Lippincott's Magazine

The opening article n Lippincott's Magazine for Fcbruary, " A Day with the Ottawa Chaatier Men," by Frederic G. Mather, gives a lively account of' tlie lumbcrmen and much information about the resources and prospecta of the great Canadian forest lands, with uiany good illustrations. "Old and New Roucn' is the first of' two illustrated papers, by Edward King , describing in his usual flowing and gruphic style the most picturesque and iuteresting of French provincial towns. The eighth chapter of Dr. Oswald's " Suiumerlaud Sketches," also illustrated, carries the reader to tho delta of the Sumasiota river. 'A Future Capital of tho United States" is a short, wtll written paper, discussing the claims for Kansas City to occupy this position at some future time. In the fiist of two carefully written papers on "Decorativo Art and ite Dogmas," the writer, M. G. Van llensselaer, whilo acknowledging the great improvements in our interior embellishniciits during rceent years, points out the danger of treating the principies to which this progress Í3 muinly due as final and universal axioras. "The Bonapartes in Exilc," by Arthur A'enncr, is a very entertaining paper, supplementing and correcting an ariicle on the Bonaparte fauiily in a recent nuuibcr of Harper's Magazine. Under the titleof'The Peasant Land of Lorne," C. N. Lamontc gives a pleasing sketch of some of the Helride Islauds, the scène of Mr. B'ack's Priucess of Thule and Macleod of Dare, and part of the future inheritance of' the MarquU of Lomo. " Wildwood Studies" is a similar but more amusing tketch of' life in the backwoods of Virginia. ''Adam and Eve," the new seri:d, by the auihor of Dorothy Fox, introduces in the present nuuiber sctnes and characters which will be new to American readers. There are ali-o two very agrccable short stories by Margaret Bertha Wright and the author of " The Clifton Picture," a poem by Elaine Goodale, and the usual variety of reading in the '"Monthly Gossip" and "Literature of the Day."
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