State Press Association

HubbardNton Advertlser, Feb. 4. The State Press Association met at Aon Arbor last week Tuesday, and was attended by over seventy editors, many of them ■pcompanied by their wives or daughters. Tlie local press of Ann Arbor and the citizn- of' the place vied with each other in ■xteiidiiiK ho.ipitulity to their vi.sitors. The Breit BMsion was held in the handsome new court house of Washtenuw county, which decidedly eclipses the courl house at Ionia ; it is a handfome building, and has heen couipleted but a yearor 80. About half past two the Avtociutiou prooeeiied to accept the invitation of' the faculty and pay a visit to the TTniversity of Michigan, an inslitution that should be the pride of the State, but which is certainly most niggardly provided for in many respecta. We firbt visiusd the law department building, in whioli are kopt the general and law libraries, and the law lecture-rooLii. The foraier is stocked with but 28,000 volumes, and is totilly insufficient in its capacity for use to which it i put, both ia contente and extent of room. Among the treasures stored here is a book soiue 350 yenrsold, neatly printed in blaek, evfry capital letter being ornamnted in red with a pen. The law library lacks etill more wofully in both the size of the room and the nuuiber of its volumes; think of 400 law students doing all their library work in one room no larger than the large ri min uf our new school house. In the lecture room Judge Cooley was delivering a lecture on marriage to over 4ou student?, many of them being ladies, and all provided witu note books upon which they were jotting down the points preented by the leeturer. We wcre somewhat burprised in the voice and appearance of the noted leciurer, which are quite inferior for a man of .sueli extensivo legal knowledge. The students jreetod tlieir visitors rather sneeringly, probahly to oflset the many bad reporta the press hus helped spread about Ann Arbor students. üur next vii-it was to tbe dental college, where probablytwenty or more chairs were occupied by patieuts, tbr whom the students were filling teeth and performÍDS olher operations. The work is performed free for the sake of' the practical experience, and they have no lack of patients. [n a luwer room students were proparing sets of (eeth and other dental work. We then visited the hospitals, but found here a decided lack of patients, the homeopathie hospital not being finished as yet. One young lady had been treated for cataract, the cae being entirely successtul. Our next visit was to the museum, through whioh we hastily passed, and of' which we could hardly give an adequate descriptiou without stretching this article out tno long. On our way to the chemical laboratory we stopped in Universtty hall, which is capable of seating 2,600, and which has often held over 3,000 people. In the laboratory, stu dents were bus-ily at work in many chemical operations, assaying of metáis, etc. It was then time to listen to l'iof. Foid's lecture on anatomy. In the center of the room is a small open space,frotn which tho seats arise on three sides, almost perpendicularly. (.o that students in the upper tier can look down on the subject to good advimtage. At one end stood a grinning skeleton, with the heart in its proper position in the body, and on a table were two prepared hearts, which the professor used to Ilústrate his lecture, which was upon the heart. A board on a pivoted table bearing a cadáver- a human body used for disection purposes - was then wheeled in, and the lecturer put on his apron and then went to work. The body was all covered up except the chest, part of which had been removed, exposing the heart and other organs. The pericardium was hlown up with a blow-pipe, to show that it had no connection with the heart proper, being only a case for its proper preservation. The pericardium or heart sac was then cut open, the edges slit and hung upon a rib on eitlier side, the blow-pipe introduoed again and the action of the heart illustrated. Durin the operation tbe table was turned -o that all in the room could witness it. This particular body had teen in use since last Octcber, the lecturer bezinning at ihe head and working through the entirc anatomy of the body. Of course there was a peculiar odor to the subject, but not par ticularly offensive, thoughone lady thought it prudent to leave the room before the lecture closed. Our next visit was to Prof, Langley's room, wbere the party were treated to various kinds of electric lights, taking the intermittent sparks from the Leydcn jar, the Geisler tubes, and the Mrbon electric lamp. In the blaze of the latter a steel file was quickly burned up. The experimcnls weie very interebtitig. The party were then treated to a splen did supper, served in one of the ela-s rooms of the main buildini;, and which was enlivened by speeches and by some fine singing of college songs by the University glee club. The binging was greatly enjoyed by all present, and the singers were several tidies encored. The asi-ociation closed up its busim-meeting in the law lecture room in the evening. Most of the visitors remained, however, until the next day. During the speeches made the idea was advanced that it would not be a bad thing for some of Michigan's rich citizens to remember the Univernity when they come to shuffle off the mortal coil ; and we could not help recalling the recent death of one of' the wealthiest men in the State, and of wondering how muchgood all of' hiswealth had ever done to the cause of education in the State which had honored him so greatly. The new building going up for museum purposes will be quite an addition to the iu-tit utioi. We suppose it will be mainly devoted to the Beal and Steere collection. Ann Arbor is a very pleasant city, situated on the Hurón river, a small stream, and on the Michigan Central railroad, a very prosperous road, and one which will yet be to our State what the New York Central is to New York. We were the guests of Prof. Steere, who took particular pains to give us a full view of the city, and its many fine buildings, and we teel under lasting obligations to hitnself' and wité for the many courtesies to us and our olher half. It is to be hoped the next Legislature will take measures to relieve the University's most pressing wants. An institution with over 1,400 students, deserves more liberality than has been given it of late years. ImMiiK Kepublican, Jan. 2J. In compliance with an official cali, about seventy of the editors and publishers of Michigan newspapers met at the court house in Ann Arbor at 1 1 A. M. On Tuesday. It was the largest assemblage of the kind ever held in the State, and marked throughout by hearty interest and good humor. AFTERNOON SESSION. At 2:15 tho convention met again, most of the members having been entertained by the hospitable citizens of Ann Arbor. Ouly about half a dozen ladies appcared among the " press gang." At thrce o'clock the parties went to the University ground, n an irregular hut cheeiful proccssion ; and, led by Pre.-iilent Angelí (hiuiself an editor for eight years, formerly in llhoilc Island), tbey proceeded to visit and inspoot, as far as time permitted, in actual operation, the UMVEBSITV'8 WORKINO MACIIINERY: I. General library, extremely crowded with students, scanty in books, and ratber durk for ruading. 2 Law lecture room, with Judge Cooley talking to aclass of 400, od the lawof marriage. 3. The dental school, with sufferers from aching or decayed teeth undergoing operations. 4. Hospital fur "regular" treafment, with nutients in different .stages of illness. 5. Homeopathie lecture-room, where Prof. Wilson made sorue comical yot appropriate remarks to the " press ganj?. " 6. Museum, mhen many wished to tarry lonpor, but which will 8oon be even more Mtraoibs in its new and elegant building, willi the Beal-Steere collection displayed. 7. Univusity hall, where 2,8U0 students eran be seatoJ, uil within aeventy (eet of the platform, an i all in sight of' a speaker. 8. Chemical laboratory, with experiiiirrt utider way, and flames and fuuies not of a fiagrant nature. 9. Mediial and physiologieal museums, containmg strange specimens curiou.'ly preserved. 10. Medical leeiure-romn, with a demonstrarían in the anatomy of the heart, with the knife in hand and a corp-e before him, by Pr.f. Ford, who has for twentysix }rears tauïht this science here. II. Chemical lecture-room, with an illuminated kcture on the electpc light, and dazziing Ilustraron of the fashions in use, by Prof. Langley, who so ably enlightened the State L-gislature on kerosene oil last wiuter. CB E SUl'I'EK AND SENTIMENT8. It was now alter six o'clock, and physicil hunger begun for relief, as intellectual curiosity was Bppttsed. The party was invitod to the li cture-ro'im for the literary -l;ses, where tables were spread for about 100 guesK GrrwM was a?ked by Rev. Prof. Cooker. Tlie food consisted of oystere, ruw and esealloped, cold ham, crackers, biscuit and buttur, cake of time kinds, picklei, tea and coffee, ice eream ; the latter was the most delicious " frozen pudding" we evor saw dealt out. abundantly on so public an oceaM n. After the feaisting, and at convenient intervals during the speaking which follnwtd the least, a singing club of six students gave characteristic and comic songs, with hiiarly ipplause. Mr. Bailey of the Ann Arbor Argus miivcd tbat the next annual meeting of aa.iotiation be held in June ; but the mul ion was nut tupported, and under the oonstitu tion the annual meetings must be held in January, February or March. Geo. F. Lewis moved the appointtuent of' a Óommittee on an exeursinn next sumoier, to confer and aot with the executive óommittee of the usocütion. The committce is V. S. George, J. E. 8éripps, L A. Dunem, G. F. Iwis, L. I{. Kendall. Resolutions of regret and rebuke were adoptod in ïogard to the withholdimi of about iól) of funds belouging to the asociation, by ÁL. Aldrich, or the Flint Globe, treasurer of the old association. Letters have been wiitten him on the subject by President Sanford and Treasurer Beal, without any rea.-onable reply or explana tion. The secretar}' was instructed to publish in pamphlet form the proceedings and papers of the association at this meeting. Resolutions of hearty thanks to the citizens of Ann Arbor, the Univer.-ity authoritwa, and especially to R. A. Beal, of The Courier, were adopted. Itochester Era, Feb. .5. The Annual meeting of the Michigan State Preta Asociation was held in Ann Arbor Tuesday, January 26tht and availing ourselve.-s of a premitig invitalion from that prince of' good fellows, Rice A. Beal, of The Ann Arbor Courier, in behalf of the MsoaiaiioD. we (that is to tay, ourself and wifi) concluded to attend it. As an SCOOUUt of' the afiair has long ere this been punlishod In ntarly all tñe State papers, our absence up to the day of going to press having privented us from even making mention of it, of' course all we can do is to - in ) art - go over the ground already trodden by others. Arriving at Ann Arbor Monday evening, we were met at the depot by resident editors and provided with hack tickets - our stopping-place having previouslj been assigned us, the good people of the University City extending their hospitality to all the editorial visitón and their wives - when we were set down at the pleasant home of Theodore Tay'or, Esq., in the tntni diate vicinity of the State buildings And right here, before going further, we riah to txpresi our appreciation of the cordial manner in whieh we wi-re received by Mr. Taylor's lamily, which consisted of hlinaelf nid most excellent wife, and three accomplished daughters, who seemed to vie wilh each other in making us feel that we were more than eleoiue. Our brief siay in tliis reBned and cultured family is oue of the pleasante-st episodes of our vit-it, and as such will long be remembered and cherished by us. An inyitatiou for the asociation to visit the Univer-ity in tlie afternoon was extended by President Angelí, which was accepted. At past two o'clock, after a short recess, the assoeiation airam met at the court house and proceeded in a body to the University, whore, led on by President Angelí, all (and many of them for the flrst time) " went through college." The president's invitation was supplemented with the obfervation that it was the detire of the faculty to have the association witness the several departments as they appeared in their eyery d working order. As the formidable body approacKed ono of the huge piles of brick, a deafuning yell greeted the ear, doubtless from studcuts, issuing through the open windows of the building, although not a soul was as pet visible at that particular point. The first room visited was the general library, which conMsts of 28,000 volumes, this number being considered insufficient to supply the great demand among the students, who number 1,400. The luw library was next taken in, then the law lecture-room where Judge Cooley was lrcturing to about 500 student upon the law of marriage. As the members filed into the room they were greeted by the most uproarous domonstrations from the " boys, which fora brief teason put a stop to the lecture, and lead more than one to woüder if the said demonstrations formed a part and pareel of college decorum. By the time the "circuit wascompleted" the shades of evening had gathered around. when all were invited in'o University hall wbere the college faculty had prepared a grand banquet for their editorial visitors, to which ahout 200 ladies und gentlemen sat down with apparently the most kindly .entiments of nppreciation. For a time w:t, inirth and humor prevailed, varied with college songs by a glee club compused of Bve wrang students, who were repeatedly encorecí, while the after-dinner speeches were rich, racy and pointed. Wo shall undöubtedly have occaeion to allude to somc especial features of our visit hercafter, as the occasion was one ol Krent interest to all generally and to oursell particularly, for the pleasant acquaintances formed will not soon be forgotten. Among theee we are pleased to meution the nanirs of President Angelí, Kev. Dr. Cocker, Hice A. Beal, E.-q., the championof Ripht and Ju.sfice, and Theodore Taylor and family, all of whom will please accept our acknowledgtnents for courtesies extended us. Adrián Times, Jan. 3Oth, There was a large gatheringof the printfng fratenity of the State, at Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the largest gathering of the kind that has ever taken place in the State, l'ull a hundred ladiea and gentlemen were present, and the sesoions of' the asnociation were very interesting. The meeting was called to order n the court room, Judge Morris kindly adjourning court to a smaller apartuient to accommodate the presa ni meting. President Sanford, of' ihe Lansins Journal, callod to order, and Treasurer Beal, ot The Ann Arbor Courier, made an address of' wtlcome, which was happily responded to by Geo. F. Lewis, of tbe Saginawian. After accepting an invitation to visit tho Univer.-ity during the anemoon, and partake of aapper there at 6 o'clock, the assooiation, after the transaction of some routine business, adjourncd until 2 o'clock P. M. At the afternoon session, some cominittees were appointed, but the principal feature of the occasion was the visit to THE UNIVEK8ITY. This was exceedinirjy interesting. The tour of the several departinents was uiade under the leadership of President Angelí, who spared no pains to make pleasant the visit. Froni the lilrary to the law lecture room, thence to the dental college, and thence to the hospital, and the homeopathie college. Utre the visitors were favored with a formal address by Prof. WiUon. The museum, the laboratory, the medical college, and at last (iniversity Hall were visited, and the tour was exceeding interesting. THE SUPPER was spread in Prof. Cocker's room, and was an exceedingly pleasant affair. Of' course, the tables groaned under the weight ofdelicacies; all well regulated tables do this uuder similar circumstances. It is well enough, perhaps, to mentioo the faet that the supper was not at the expense of the University proper. No hawk eyed guardián of the public purse will find an item in the expense account of the intitution covering this outlay. The facully of the institution sustairjed the expense hom their private purees, and their guests of the evening were guests in tact as well as name. A large nuinber of the citizens of Ana Arbor. with their wives, graced the banquet with their presenee. The supper ended, speaking began, President Angelí leading on. The genial head of the Michigan University has a genius for efforts of this kind, and ihis evening he was at his best. His remarks were witty and pointed, and were received with the btst of fèeliug. The meeting was one of the pleasantest affairs of the kind we have ever attended. It was pleasant to meet and exchange handgrasps with so many fellow-workers, and in that seuse the meeting was particularly enjoyable. But the citizens of Ann Arbor eutitled to all praise for their thoughtful kindness and hqspitality. And in especial remembrance will be held the Ann Arbor press. The facully of the University took the lead in the matter of entertainment, and to them the guild of the quill are indebted for a warm welcome to the University. The seeds of kindnesa were not sown on stony ground. Tbe information received was valuable, and the kindness shown will be appreciated and duly reciprocated. Kalamazoo Telegraph, Feb. i. The annual meeting of this association was held at Ann Arbor on Tuesday, Jan. L'7, and was ene of the most suecesslül, cnjoyable, and largely attended meetings of the association ever convened. As is well known the State ovtr, Rice A. Ki - ■ koot ot -ni i}F. n.i aijiü as lie was by toe other members of the Ann Arbor press, the hos;itable citizens of the place and the large taculty of tho State University headed by President Angelí, altogeth'T succeeded in entertaining the "quill drivers" in a manner that far snrpassed anything heretofore expeiienced in the history of' the aHsociation. The use of court room in the new and 6ne court house recently finished, was tendered the association for its day meeting, and the law lecture room of' the University for evening. Rice A. Bed wele med the assneiation to Ann Arbor in a short speech which was responded tu by Mr. Lewis, of Saginaw, and Prrsi dunt Angelí extended an invitation to visit the University, stating that arrangements had been mtde to show it up in its cvery day workings. The library was 6rst ex amined, tlien a luw lecture from Judge Cooley iistenod to, next the dental school, whcre a large number of persons were allowing the young dentists to experiment on their ivories, next the hospiitals of the two medical schools were visited. Hore the party was introduced to a young lady who was a short time since led to the plaee totally blind, and had been so since she became twelve years of age. but nnw, thanks to the wondorful skill of Dr. Frothingham, is enabled to see sufficiently to read. The laboratory was examined and several indi viduals were heard to inquire if this was the battle-field of the late Rose and Douglas conflict. The museums were visited, ilso the new hall in the main building where the comineneoment exercises are now held. This hall, President Angelí stated, had accommodated an audience of over 3,400, and no person was over 70 feet from the speaker. The medical museum was visited and then a lecture on the human heart, by Dr. Ford. This organ was taken up and described in a most interesting manner, by means of wax models first, and afterwards a subject upon a revolving table was wheeled in and illustrations given from the human body. Still another leoture room was visited and Prof. Langley gave a very entertaining history of' the electric light, and accompanied it with bcautiful illustraticins of all the different inventions for producing it. The electricity was generated by a dynnmo constructed three years ago and yet it is claimed to be exactly the counterpart of the one recently invented by Mr. Kdison. The next thing on the programine was a grand supper provided by the faculty, after which a few short speeches and some college songs were listened to. President Angelí here took occas.on, in a few appropriste remarks, to cali the attention of his hearers to the great need of the University for more books and a fire proof library building. Surely no one can visit the general library of this great institution without admitting at once that this i a cryine need, and must soon be met by a liberal appropriation. After tbc banquet ttie association met in the law lecture room for a business meeting, and several subjects interesting to newspaper men were taken up and discu-Süd, after which the meeting adjourned. Pontlac Uuzette, Jn. 80th. Tbc State Press Association of Michigan paid Ann Arbora visit last Tuesday. There were present about seventy repreentatives, soine of' whom were acccmpanied by theii wives and daughters. The local prese of the city, tngether with many of' its citizens, displayed a degree ol hospitality not before evinced toward the assoeiation at other localitie?. Representatiyes were met at the depot and provided with checks for a free ride to the beautiful and new Court Flnusc, where at 11:30 the association was called to order by President Sanford, of Landing, forabriel session. The Press of the State was heart ily welonmed by an address trom R. A. Bea!, ofTiiK Ann Arbok Coukier, and characteristioally responded to by Qeo. F. Lewis, of Saginaw. A formal invitation was theu extended by President Angelí, to visit the ÜDiversity in the afternoun and take tea in tho evening, which was aeeeptt'd, when the.association kdjonroed for dinmr. As was stated in Mr. Heal's address of welooroe, he deMredthat the membe of the association s-hould beoome more intiuiately acquainted, not only with the University and its Faculty, but with its citizens, and to that end quarters were assigned them in thcir homes. We cannot refrain from tendering nur hearty thauks to Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Wal dron, nephew of' Henry Waldron, of this city, Por the hearty and genereus hospitality shown us, who, togetber wiib nunjerous other citizens of' the Univereity City, were the suljects of a more general vote of thanks by the aspociation, authorized to appear in iluir pnblithed procecdings. .Mr. Waldron is one of the live, energetic and more entcrprising citizens of Ann Arbor, and ttpon whoui, as mueh as upon any other citizen of that thoroughly awakencd city, dependa the succesHful proseeiition of the Ann Arbor & Toledo Railroad, which he informé us is bound to be completed to Pootiao at no very distant day. Qnlncy II. rul. 1. The meeting of the Michigan State Press Association at Ann Arbor, Tuesday the 27th inst., was called to order ;it 11 o'clock, a. m., in the court house. Over 70 of the State papers were represented, many of the delegatcs having their wives with them. The roll of meiubership was ealled. The honorary roll was added to by a unanimous vote to adiuit all ex editors and proprietors of the press who had been hunorably discharged. A communication was received froin President Angelí, of the Univrrsity, extending an invitation to the association to visit the University at three P. M. and ini-pect the various departments, also to accept the ue of the law library lectureroom for the evening meeting, and a lunch at six o'clook, p. m., in the University building. The invitation as a whole was accepted. An adjournment to two o'clock, and the visit to the University with the lunch at six o'clock in the evening, when the association again convened for business. The mt to the University was most happily planned. President Angpll, who has had a fine experience in the editorial chair of a most prominent eastern journal, knew the opportunity was offered to give the people of Michigan an insight into her greatcst of institutions, through the medium of the press. The library building was firtt vi.sited, and but one feeling existed, afier a carefu! examination of the limited number of volumes already worn by the continuous handliiig of readers. The library should be increased in number of volumes to at least 150,000. A library building should be built for libraiy purposes alone, capable of accommodating the large number of students who seet information from its shelves. There are at present about 1,400 students pursuing study at the University, not one-twentieth of whom can be accumraodated from the lihrary. Where are the large hearted, liberal men of wealth of Michigan on this question of the needs of the University? Cassopolls National Democrat, Feb. 5th. In accordance with official notioe about 70 publiühers and editors of that many different newspapere of this State, met. nf. Ann Arbor Tuesdnv -' '-=■ eeK, ïti regular ann„.,i ocasión. Soine of the members were accompanicd by their wives ; the Democrat man was aceompanied by his gister, Miss Liyia Allison, and couin from Jackson, Miss Ettie Allen. Upon arriving at the dt'pot, evidencesof the vigorous hospitality of' the publishers and citizens of Ann Arbor were manife.-t. The members of the A-sociation were met with a full supply of ti kets fur all the ha'k ridmg tliey could need, and were tent to the vaiiuus places where thcy had been asj-igned tor entertainment, among the citizens of the University city. Our lines feil in pleasant places, a- we were directed to the elegant home of Mrs. Mary E. Fostor, henelf a gradúate of the law departiuent of the Dnivenity, and nnw a pracueinif member of the bar. Her par lors are a perfect meum of art and curiOMties, many of the cl.oic-st speeiineti col lected by her own hand. One of the pleasantest recollections of our visit to Ann Ar bor, will be thcacquaintance of this progres■ive and practical lady, 'I'he meeting was ealled to order by Geo. P. Santbrd, of the Lansing Journal, who alter a few preliminary rcmarks, called on Rice A. Beal, of The Ann Arbok Cour ier, who made the addres of welcome. An invitation was thfii read, Irma President Angelí to viit the Univer.-ity in the afternuon, take tea with the faculty in the evening, and u-e the law lecture room for their evening he.-sion, 11 of which invitations were duly accepted. Our account of the passage through the University is necessarily deferred until next week. Detroit Advocate, Feb. 1, 1880. The Michigan State Pres-s Association, which is rather a nebulous affair, was this year a decided success. It was called at Ann Arbor, and Mr. 11 A. Beal, with hit characteristic energy, "workedup" the attendance and entertainment. The most prominent papers of the State were represented, and we " figured in " on the Advocate. Of business there wih itrietlj none, though soine papers were read and the libel qmtliqn dieussed. But the editors, mewt of whom began their career as typos aud had not enjoyed educational ndvantages, all " went thiough college." Dr. Angelí was all ttniles, and each professor was at his post, and the editors saw the Univcrsify in full blast " It shows well. Kvery year adds to the BOOpletfoeÉt of its appointments. UniverMty Hall is a grand audience room. The chemical depurtment U wondurful in its extensión, fimplicity and eoonomy. i)r. Ford had a cadáver wheeled into his lecture room, and the ladies saw a 'subject' under the scalpel and learued about tbs heavt. The electric light, in all its -i .il'.'-, was exhibitcd. The .suppcr in the Hall was well arrangcd, but it was rather a stiff, formal affair. Dr. Angelí gave the editora a good text from whi.h to exhort, tho University lilirnry, whieh has - including all its inagitable raUúb - only twenty-eight thousand viilunies, when it should have two hundred and fifly thouand to put it on a par with the other departments. The museum building prc.-ents a fine exterior, and wi'll, when completed, and replenished with the Beal-Steere collection, and the other scientific accumulations of theinstitution, wheel into line with the famous Agassiz museum at Cambridge. Dundee Reporter. Tlie Michigan Press Association met a Ann Arbor on Tuesday the L'7th uit., f'oi its annual sesf-ion. The meeting was callee to order by the President at 11 a. m. Oi eullin the roll of uiembers there wa.- fount to be abuut 100 present. We would not be doing juntico if', by clos ing this article, we did not say a word to the student at the Univemty. We had hen led to believe, forui the reporta that we huve read from time to timo that they were almosta i;t ni' vándala and outlaws, but never did we meet so large a nuuibei' oí' young men tocether in one crowd that conHuctec theniselves in a more genteel, quict and beconiing manner than they did to uh while passing through every departinent, and wc camc to the conclusión that very niuub thui is niil a! nut them is without ju-t foundation. Now a few words to R. A. Beal, President Angelí and the citizens of Ann Arbor : By your courtesy and kind hpspitality, there perhaps never was a gathering more beautilully and pleasantlyarranged and conductcd than this. From the time that the members arrived at the depots, to their return, were they treated with the mout kind and friendly manner. At the depot we were met by ddeirations of citizeus with carriages in waiting to take us to tbe Court Houne, and then at tho adjournment for dinnor oach member was passed over to soiiie citizen who cssorted him to Lis residenee where everythine was done to makc them coiufortable and teel at home as much as could be. At the University we were friendly met by the different officers of that institution and shown every particular of its workiugs. On tlie whole we all feit that we were deeply indebted to the citizons o( Ann Arbor for the kindne-R receivod from i luim while in that heautiful city. Nüe Ropubllcan, Jan. 29th. Tho Michigan State Press Associatioii held its annual reunión and business meeting in the University City on Tuesday last. Ihe gOOd UUplc of Ann Arliiirii'r.tnil thatT hearts and homes and literally took the editor in, and tbe pencil drivers were willing victima. The attendance was unusually large. about one hundred representatives of the Press being prefent, many doubtlens being drawn to Ann Arbor by the opportunity afforded of visiting the University. The Hon. Geo. P. Sanford, of the Lans-ing Journal, President of the Association, presided. The Hon. Rice A. Beal, of The Ann Arbor Coürier, deliveredan address of weieome on belialf of the Press and citizens of the city, and Geo. F. Lewis, of the Saginawian, responded for the Association. An inviiation Irom President Angelí, on behalfofthe Faculty, to visit the University and witness the work of tbe Professors, in the afternoon, and to supper at six o'clock, was received and, of course, accepted. The visit to the different departments of the University was of great interest, and doubtloss of tome protil. It must eertaiuly havo convinced the editor, il they did not know before, of the further riteds of' the University, tho pride of the State. Additional and larger and betttr buildings ate imperatively needed, and with more than 1400 students present, a nuiubcr greattr than attends either Harvard or Yale, it is es.-ential to the prosperity of the Univeisity that a very considerable addition in volumes be made to the library at nodistant day. The University needsand deseryes thefosteriug care of the people of this State, and it is high time for us to learn that parsiiuony is not ecoRomy, and that a niggardly policy in dealing with the Universiiy is suicide to the best interests of the commonwealtl,. Adrián National Journal, Feb. 5. In compliance with general Dbage and as per previous announceuient, tbere wa a largc galhciing of journalirttic professors at Ann Arbor on Tuesday, the L'7th of January iost. The convention was one of' the largest of the kind ever held in the State. There was alo a very liberal attendance of the feuiiuine gender, which added not a little to make tlie tesion one of great pleasure, as well of interest to all. Judge Morris kindly adjourned cnurt to aniitlicr ninm. in nnlf r tii a.'.nii ut;ili' the convention. President Snnlbrd, of the Lansing Journal, catled the meeting to order ; Treasurer Beal, of The Ann Arbor Cocrier, made an eloquent address of welcome, to which Gco. F. Lewis, of the Saginawian, responded in his umal happy manner. President Angelí haying invited the association to visit the University, and there partake of a repast, the convention, afier the transaction oi'the regular order of business, adjourned until 2:30 I'. If. The visit to the University was duly made, and with pleasurablc results. Tho bountitul suppor was spread in Mr.Cocker's room, and was one that no epicurean taste, no mat'er how capricious, cuuld well find fault with ; and this we are conatrained to i-ay, noiwithstanding it was furnished in i :.(■ University building, was paid for out o) the private pursei of the faculty, and will theiefore not be entered in account against the State. To Mr. Dean and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Strong and others, we are aspecially under obligations for proffer of hospitali'y and entertainment - also tn Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Matthewson for kindly grtetings after the work of the day was done. Oxford Globe. The State Pre.s Association of Michigan held their annual session at Ann Arbor on Tuesday last. Ye editor coneluded to take in the tituation, and so on Monday last left for tho scène of action. The mombers of the Ann Arbor prees had taken every precaution to have everything arranged for the comfort and convenience of their brethren of ihe press, so that there was not a single jar iu the proceedings. The business meetings wero characterized by much good ti cling and harmony; in fact, there was haidly opposition enough to make the session spicy. By an inyitation from President Angelí of the University most of the afternoon and a portion of the cvening was spent in visiting the grounds and different parts of the University. ()ur limited time and space this week inakes it impos.sible to give a full desciiption of where we went and what we saw. President Angelí and the faculties of' tho University did everything in their power to make the visit of the association pleasant and profitable. The crowning glory of the whole affair was the supper, and the speeches following after. We sha 11 at snme future time speali: more fully of the University, its advantages, its needs, and tlie work it is doing. By au arrangement of ;he Ann Arbor press, tho citizens enter;aincd the tDemberaof the association durng their stay in their ciiy. Our lot was MMt in a pleasaut place, at the residence of' Mr. II. Cornwell and family, where we were ent!rtained in a very cordial and rieodly manner. wa slmll ever lemember hem with kindly feelings, and hope that their future may be prosperous and happy. Detroit Advertisc. The largest gathering of the Michigan State Press Association ever held was that ■onveiifd at Ann Arbor, Tuesday. About Tn eiliiors and publinbers were in iittendnce, many of thein kO0ompnied by their wivea nuil daqgbters, and cotuing from all of the State, eren as far nnrth as l!ig !i;iii(is. Tho looal press of Ann Arbor and the good people of the University oity displaycd a genius for hospitality hitherto unknown upon such occasions. The ors were niet at tlie depot with free omnibus ticket to "up town," and the citizens gcnorally thruw open thiir houses for the (■iitrrtiiiiunciii oi' the litiüsts. No efforts were spared in any quarter to give the press of' Michigan au agreeable impression of the piaoè, and thoroughly well they succeeaed, An address of weleomc was read hy Mr. 15. A. Beal, of Tuk Ann Arbor ('oililk, and responded to by (ieorge F. Lewis, of Saeinaw. A formal invitation to visit the University was tlien extended by President Angelí and duly accepted, :it'ti r which the compiny separated for d inner, 'lbo next thioe in order was the isiting of tlie various places of interest in the Univen-ity city, atU'i' which, in the eveoing, the as.-ociation re asspiublod in tlie law lecture room of tbc Univer-ity building and ccncluded one of the most pleaaant laiherings ever held by the roen bers of the press in Michigan. bugliiHwian, Jan. 31at. Tlie annual meeting of the Michigan Press Assoeiation hela at Ann Arbor last Tuesdáy ws one of the mout satihfactory meetings the Assoeiation hasever held, and one that will we believe result in more lasting benefit to the fiatetnity tban any that has hert tofore leen held. Tbe hospitality of the citlïena of' Ann Arbor as beautiful as it was bount.ful; not tendircd with the Hare of bugles and the thunder of drum?, with pfoeéMMK, yrotoehuics ir the tedious tnmfoolety of terpsichnnan tip and teeter, hut quiet, and albeit the plan was perfect and oomplete, with such individuality in itf. details that every guest had some special measure of en erteintni nt, and all learned wliat all are dclifrhtcd to ac knowledgu, that the private haam of Ann Arbor aie "juf-t lovrly," and her people such supurb entertaint r.i have a nght to live in the most enlihtcmd city of the most prosperous .State in the Union. The delegatos betWferJ seventv and eighly in number, acenmpanied by their wives and daughters, their sisters, th'ir eousin, and ihpir meces, were met aíthe decaí Ia memtern ui the local prese, and oarriapei were rtady to convey tin m to the s veral homes an.-igned, or to tbe (Jourt Huase wiiere the meetins; was held. Coldwater RepubllcHii. The meetiog of the State Publihers' Asi-ociation at Ann Arbor on Tueaday was well attended. The businos done in the interest of printers ov pnblishers was very nieager; but the privilege of visiting the city where is located one of the noblest institutions of' learniiif; in the wurld certainly wa9 good pay in return for the pilgriuiage made. The vaiious faculties of' the University through President Angelí invited the assochition to tuake a tour of the building?, v8Íting class rooms, lecture rooms, librarles, museums, operative rooms, etc. They found everything in good working order, the property in good shape, and the uew buildings progressini; rapidly toward coiupletion. The hew museum building, built by the liberality of' the people of Michigan, ia to be a íireproof building, detached froni the rest, and the finest on the grounds. No person can visit the University without receiving something of the spirit of karning and culture presiding there. We wish more of tho people might make a pilgrimage to Ann Arbor; we should bear less couiplaint about the expense of' the higher education. The higher tbe education of all the people the more permanent will be our Republican institutions. Oakland (,'ount y Advertlscr, Jau. 31. The annual meeting of the State Press Assoeiation was held at Ann Arbor last Tucsday, and was the largest and most eujoyable one ever held. About 70 editora and publishers were present, some with their wivos and daughters. The citizens of