Fire Department

Editor Codrier- Bear Sir: It seems as if' the tiuie liad come whcn the tax-payers of this city thoold look into and see what the needs of the fire dopartment are. I ihink it the duty of' each and every taxpayur and business man to takc interest enough in what may jut prove to be of' vital importance to our city by rot having proper attention. Once more the chief of our fire department has cime befure the coinmon council, staring its needs, and the couocil has appointed a comniittee, who will report favorably on the requeat made by him. Now the council will have to cali on the tax-payers to vote money i'or the purchase of the much needed supplies. I would ask each tax-payer and business man to thoroughly investÃgate for himself the needs of the fire department, and then he can judge from pereonal knowledge if the appliances asked for are not absolutely necessary for the safety of our city against fire. I should like to he ir from others in regard to a matter that has not been, but should be, of interest to us all ; I should add, without waiting for a disastrous fire. Yours rcHpectlully, ONE OF THE COMMITTEE.
Ann Arbor Fire Department
Letter to the Editor
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier