
RAILROAU&. M IUHIOAN CENTRAL RAILKW D Time Table.- May ;,, 1870. Home wtBT. - i A i I i! i . ?w . ♦, ïrw a.m. a.m. p.h. p.. r. a. p. i Detroll...Lv. 7.00 .35 5.55 3.55 8.10 ño O. T. June... 7.15 1U.O0 6.10 4.10 8.45 10.10 WayHeJunc 7.52 10.28 6.42 4.36 .57 10 42 Ypsllanti 8.20 10.48 7 05 4.55 2 11.04 Añil Arbur... 8.40 11 U0 7. 6 20 9.3 11.20 Uexter IjM 7.56 6.37 9.69 Chelsea. . 8.11 550 10.15 OrasxLake.. .50 S.35 6.10 10.38 P. M. A. M. Jackon..Ar. 10.15 9 00 JackaolL.l.v. 10 20 12.15 6.30 11.18 12.45 Albion 11.04 12.50 7.. 11 H 1.20 Marnt.all 11.50 130 _ o 8.03 12.25 1.40 p . 5 3 BattleCreek. 12.19 1.55 ? 8.82 12.50 .. 1 A. M. Galesbnrg.... 12.53 a.m. 05 1.20 Kalamazou... 1.15 2.:f7 S.ihj UB 1.38 2.41; Lawton 1.53 5.33 2.13 Decatur 2.10 5.50 2.81 Dowauiac... 2.35 .13 2.."7 Míe 3.05 4 07 8.56 8.80 4.15 Biichanau.... S.M 1JV7 3.15 ThresOak.. :!.iíi 7.:!2 NewBnffiüo. 4.O.! 4..)" 7.4.r 4.27 Mich.ciiy.... 4.: 4..v s.:i Lake 5. 18 6.12 8 5 5.48 6.11 Kcn-ilijlon. 6.00 W.M) .40 U.40 1 1(1 Chicago.. Ar. yso irn tjo boo UOIH6 KART. i 4 ái Sil U it a.m. a.m. r. a p.m. p. m. Chíca(!..Lv. 7.00 .00 4.1K) 6.15 8.10 KcneiuKton. 7.5(1 9.50 4.5(1 6.05 10.1 0 Luke 8.38 5.42 ti 6 10.43 Mu-h.rity... .25 11.13 (.: 7.411 ll.Sll Nw lfulíalo .47 11.30 6.55 11.5:! Threeüakí.. 10.02 7.18 _... Buchanan.... 10.32 p. B. 7.:tó ._ '....'. Ntles 10.45 12.15 8.05 9.(Ni W.4II Dowaulac... 11.13 .: l.M Decatur 11.3H 8.57 I.4U Lawton UJH M-15 a.m ! I..'7 Kalamazoo.. 12.S3 1.40 9.50 6.50 IO.iS Z.SÍ (isleeliurK-... 15L88 7.08 Battle Crei-k 1.28 2.15 jS 7.4U 11.10 1.10 P.. 3 Maranall 3.25 3 (X) ?" 8.06 11.37 t.4 Albion 2.52 3.21 8.35 IÍ.Í 4.12 A.M. A.M. Jackson..Ar. 3.40 fMkjOD,XT. 3.4Ó 4.05 7 15 9.30 UN) -.00 Oraea Lake.. 4.10 7.38 9.50 ._.... Chelsea 4.40 8.02 10.07 5.50 Dexter 5.00 8.16 10.1 6.05 AnuArhor... 5.20 5.10 8.45 10.3' S.05 6.25 Ypeilanti 5.37 5.24 9.00 10.48 2.20 6.41 Wayn.Junc 6.01 5.45 .& 11.0 3.44 7.(5 O. T.Jnnc... U.S3 6.15 H.ÓB 11..'5 3.20 7.4". Uetrolt...Ar 6.4S 6.80 10.10 11.50 3.35 8.00 Sunday ex epu-d. aturda) & Soiiday exceptedtDally. Hinkt C. Wentwobth, U. B Lkdiaku, G. P. t T. A., Chicago. Gen'l Svp't., Dtir i' TOLEDO & ANN AKBOR K. K. Time Card oí ov. 23, 1879. OOINU NUHTU. 80IBU HTH. s " T S, = 8TAT1O-N.. = o. M " - M H 3 _ _ A.M. P. M ! " t .3O ta.OO Lv Toli'do Ar. W X J8.10 8 5 02 Norih Toledo B II 5 U 5.1 Hautho i! .O1 r, ■:- Samarla. 