
CIokIhk and Opcnlnif of .Hall. Vlalls leaving Aan Arbor, kust and West, wlll alaM 'h follows : OOIWO WKST. Way Mail 8:30 ■ m riiroiiKli aml Way MUI west of Jack1 5 10:40 a. m and 4:.)0 p. in. --iv M.iïi between Ana Arbor and jiickson ,Sp"m" Chicago aml beyoiid ":S0 p. rn. QO1NO KAST. Detroit pouch. S:30 a. m. Turougli aml Way Mali 10:25 a. in., 4:oU p. m. Eaatero Ualll iitiibuted at s aud 10 a. m., l ra. and li:lOp. in. Wi-.Mrrn Mal. .listributed at 6:10 p. m. ChlOMIO Muil üisitribiiled at 8 a. m. Jaokaon Hall and Way Mail belween Jack8on umi A.DU Arbor rtistrtbuted ut 11 a. in. M:ill l.y Toledo Kailroad doses at 140 p. m. Toledo Ballroad Mali dltrlbuted at 8:00 a. in. The iuhII to WhlUnore Lake, Webster and Brlirliton l.-uv.s Tuwdays, Tliunidays and Satardaya al I a, m., and la mvived from these plaoea Mondayt, w edneadayi aml Ki Iday at fouro'clock p. m. CHA. G. CL.ARK. P. M. Xravelcr' Uulde. rrnins arrlve and depart from the Mlcnlgan ('■ntral Drpot in Uils city a follows: TKAIN8 BAST. Attuntle Express 2.05a.m. Mgbt Kxpress 6.'1.' a. tu. FaokaOD AivniiiiniKlatlou 8.15a. m. linin.l lüipiils Express 10.35 a. in. Day Express 5.10 p. m. Mali 5.aup.m. TRAINS WK3T. Mal! 8.40a. m. press U.iiOa.m. Uraud liaplds Kxpress 5.20 p. m. on Kxpress 7.35 p. m. KvenluK Kxpress 9.8 p. m. PiClttc Express 11.20 p. m. All tralns are run by Chicago time, whlch Is tl . n talnntM sluwer laan Aun Artxir time Krienda of The ('iiurirr, n hu have lni-.nn- " at tlie ou rl, wlll p lease iiiiu-. .lml:i' Harriman to ui' ii d l"i i ii t i ii ií lo oflloe.