
"POR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres In the western part of the State, valued at $,000, which I will exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BBAL. TO FRUIT 6R0WEKS and ÖAKDENERS. Twenty acres Tor sale on reasonable terms, by n. ROOKIis- two miles west of Ann Arbor, on the Dexter road. Good buildings. Fourteen acres in larze and smult fruita of the beat varieties. The balance is the beet quality of land for pardentng. Alto boase and fonr lols in the flfth ward, Ann Arbor City, for sale cheap. Bnquire of H. ROUBR8, on the prcniisea, or of J. Q. A. SESSIONS. m Tr. b. vo-vnivi. Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1880. 973-986 "D F. BOYLAN, Real Aseaey. Farms and Boases bonght, eold, rented, re)alrcd and insnred. Office at WOLVERINK 8TORK, 930tf Corner of Hurón and Flfth Streeta. W. TREMAIN tT-Tn-NTiHiT?, A T . iniï in OFFICE A.T A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE irih Brltlsh I iiNiiraiu Comp')' (of LoDdon and Edinburgh,) Capital f 13,000,000, Qold. Detroit Flrc and Marine Ina. Co. Cash AsseU f 000,000. Sprlngfleld Ins. Comp'y. I1ii., Cash Aaseta $1,800,000. Ho ward Ins. Co., of New York, Cash Asaets I1,UU(,000. Agrlcultural Innuritnec Comp'y WATKRTÜWN, - NEW YORK, Cash Assets 1.200,000. Losses liberally adjusted and proiuptly paid. TT To Inventors and Mechanics. Fatenb and llu to Obtaln I hm. Pamphltfts of 60 paes frec, upon recelpt of stampB for liontai't'. Addrets GILMORE, SM1TH CO., Sollcitors of Patenta, Box 81, 923tf Waahlncton, D. C. pOAL! CO AL! O. W. 8HIPMAN, Mlnur and wbolcsale dealer of the celebratod BRIAR RIDGE GOAL. alo- Dealer in Hard Coal and Pit; Iron. Orders promptly ttlled. Office, 90 Grlswold streot, Detroit, room S. 963-10M
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News