Washington Letter

Wrltten for The Coukikr. WaShinuton. D. C, Veh. It, 1S80. Opinions vary greatly ns to the effect of üenator G'ameron's success in liaving the 'cnnsylrania convention instruct the delegates for Grant in a body. It is well unlerstood that the unit rule wjll not hold ,ood in the National Convention; and hetctore, if tliey chose the delégate from hat or any other State, thcy inay vote for whom they prefer. Nobody disjutes that the delegation was divided, thsit i large prolortion of them are tor Senator Blaine; and it is said they will vote for hlm even on the first ballot in the National Convenion. The larger nuniber of Republicana regret thecourse pursued by Mr. Canieron, thinking that the delegation of that or anv other Stute should be allowed to act tlieir own inclination; and it is useless to deny hat Senator Blaine would have had a con;rolling influence in the Pcnnsylvanla delegation, had a fair contest been accorded the voters in all the districts, instead of having the local committees appoint deleegates to the State Convention. Ilowever, licpublican harmony will be maintaincd, notwithstanding the Canieron raethod fines ofiense to many who believe that the Republican party should be devoted to more hone8t and free elections than to the tricks of the caucus. The public are becoming alarmed at the course of De Lesseps, the French agent, who is pushing the work of tanaUhig the Isthmus of Panama. It is surmised that he represents the French Government solely in bis enterprise, and that it is proposed to have that Governnient control the work, should it ever prove a success. Now this would bc a dangerous invasión of this continent by a European nation, and should not be allowed. Congress should and will take some decided notice of it, Ud nniintiiin the Monroe doctrine that the American continent should be controlled by Anicricaiis alone. With proper management our own people are able to do all that anybody can do to promote the interest of coramerce. The sub-committee of the Indian commission have made a report which convicts Mr. Hayt of gross oftenses while acting as comuiissioner, and justifies his dismissal. Probably this will lead to further investigation and radical changes in the Indian system. Mr. Morryman, of Maryland, president of the National Agricultural Society, bas obtained from a Congressional conuuittce a favorable report upon a bilí to iiicorponUt his society, and thereby raake it more usoful to the agricultural interests. It will turn out to be avery important moveinent and agricultural comniittes should give it all the encourageuient possible.