINTBK. papurlui;, Olazing, Qllding and CalciA Vniniiii;, and wurk of evury decriptlon doneiu the beBt Btyle, and warraDie tc ?lve natisfactlon. Shop No. 4 WcbA VVaahlnKton Street, Ann Arbor,Mlch. ttttt THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, ll)iiican, TRAN3ASTS G-NSSAL 3ANKIN5 BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organized ander the General lian kin e Lw of thie State, the Btockholdir are Iudivlrlnally Hable Tor nn iidditlunal amount canal to the stuck held by them, Ihareb; crt'atini.' a t.narantrr Fund for the ii.ii.ili ut lriOMitorN f $100,000.00. Kur per cent. intereHt I allowed on all Bavinei l).)„-it .! on dollar and npward, aecordhe ralMoith liink.and Interwl rompounded semi annually. Money to loan on uniucumliered real estáte and utber j(ood xecurity. Mrectort- Chritlan Mack, Vf. W. Wlnes R A Beal Wllliam reubl, Illiam D. Harr'lman Daniel Hlneock, and Wlllard B. ömlth Oflleern : Christiah Mack, Pres. W. W. Winï, Vlce-Pres. Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashler. 9J6-9M Q.0 TO WINANS & BERRY FOH MBRCUA1VT TAILORING For rullou uk reaHonn : Ut. Our wurk is all Orit cla. i I. Mr. Borry I the onlv cutter In tho State who can Ivo yon a perfect flt without trylng on. ad. We have the largcm ar.ortment In the Ptate, hnvlns over tylcs to select from in fOrHfftt mui .. „trêllc Wimleiu and WorUeds. ■Ui Ji nat oooa iat fimKlaaii tnmuilnu's. Jth. Wc are full M pat cast. baiow Detroit prices. WINANS 4 BERRY, '' H un No. 11 Soath Main Street, Ann Arbor. pilOF. RKUBI5N KKMPP, ■ lost ijraduaUd from the Oonncrvatory of Mnflc a' Siirtitart, ■rminy, where he recelved a thorouKli uducalion, and 'nstructlonn in latt metboda or tuachin'.' mulc, la prwparrrt to gire bemona In Ifurmoiit , and ■■ the Flnuo aiidOrüan. PUdos on razonable terma. Kooma, normaaal corner rl M ir. and Liberty xtreets uuutaim, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 949-lUOU ' Tl tilvrrllarrn, The Ann Akbok C'oukikr has doublé the olrculatlon of tiny other paper publUhuU in the county.