
Lknt bapM last Wedneftdcy. The law firiii ot fawr & llaniilton has been diwolvtd. Mr. A. DxFoUR has taken rooms at the 'Jhandler House. The present term of the circuit cvurt will close on Satunluy. There aro sume changes in church meuibership just at present. The sales of real estate throughout the county are becotninK more numerous. An infant son of Mr. N. P. Hill died on Monday, of inflammation of the luns. Ma. James P. Clements, one of the pioneers of Dixboro, died on Sunday last, H. M. Goodrich lias bees eleoted one of the historians of the State Pioneer Society. Tuis wenk Mr. Win. J. Billings closes out the Horrick stock of groceries and fixtures. Company A will be inspected by the o iliincl ooiumanding ou the eveuing of Mareh 8th. _ The address of John R. Clark before the n l'niiii club, last Sunday, is highly riiiiiMUMided. St. Patrick's Day (Maroh 14th) will be celtbrated in this city by a su]per at Uangfcterfer's. _ A nkw overcoat betonginf to Clay Oreen was Btoleo l'roii) i'.liain' billiard saloon, Monday evening W.M. Burk is now the owner of the Grenville property on Wwbiogtoo street. l'rice paid, $5,000. An infant son of S. O. Andrews died at Paw Paw, la.-t Saturday, wheie Mrs. Andrews was vifiting. F. lt. Sntdkr, supervisor of Di-xter, having resigned, James M. Lyman has been appointed in hn place. Ma. Gko. McCokmiok, of Salem, recently marketed five turkeys that drenad 2U poonda eaeh on an average. The Young People's Societf of the M. E. ( 'hurch hold a social at the residence of Mr. R. A. Beal, Saturday evening, the Hth. By daniming up the water, Hangnterfer & Co. have been enabled to gct six-inch ice, which they are now indu-triously putting in stock. The readers of The Courier will he interested in the artiele frora ex-supervisor Wynkup, which appears in this issue, entitled "Salem Survey." The Scio Maennerchor brass band made muic on our streets yesterday. They carne in to do honor to the I. O. O. F., to which order maiiy of them beloog. Tuk concert given by the Choral Union in the Presbyterian Chuich, on Tuesday evening was wcll attended, and superior to the first one given this winter. Tms mild spring like weather astonishes the oldest inhabitant. Those who have logB to haul are praying for the snow to come, but she don't, allee samec. Tuk Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. are holding their annual session ia this city. As all work is done with closed doors a report of proceedings is impossible. We are in receipt of the Jacksonville Daily Sun, Florida, which says that Joe T. Jacobs and daughter arrived there lFeb. 7th. Weather cold, with a heavy fall of snow. Mr8. N. H. Pierce has gone to Detroit, where she may remain for -everal weeks, enraged on the Pot-t and Tribune, for which she has been work ing on a salary in this place. Fred Rapp entered into bonda in the puin of 200 to keep the peace for six ïnonths. The complainant was Martin Nagle, of Scio, who said Rapp had threatened to shoot him. We devote all our spare space in The Courier this week to remarks of the State press upon the last meeting of the State l'r." .Wociation in this city, which wil! be read with interest. TiiEexpected parade of the uniformed patriarch, of Detroit, on Thursday, was postponed because a large nutnber of tbeni work in the Pullman car work s, and were unable to get away because of press of busirit ,s. The following candidates were admitted to practice in the courts of the State by Judge Morria, last Wednesday : Geo. M. Cone, Emmet McFutes, Jno. M. Russell, Horace H. Markham, James H. Martin, T. R. WilcoxsoD. Mr. Fred. Schairer, who clerked for Mr. C. H. Millón for thirteen years, anc fr Mr. Jofaa N. Gott for two years, wil couiinence tho dry goods business, for him felf' the fir.--t of April next, in the old stand Mi. Schairer is well postcd in this business has numerous f riends, and we wish him sec in his new venture. The following high school juniors wil takc part in the exhibition which takes pkea March l'Jth: Uxnu: Bell, Celia Burke, Junnic G Cornwell, Carrie Hendrickson Clarie Hayley, Ada Kellogg, Zada Rhodes, Adell Wheeler, all of Ann Arbor N. D. Corbin, Obuiestoa, S. 0.; Rober Davison, Alraont,; McClellan Kay, WatM ka,; II. W. Ncvins, Penis, all of Illinois Artbur Roberts, Plaiowell, and Iliram II Sober, Ypsilanti. The next entertainment of the Students' 'ecturc Association will be given in University hall Saturday evening, February 21st, bythe famous Young Apollo Club, of' Vew York. Vocal music is tbeir specialty, and Bessie IiOuise King lcading soprano. Next week Friday Mr. J. B. Willis will frive the next social for the red ribbon club. i) addition to the usual prograimue of' instrumental and vocal musió there will bc an attraetive play placed on the stage and the whole will conclude with a laughablc farce. The following nieuibers of the county ociety have been elected delegatos to the State Poniological Society : S.W. Dorr of Manchester, J. D. Daldwin, Rev. E. A. Spence, Emile Baur, and J. J. Parshall of Ann Arbor. J'lie society unanimously agreed to invite the State society to hold ts next annual meeting in tuis city. Mr. D. W. Martin, of Detroit, who about onc year ago, went to Colorado for lil h altb, and from there to Aiken, South Carolina, n-cently died at the lattor place, a telegram to this effect was received here n MonJay last. The deceased was a relative of Mrs. A. W. Ames, of this city, and the remains will be brought here for nlerment. Mr. Wm. McCrery is in receipt of a et'er written by some of his relatives in the northern part of Ireland, and they say they lave plenty of everything they need. It ia )Osible (hat the stories about starvation in 1 fsted Ireland have been sotnewhat exaggerated. But there is little doubt but what they are rather hort of provisions in tho souihern part of the country. The reform club will celébrate their third auniversary next month. Charles ioylan, chairtuan of a committee of seven o as-it him, will tnake all needed arrangements. T'niversity hall will doubtless be -ecured for a few evenings. The Rgents could not do anything that would so much ■tdvanoe the temperance sentiment among the students, as to grant the club the use of the hall. Rev. Gideon F. Draper and Miss Mira E. Haven, were married in Syracuse, January 28th. The groom is the only child of Rev. Gideon Draper, of the New ï'ork Conference, now stationed at Tarrytown, and the bride is the youngest daughtor of Chancellor E. O. Haven, of &tyracuse University. They will sail frora San Francisco for Japan about the lst of March, and expect to devote their lives to missionary work in that country. - [New York Jhri.-tan Advocate. It will be renietn)ered ihat Dr. Haven was formerly president of Michigan University. On the 17th Patrick Dillon, of York, tave bonds in the suua of $500 to keep the peace for one year, the complainant being Jeanette Millage. On the lOth Prosecutin,: Attorney Emerick tried him at Milan on the charge of assault and battery, preferred bf Lydia Ann Horton, and he was sentencod to sixty days in jai!, where he now Mgnishea, .'-o that for the next sixty days lis boii'lsnien, who are prominent men in that seution, will fear not for their respon sibility. There is a regular Dillon Millage "eud raeiüg in that township, on ejtherside of which is ranged manyof the inhabitants, and we should not be surprised to learn of some crime being committed by those interested. The jailing of' Patrick wiil only add !uel to the flames. On Wednesday Mrs. R. Waterman sent $17 and two large dry goods boxes full of clothing to the colored refugees in Kansas. Some of the goods were new, and some nearly o, and are probably worth $100, and really much more than this to those poor destitute people who are actually dying for the lack of proper food and clotbing. Thi charitable work of supplying thef-e people with food and clothing will have to be continued until they can get work next summer or raise somethiiig for themselves. But a small fiaotional part of the city lias yet been canvassed for this humane purpose, and when we realizo that there are at present 20,000 destitute men, women and children who are appealingto those who have homes and plenty to eat and wear, to send them out of their abundance, we know they will not appeal in vain. Mrs. Wm. Hulbert, raother of James Hulbcrt, informa us that our article two weeks ago is not true in all respects, and does them injustice. She says that James did not threatcn to put a ball through his father's hrad, but did thrcaten to put one through hisown head if his parentsdid net help him. She alfosays that her husband had never been in fear of his life and sat up ail night for fear, and they had never given James one-third of $10,000. James carried the bonds and mortgages to lii-i father-in-law's, and they have all been returned. Mrs. Hulbert says that the whole matter has been a source of great trouble to them, and that she feels grateful to relatives who have shown such a deep interest in the matter by spcaking consoling words to them in their deep troubles, instead of trying to annoy them. We have just issued for Mrs. Lou. Reed Stowell, M. S., a small pamphlet entitled, "A Study of Some of the Starches." The study is conducted by means of the microscope, which, as a means of investigaron in this direction is superior to chemistry. The author says " Chemistry is adapted to the detection of mineral substances used for adulteration, but the microscope may be used for all organized structures.whether vegetable or animal." With the microscope we are enabled to detect the presence ol woody fibre, and generally the plants to which it belongs, while by the means of chemistry we eimply detect its presence. The starch contained in the potato, wheat, bean, corn, rice, oats, buckwheat, etc., are successfully treated in an interesting and instructive marnier. it is admirably illustrated. The price of the work is only fifteen cents. The committee consisting of the Mayor, Chief Engineer, and Alderman Martin, to inspect public buildings, and order such changes as the law requires and they deem necessary for the egress of people in case ol fire, have visited the firet ward school house and directed that the north and south front doors open outward, also the storm doors. At the opera house the doors at main entrance were ordered to be made the ful width of the stairway ; the side (north) entrance to be provided with suitable stairs, landing and railing; windows on north ene of ttage to be made into a door witli stairs outside as an exit from ladies' dressing rooms ; stage doors made to open outwards and provided with bolts instead of locks, and that a light be placed in main entranct at font of stairs during entertainuients. Ai the Congregational Church, the north anc east outside doors, also the north basemeni doors, were ordered changed ?o as to open outward. At the M. E. Church the main front doors, north and south front doors, the three boiler room doors were orderec changed so as to open outward, also the door near the pulpit to open outward from tho auditorium. The law regarding the protection of public gathering in case o fire is all right aud should be strictly enforced.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Zada A. Rhodes
James P. Clements