Reform Club Notes

Aller consideratie aicKcring ana a great deal of " repoiting " on different property offered them, the reform club building committec annnunccd an ofiFer made theui bj Mr. VVai. Burke, of a lot 66 x 132 feet, on the corner of Washington and Fifth streets, for $2,500. This offer, after looking over all oiher propoMtion?, was deemed the most desirable on every account of any yet i'ffered the club, it being $4,100 less than Mr. Morgan's lot of the same diniensions, on the iauie t-treet, within one block of the site here offered. The committee was inslructed to secure the same, and to cali on Judge Cooley and procure the papers for the assotïation that he had agreed to draw up in a legal ehape, so tbat they could go to work on a solid foundation, and present the ?ame to the club at its business meeting next Wednesday evening. Th band question was then brought up, and it was stated by a member of the same that a split had occurred in that organization. The subject was inentioned after the adjournment of the business meeting a week ago, but as the exact amount necessary to repay the Otto faction for the money pubscribed by them was not known, nothing was done by the club (with the exception of a subscription of some $30, which was raised at tbat time) until last evening, when it was reported before the society that the band needcd $125 to buy up such claims, and asked the loan of that sum. On motion the club decided unaniniously to loan the amount asked, without interest; and the treasurer was instructed to draw a check on the bank for the same.
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