9 1M ■?? 'i ? Llu i X S. 49 Munrui' Juncti'in.. v I' w '.i ;i 5.69 Dnndee I. '" Macou. . ''-''I 9 45 6.IÍ Amalia 8.M 6.58 fl.50 6.27 Milán 8.11 L■ 10.07 li.SII Nnrn 05 6.34 10.14 8.40 Urania J. 6.28 10.2(1 6 .Vi „..Ypstlanii Junction, 7.48 6.18 +10.40 t7.0ö Ar Ann Ar'or Lv. t7.85 t b 05 tDally, exceptSuud.tye. Fluir ftailons. The Local I 'rettrht golug norlh, ]eave Toledo at 10.40 a. m.. iirriviiiL; t Aun rtor at 2.10 p. M. Ihe Local Ffipht, lolM Htb, WT Ann Arbor at 11.80 p. ., arrlvmK at Toledo ai 3.35 p. m. will lie run by('olmlns tlrae. as shown oy the dock in ihe Saperlntendeo'"í offleo at Toleu. J. M. ASBLXT, .Ir , Bnseilntoi dent. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOK ÍIESTOKIXG GKAY 11AIB TO ITSNA TUR AL VITALITYAND COLOR flpSfÍ j prcdiíjpoíiition. all turn 2HvBdRhRESw prematurt-ly. v voftC'íáíSEur't ' 'lli Provl'D !'líil '' ronfwa thc pewtb ; and always iilrely reítorcB ití color, whnn faded or uray. It Btlmnlate th" nnlritive orran t" hi-althy ctiviiy. and preurvcs bmh Um Iniir nuil iu beauty. ThnK bras .y, weak or l(■kl.v halr becomet losy, pliahle aud ■IreBgttanad ; loet h.itr rt'urcws wlth llvely exprcenltm ; falllnv halr i chucked aad established ; thin halr thickens; and faded orgrfty haira cmiibm iluir original ct)lor. lis optTation ia Bnre and harmK'8-. lt cuit-c dandrnff, bcalB all humor, and ki-epo thc tcalp cool, clenn and soft - under which conditioni dieape ot' the scalp are impossible. Ak a dressing for ladlee' halr, trw Vmon i praleed for itp ínitefnl and aureeable perfume, and valued for tbe ion lustre and rlchuess oí tone II lm PREPAKKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical CheniW?. Sold by all Druipt nd Doalers In Medicine. K73-1O1H ,.i,w LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Singla Machine-made II iriu'- Í6'00 Magie Hand-made Hainesa. 86 Single Nicklc plated BanuM U.O0 to .OO -rrap HarncBS. 30 00 to 3S.00 Ugbt DoaUa Harneas _ 25 00 to 50.00 All Urlitle "5 to 4 00 Whalebone Whip "5 to S.OO Good HlankctB Wl to 6.00 Up Robe 21 '" 7-0Ü i.rytall.edZincTnink8 3.00 to 9.00 Alo a larire stock of Horae Kurniil lag O-l [ lii.itom Pi km J. C. BURKHARDT, i. 4 Huron Mtreet, 9;i7tr Anu Arbor, Midi. A LL KINDS OF BLANKS PKINTII) ON SBOHT SOT1OB 1T THE COL' KIEK JOB ROOMS.