
liï.AIM J N0T1CES. On Monday cvening, Feb. 16th, at the resideDce of Mrs. ADgell, Judge Waples will lccture upon " The Wisc Men of tho Easf," for the benefit of' tbe ladies library. All are cordially invited. Aduiit-sion ten cents. Ely's üream Bulm cures Catarrh without the unpleasant cffects of snuffs or liquida. See advertisement elsewhere. [925-976] Cnrefl of Extreme Ifebility. Stratfoud, Ont., Aug. 1, 187 1. Having beconue almost entirely cured of extreiue debility through ib" use ol Fellows' Coinpound Syrup of Hypophosphites, 1 teel it but just to put tlie fact on record. My oase had resisted all other medicines, but succumbed to threo bottles of Fellows' Hypophosphites. (J. H. Robertson. lincKliii's Aruica Sub ■'. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcer?, salt rheuiu, tetter, chariped hands, etiilnlains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect s;iu.sfaction in every case, or money refuuded. IMee 25 cents per box. For sale by L. S. Lercb, Ann Arbor. 935-986 Nature's Sluicc-way. The kidneys are nature's sluiee-way to wash out the debris of our constantly changiug bodies. If they do not work properly the trouble is feit everywhere. Then be wif-e, and as soon as you see signa of disorder, get a package of Kidney-Wort and take it faithtully. It will clean the sluice-way of sand, gravel, or slime, and puiify the whole system. Tlie Word "Sozodont," Which has already beuome a housihold word, is derived from the Greek, aod coniposed of two woids, Soz.t and U Juntes, "Sozo" trans'ated, mean to preserve, and "üdontes," the teeth- "SOZODJNT," a preserver of the teeth. And it is true to its name. It beautifies and purifies the teeth, hardens and invigorates the gums, and eorrects all impurities of the breath. The odor of this pure preparation is so delightful that it is a luxury to applv it. It is as harmless as water. Sold by druggists and perfumers. c.7ii-97 5 Take Warnliig. Directly around each bronchial tube where it enters the lungs, are about 20,000 minute air cells - in the entire lungs 600,000,000. A slight cold producing bronchial inflammation, a gathering of phlegm and a slight difficulty in breathing quickly involves the 20,000 air cclls, and finally, if not remedied, the whole 600,000,000 become clogged witli pus whioh much be healed or Ufe will soon termínate. The world's great lung remedy, Dr. Kinqs New Discovery for Consumption, readily heals and pernianently cures the very worst cases of lung diseases, Coughs, Colds, tickling in the thrqat. , Hoarseness and diffiutty or l)rcathing, in the shortest iiuic possible. Trial bottles ten cents. For sale by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 973-986