the Univeraity city and the local press of Ann Arbor displayed a degroe of hospitality that was quite remarkable. At the depot the visitors were met by the presa of Ann Arbor who had hacks to convey them to their tB8gni6cent new oourt house, where a shot t session was held. An invitation i 'i. T-..1,] tl... lrALiilfmt tak 1.. Luí!' ï tllc f'acnlty of the Unirersity, to inspect that admirable institution of learning in the afternoou and take tea wiih them at six o'clock. The assoeiation adjourned to re convene at two o'clock, and the members were taken to the homes of the citizengand royalty treated. The editor of this paper was the guest of Joe T. Jacobs, the genial cloxhier, and his amiable and accnmpli-lud wife, during his stay in the city, and had every comfort and eonvenience placed at hirt diüiposal. A swilt rido aiound the city behind his fine sleed fully convinced us that the place was all that its residmts claitued for it. Fllnt Democrat, Jan. 31st. The Association convened at Ann Arhor on Tuesday, the 27ih inst., and was tho largest ever conventd in the tétate. About seventy ediiors answend to the roll cali, who were froni ncarly all parts uf the State. Free backs were in resdineet on our arrival to oonvcy us to thoir splendid hpw Court House, where tho first sessiun was held. Rice A. Beal, of The Ann Arbor CoüHIER, welcomtd the aasneiation to tbe University City in a ntat and impressive speech, which wa recponded to by Geo. F. Lewig, of the Saginawian. President Angelí extended a cordial invitation to visit the University? and see its actual evory day work, whirh was duly accepted, and the time was fixed for 12.45 o'clock. The bospitable citizens were on hand and invited the members to their homes; and right hero allow us le sav the local pttm and the citizens generally did cverything in tbeir power to make our visit pleaaanl and agreeable, and we have no doubt that many eulogistic thiugs will be said of them by the various papers represenled. We hope so, for they deserve tbem. .Michigan Tribuno, Hiiltle Creek, Jl The annual meeting of the State press, at Ann Arbor, on Tuesday last, was largely attended, and was fraught with more than tbe nsual benefit and enjoytnenf. This statesten rOodéred powibj, not only by the hospitality and courtesy of the imal prtss, but by the efforts of President Angelí and professors to present the Universily in its every day life. lt oceumd to us that the visit on Tnosdsy af'tornoon to this great educational institution of the State, was a most important om ; lor what class of citizens have gmttf need of' tbe infbrmation tü be derivcd tbereJby tban the press. It is especially in thcir line of dnty to niold public opinión, md by this ilu-v shoulil fooi more than ordinary interest in the welfare of the University. The great body of the people who pay taxes to support it, depend ror duur koo wiedde of its nianagcuient, ïte woik and its wants, apon tbe oewflpaper, It may be a question wlnther, in the past, judicious use has been uade of tbe meatis rapplied by tlie State, mt there will haidly be any of the preat who visited the University on Tuesday to luestion its present need of ftirther aid tced City Clnrlon. The Miohijtan l'rcss AssoOikthM berd its ccond annual sessitm ut Ann Arbor, oommenuing last Tuesday. Souic seventy editora were in attendauoe. They were ïandsomely received by the people of that ity, and a fine time was bad. Waynn County Review. We had the plea-uiv, last Tuesday, of attending t!ie anuutil meeting of tlie Michigan State Press Associatiun, ho!d at Ann Arbor. The different delegat ions were met at the depot by the iücaleuiun)ittee, and escorted to the new court houi-e, the use of which was kindly tcndered to the association, by the authorilies, lor their morning session. After organization, R. A. Beaf, of The Ann Arbor Courier, delivered an addrew of weieome, which was responded lo by Ueorge F. Lewis, of the Saginawian. In the afternoon the assoeiation proceeded in a body to the Univer.-hy, by invitation of President Angelí, and duly inspected tliat institution in all its departrj;cnts. The following were clecled officf-rs of the association : PrenideDt- Rice A. Itoal.Ann Arbor. Vlce-Pretildents- h. A. Cunean, Jsllrs; Geo. F. Lewis, Saglmiw; M D. Hiimillon, Moroe. Trcaurer- K. K. Grabill, OreenvtUe. Secretary- E. 8. HOékln, Kellevue. The thanks of the associatiot are duc R. A. Beal, the University fnculty, press and citizens of' Ann Arbor, (bf their untirine efTort8 to rnake this meeting a success, and br their liberal hospitality. Ypsllnnti Commercial. As yet recorded, the largcst pathering of representatives of the Michigan press asembled at Ann Arln.r on Tuesday last"? It fas a griet' io many that Col. Bureiiih, of the Democrat was out of town, ut no atieotions to the guestt rere spnred by Messrs. Beal and YVaterman, of The Courifr ; Dean and Myrriek, of the Regï-t . i ; Jiailey, of the Argus; and Bower, of tho Democrat. Ti e people i f Anu Arbor were to the la.-t duurte hopitahlc, and the faculty bLowed tl.eir kindntss by throwing open the Univt rsity to the in-pection of the visitón, by an enjoyable tea, and by granting the use of one of the lecture rooms for the evening session of the tion. A passing glance at the University showed thtt it was doing a girat and pood work. One of the greatest needs of the institution is cndownirnt.-: ai.d certamly tl. o time mis RiiiVKU vwien me wealthy citizens of Michigan should strive to perpetúate thtir namrs by connecting thein wilh the buildings and the prolessorships of the Univeri-iiy. Charlotte Republican. The annual gathering of the Michigan State Press associatimi was held at Ann Arbor, Tueeday thei'Vth uit., and was the largest g:ith ring of the kind ever held in the State. Between 70 and 80 editors and publishers, soiue of them aceompanied by their wives and daoghters, were present, The people of Ann Arbor and the local press did everything in their power to render the visitors comfortable, meeting them at the depot with carriages, and entertaining them at their homes in the iun4 hospitable and cordial tnanner. Noeffort was spared in any direction to give the press of Michigan an agreeable impression of the University City und right well the succeeded. After visiting the University in the afternoon the faculty entertaioed the press sang with a luott elegant repa.-t in the main building. After dinner speeches followed and a general good time was had. All business was finished that evening and the associationadjourned, each meraber bearing away with them a kindly feeling for the city and University. Big Raplds Ploneer-Magnet, Keb. 5. About seventy editors and publishers of Michigan newspapers assembled in Ann Arbor on Tuesday, I27th uit., in response to an appointment for a meeting of' the State Pres Association. It was the largest assemblage of the kind ever held in the State, and was maiked throughout by hearty interest and good humor. The meeting was called to order in the court house at 11 o'clock a. m. ly (lio. P. Sanford, of the Lansing Journal, President. A weluoniing address was dclivi red by R. A. Beal, of The Ann Aübor Courier, and responded to by Fred Lewis, of the Saginawian. About an hour was spent in perfecting membenhip and paying dues, afier which the meeting aJjourned lili two P. M. pBs and hopit;ible people of Anu Arbor had made ampie provisión fbr entertaiuing the newspaper traterniiy at their homes. It was our good fortune to be the guest of K. J. Knowlton, Esq., and to him and his estimable fámily we are under many obligatiun. Greenville Independent, Ft'b. 5. Th annual meeting of the State Press Association at Ann Arbor la-t week was a ileaant and profiiable affair. Ovtr stventy-five membersof the pre.-s were in attendance, soiue ot whom were accoiu) anied by Unir wives or daahtera. The Ann Arbor press, in conjunction wiih other citizens, made the mo.-t complete anangement for the entertainmonf oftba astoeiulion. meeting theui at the depot vú h eairiages, and ■mUdídj them to tlie t omes of citizens. The editor of the Independent and wite ere ho-pitably entertaincd at tlie residcnce of B. BroWB, wliere we hail a iuol e rdiul wtlcome trom Him l'iliie Binwn, 'ornierly a teacher in Greenville iul'lic rooooU. A vote of thanks w_as tendered the press and citizens of Ann Afbor and Univer-ity faculty fbr their hospiialiiy and nnmerous courteii., imd the assuckuimi ailjourntd. Alblou Republican, Jan. 3Uth. It was pst f ioi fortune to altend the meeting of the State Press Aw-ociaiion, at Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, and to meet personally mnny whose ñames are familiar to ui through their papers, The nuinberof editors and publidiers in attendanco was quito largo, all puta of the State biing represented. In behalf of the people of Ann Arbor, Mr. R. A. Bed, of' The Courier, welci med the fentleruen of the pretslo the city, and it is hut just to say, tlie citizeus eniertained their gue-its handsomely. Pi ident Angelí tendeicd an invitation to vi.-it the University in the aftemoon, and partake of a banquet in the evening at one of the University halls, which invitation was accepted. Another week we purpose giving an account of what wesaw going through the University. Qross I Jikc News. Deur reader, as we promii-ed you last week, we went to Ann Arbor on Tuesday "an1 eed mos' oue hundred and sixt.v editars" at the meeting of the State Press Association held at that place. Big editew, littla editen, oM edrton, yonng editors, and indifferent editors, f'roin all over the State were in attendanee. After the business of the asseciatiun was all transaeted, an invitation from l'resideut Augcll to visit the Michigan Univereity was accepted, and at precisely half past twn r'clock that largo body of wie men started lor faid iottitntlOD. 'Ihey were well pleased with their trip tbrovgb the different depiirtinents of that graml 8tite inslitution, nest week we will give our readers a i-hort sketch of its workings and our opinión of the Univeiity. M -■ ui New. About seventy-five Michigan editors atiended the eonvention at Ann Arbor, on Puesday, and they were reeeived with most 1-ittering hospitalily by the good citizens if this "modern Atbeih" In theevening ;hey were treated to grund banquot by ;he faculty of the Utihcisitv, und were ntertaiued with gpeeebe? frono President ngell and Mveral distinguished editors. (Concluded on fourth page.) Mate Press Assoclation. (Coucluded from flrst page.) Dowagtac Republlcau, Feb. 4. About seventy papers were represented at tbe meeting held at Aun Arbor last wiek, iml a very pleasunt tiuie waa enjoyed. The editors, led liy that tiger of'tbo Michigan prOBfc H. A. Beal, and the citizoDS ot Auu Arbor, exerted themselves to make it as pleasaot as possible for all at t.'inlnii'. ín tbe evening the pencil pushMi s it down to a fine collation f'urnished by the Univoisiiy, and in wliich soiue 200 invited guests participated. Some witty and huiuorous speeches followed, OtOfMned witb college songs by a choir of studeuts. It was a very enjoyable occasion, and every panOD there eould but endorse the view held by President Angelí, ihat a largor and bt tter room was needed for tbe library building and a largor number of books. Mt. ( lemetig Monitor. The meeting of ihe Michigan Press Association at Ann Arbor, Tuesday, was one of the largest ever held. Some 75 newspapers wore represented. Tbe session was I leas to business than to the having of a good time, but was prolitíc of good results to no inooosiderable degree. The uddress and papera listened to were of great merit and the visit to the Uniyersity an eveut til' interest. Oue of the important stepe taken at the meeting was the app riiitmeut of a committee toreport amendBMDta to the obsolete law of libel that preva.l- iu this State. Bollevue Gazette, Jau. '9. The aiiim.'tl meeting of' the Michigan State Press Association, which was in tession at Ann Arbor on the 27th inst., was a vrry large and i riterest) tig gathering. By invitation of President Angelí, the entire a.-suciatii n Fpent a half day in inspecting the insiilu workings of' the State University, nnd were givon a banquet at the Universily in the evening. The entire associatiou were also entertained by the best liiiz'iis during their itay in the city. IIowcll nopublican. The second annual uieeiing of the Slate I'p s Aï-sociation met at Ann Arbor Tuesday, and contiuued through Wednesduy. Tbe meeting was a very successful one and generally enjoyed. R. A. Beal, of The Ann Ariiob Courier, was elected president for tbe coming year. Homar Iudex. We wuuld tender our thanks to J. N. Bailey, of the Argus, and Rice A. Beal, of The L'OOBIU, for the favors recnived during our attendance at the Michigan State Press Association, held at Adii Arbor, last week. nig Raplds Current, Feb. 5. The State Press meeting at Ann Arbor last week was a pleasant and profitab'e affair, according to all accounts, seventyseveo knights of the quill beinic present.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News