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Circuit Court

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The following business has been transacted in the circuit court, Judge Morris presiding, since onr last report: Stephen J. Chase vs. Walter A. Holcomb and Agnes A. Holcomb. Discontinued on raotion of the pluintilf. without costs. _ Thomas Wilkinson vs. Otto Oulach. For recovery of the piïce of a colt, $14. Verdict, no cause of aetion. Emma J. Doyle vs. John Shemeld. Keplevln of stock of tobacco and cigars. Verdict for plaintiff, six cents damagea Defendiint granted 30 days in which to lilo and serve bill of exceptions. Upton Maiuifacturiiifr Co. vs. David Jackaon. Jodgemont tor plalntiff for amount claimcil due on a threshing ma chine. Hüam Batchelder vs. Robert E. Doupclass Accounts, notes etc. ín dispute to the amount of 300. Verdict for complainant Benj. Allen vs. Peter Madden. Defendint fii-aritcd 1 1 1 to :ind iiichuling Friilay, Feb. 18 to move for ncw trial. A. E. llcuctt vs. Garrison Underhill, et al. Attorney fees. Judgment for plaintiff $125. Minnie Ortbritig, by her noxt Griend, Herman Ortbring vs. Jacob HaselschweiiH. Aotion for slander. Verdict for plaintitf $350. Thomas Wilkinson vs. Otto Dalach. Plalntift granted 40 Uays to lile and serve bill of exceptions. Petition of Hiram G. Combs for discharge of mortgage. Petition granted. Fred Durheim vs. John Kuehnle. Slander case, on trial.