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...Can squcezing a pcrson in a crowd be tenued '"A liberty of thc presa?" ...Prof. Samuel Dickcy, of Albion college, prcached in the M. E. Church, Sunday raorning, ...The last dance for thc season under thc au- lieos of the uiasons was held last Monday night, in Costello's hall. ...It is certain that soiue of our girls understand that 1880 is a leap year. Why not improve your privileges? ...The " social " element of Doxter had the privilege of eating ice cream when the mercury was gropinp around zero, last week. This certainly .should have kept all hi'.-uls cool. ...The Hon. S. L Carey, of Ohio, will lecture on the cvdfcings of Friday and Saturday, February20 and 21. Subject of fir.-t lecture, " Mistakes of'Mosesor Ingersoll, which ? " The tecond lecture will be on temperance. ...The ladies of the M. E. Church are engaged in providingfundsfor renovatingthe church, an improvement which they expect to undertake in the spring. Their recent entertainments and socials, the proceeds of which are designed for this object, havo been very suecessful. ...Prof. Diekey spoke before thc reform club la.t Sunday night, on " Wha should be the relation of good people to the liquor traffic ?" He discussed the i-ocial, the religious, and financialaspects of the question, followed by three propositions, as to what could be done with it : First - Let it alone. Second - Regúlate it ; and, third- Suppress it. He was not in favor of letting it alone, and said that attempts at regulation had ever proved a gigantic failure. That compromise with an evil had always failed, and put in a plea for prohibition. ...Something novel in the line of "socials " was held Tuesday night in Costello's hall. We noticod it last week. '" Minnis' social " for the Dexter Reform Club, upon the Ann Arbor style. A number of Ann Arbor people were here, and some took an active part in thc exercises. Minnis' full orche.-tra furnished the music. Comic songs by Master Fredie Blisf, cornet solos by Master Paul Minnis, probably the youngest cornetii-t, who plays in public. He was heartily applauded after playing "Home, SweetHome" with variations. Tableau - "Night" - and quartette by Mrs. ''"■" ot.n.k, Mib MoOiulier, Mrs. Rockwell and Mrs. Bliss. These were both very fine and much appreciated by the large audience. Picólo solo by Master Fred. McOmber was excellently rendered and caüed out much applause. Cornet solo by II. P. Sutton- "Blue Bells of Scotland," with variations was well executed, as it was a difficult pieoe. Harkins and Granger in song and dances, clogs and specialties, amused thc fun loving part of the audience. A farce entitled " The LostSatchel " by Harkins and Gran ger. The entertainment closed with a play, "A trip to the Black Hills. " This is an outline of'what was to be had for 10 cents. The hall was full, literally full, and every body seeuied much pleased. SALINE. ...The siumps bas attacked some of the children. ...David Berdan, father of " Cub," is in town on a visit. ...Guy Willard is home and reports things lively in Canada. ...Ed. Bickfor bas dtsposed of his farm and will remeve to Dakota in the spring. ...John Fenerbacher has nearly completed his new house so as to be ready for occupaney. ...Willie Valentine, who is home on a visit, expects soon to return to Minneapolis, Mimi. ...Real estáte is held at high prices on some of the streets. For a lot 24 by 100 feet the owner asks $2.000. ...The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Barr, that had been a cripple from birth, died on Monday morning. ...The remain8 of the late A. K. Clark were rcccntly taken from the Lodi vault and interred in the Saline cemetery. ...Joshua Forbes, an old resident and respected citizen, died on Tuesday morning last. Funeral was held on Thursday morning at 1 1 o'clock. ...Mr. Joseph Kyte and Miss Sarah Allen were married at the residence of the bride' s father on Thursday, Feb. 5. They (ook their departure for a wedding tour in Canada, where tkey have relatives. ...Mrs. Boise, State temperance missionary, addressed a full house last Saturday evening. She also organized a young ladies temperance society, whieh society held a meeting Monday evening and suceceded in getting 53 names. ...Frank Howard and Adam Stang are having trouble over a horse, each claiming the animal, and the ludicrous spectacle of two able bodied men attempting to make the horse go different ways, on the street was put an end to by the town marsbal who dispersed the crowd and took charge of the horse. YPSILANTI. ...The city is now engnged in coffee roasting on an extensivo male. ...Mr. Charles Moore will soon sever his coDnection with the Ypsilanti Commercial to enter the field of journaliton in Detroit. Mr. C. II. I'utti.Hoii will then again wield the editorial pen on the Commercial, of which lic will asBume control.