Real Estate Sales

The following real estáte sales have beeü recorded in the register' office since our iast report : WARRANTY. IJobert K. Ailes to AndrewR. Peterson, an equal undivided one-fourth of lots one iini two and the Lyman acre (so called) in block eleven in Ormsby and Page's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, and grist and flouring mili thereon, mili race and all the ri(?hts and privileges enjoyed by the grantor, in and to sajd proporty. $3,898.George Denner to Frederick Mayer, land in the township of Lodi, section 24. $262.50. Lucy Burke to Lucy A. Bennett, lot 27, R. S. Sraith's addition to the city of Ann Arbor. $350. John M. Gakle to Frederick J. Feldkanip, 80 acres ofland, section eight, township of Lodi. $4,400. Isaac T. Dunn to Adam Mayer, 40 acres of land, section 19, township of Ann Arbor. $2,400. Alexander McColluin to John Hildinger, 40 acres of land, section 25, towoship of Manchester. $2,400. John Hogan to E. P. Camp, all that Fractional part of lots five and sïx, block Tour, north of Huron Street, range six eafct, lying east of Detroit street. $2,500. Kmnia E. Carter to John H. Nichols, one ioot in width on the south sidc of the brick building on lot 14, block three south of Huron street, range nine east, city of Ann Arbor. $300. E. R. Camp to John Hagan, 80 acres of land, section 10, township of Ann Arbor. $4.000. Oscar L. Robinson et al. to John Martin Gakley, 851 acres of land, section 27, 33 and 34, township of Lodi. $6,000. John H. Feldkamp to Gottlob Schaible, 100 acres of land. section one, township of Sbaron. $6,400. Archibald D. Mclntyre to Amos Y. McIntyre, 160 acres of land, section 27, township of York. $6,000. Elizaleth Gaylord to M. E. Keeler, 80 acres of land, section 18, towndhip of Sliaron. $650;
Public Notice
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Robert K. Ailes
Andrew R. Peterson
George Denner
Frederick Mayer
Lucy Burke
Lucy A. Bennett
R. S. Smith
John M. Gakle
Frederick J. Feldkamp
Isaac T. Dunn
Adam Mayer
Alexander McCollum
John Hildinger
John Hogan
E. P. Camp
Emma E. Carter
John H. Nichols
Oscar L. Robinson
John H. Feldkamp
Gottlob Schaible
Archibald D. McIntyre
Amos Y. McIntyre
Elizabeth Gaylord
M.E. Keeler