Annual Clearing Sale

-♦- 1 - MACK & SCHMID In order lo prepare Ilieir Ktock for inventor), offer, for the noxl tliirl) d:ij, Ilieir DEHSTTÜRIE STOOK! I liroiijfhoul the Establishment at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES BevardleM of the great advancc In meriliaiuUnc of cvery kiiil. Oiir object i lo earry s few Oool over as iill-, and to make our clearing Hli' oT i;r:ii advantnc to the public. THE GRE ATEST B ARGAINS i:i:ie OFFBRED l W AKKOlt. REMNANTS AND SHORT LENGTÏÏ of all kinds of DRY G00DS makke: iow to barcaiv fmicBS.
Mack & Schmid
Dry Goods
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier